When producing nautical charts, you collect each individual chart in its own geodatabase. Depending on your library, you may have to join these individual charts. You may also need to reproduce only one chart in a multiple-chart library. This could require two geodatabases: one for production and a second for maintenance. Depending on your choice, you may need to transfer your data into a single geodatabase before you can edgematch it.
Before edgematching can begin, all of the chart datasets need to be combined into one master library geodatabase. This data migration is done by using the DNC-specific Convert DNC GDB To VPF and DNC To Geodatabase tools.
In order to join two individual charts, the source geodatabase is converted to VPF format using the Convert DNC GDB To VPF tool. Next, the resulting VPF data is imported into the master/target geodatabase using the DNC To Geodatabase tool. The master/target geodatabase includes all features and associated notes.rat tables from the original source geodatabase, as well as all the original features that resided in the database prior to the data migration. Following this workflow allows data to be imported from the DNC VPF dataset to an existing master geodatabase. Once you have migrated your data, you can begin the edgematching process.
For steps to migrate your data, see Exporting to VPF from a geodatabase and Importing Vector Product Format (VPF) data.