Available with Business Analyst license.
Saving your custom report
Once you've created custom reports, you can save them. They are immediately available from the Business Analyst Run Report menu. All custom reports are saved on the C: drive and each report is located in a folder with the template name. Within the saved folder are XML-based files of the report style and structure.
Saving a report template involves the following steps:
- Go to File > Save or File > Save As to save your reports.
- To rename or delete report templates use the Catalog view. Available templates are located under Business Analyst Repository/Report Templates.
Publishing your report to ArcGIS Online
You can design and publish your custom report templates to the ArcGIS Online so that it can be run by others in your organization either through Business Analyst Desktop or the Web application. Additional features include:
- Support the creation and editing of reports based on online data.
- Support custom logos and metadata—for example, data vintage or data source.
- Share custom reports with your organization and groups through ArcGIS Online.
- Support the discovery, and running, of online reports that are stored in ArcGIS Online.
- Shared reports can be run through REST services.
To share your report template you will need to perform the following:
- Once you have saved a template you can publish and share with others in the ArcGIS Online
Go to File > Share... to bring up the Share Report Template dialog:
- Add a template name and check sharing options to available organizations and groups. Click OK.
Using shared reports
To access report templates that are available on the ArcGIS Online you will go to File > Open from ArcGIS Online. This will bring up the following window with a list. The templates are grouped by owner.