Available with Standard or Advanced license.
Available with Production Mapping license.
The feature builder has several properties that can be customized on the Feature Builder Settings dialog box including the precision of coordinates, the function library to use, and the spatial reference extent. The Other category contains an option that allows you to set the projection system and spatial reference for the scratch database.
- Start ArcMap.
- On the menu bar, click Customize > Toolbars > Production Feature Builder.
- Click the Feature Builder button
on the Production Feature Builder toolbar.
The Feature Builder window appears.
- Click the Settings button
at the top of the Feature Builder window.
The Feature Builder Settings dialog box appears.
- Click the cell next to Set Current Spatial Information.
This property sets the projection system and spatial reference of the scratch workspace to the current data frame's spatial reference.
- Click the drop-down arrow in the cell and choose True.
- Click OK.