The Meter Reference Guide element is a sample 10,000-meter grid square that illustrates a sample 1,000-meter reference and provides a set of instructions and examples that allow you to compose standard grid references. It also contains diagrams for identifying the grid zone and grid square designations within the map sheet.

Once inserted, the Meter Reference Guide element defaults to using the extent of the active data frame to determine the UTM grid zone destination. Double-clicking the meter reference guide allows you to access the Meter Reference Guide Properties dialog box.
The Update Dynamically check box on the Meter Reference Guide Properties dialog box is checked by default. Unchecking it allows you to modify the settings, including entering the grid zone reference number in the Grid Zone Designation area. The grid zone designation is the UTM zone and letter associated with the latitude.
By default, the color for a JOG Meter Reference Guide is cyan; however, it can be changed in the Appearance area of the Meter Reference Guide tab on the Meter Reference Guide Properties dialog box.
When inserting a meter reference guide, a red box is displayed when one of the following occurs:
- When zoomed out beyond 1:250,000.
- The coordinate system is unknown.
- The Update Dynamically check box is checked and you attempt to input an incorrect scenario.
- Start ArcMap.
- Verify that the map is in layout view.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Defense Mapping.
- On the Defense Mapping toolbar, click Defense Mapping > Surround Element > JOG Meter Reference Guide.
A meter reference guide is displayed in the map layout.
- Double-click the meter reference guide.
The Meter Reference Guide Properties dialog box appears.
- Click the Meter Reference Guide tab.
- Uncheck the Update Dynamically check box.
The Layout and Grid Zone Designation areas become editable.
- Click the JOG option in the Layout area if necessary.
- Click one of the following options for the grid zone designation:
- Single—This option allows you to enter a single grid zone designation in the Grid Zone Designation text box.
- Multiple—This option displays multiple Grid Zone Designation text boxes for defining additional UTM grid zone designators.
- Verify that Grid Zone Designation is populated correctly. If not, edit to reflect the correct zone.
- Click Color in the Appearance area to choose the color for your meter reference guide.
The default color is cyan.
- Click OK.
The JOG Meter Reference Guide element is generated.