An attribute Function is an attribute whose values will be computed by an applicative function. Configuring Function schematic attribute parameters consists of specifying the component and function that will be executed to compute the attribute values. Function attributes can be configured on schematic feature classes or diagram templates. The steps below explain how to configure parameters for this type of attribute.
To create the schematic attribute itself, you must start with the steps detailed in the Creating attributes on a schematic feature class or Creating attributes on a schematic diagram template topics and select Function when specifying the attribute type at step 6. The steps below concern the specific Function attribute configurations that are expected to be operated at step 7 in those topics.
When selecting Function as the Type for a new schematic attribute, the Properties tab displays as follows:

You then have to specify the function that will be used to compute the Function attribute values:
- Select the name of the COM class module that references the function you want to use to compute the attribute values from the Class Identifier drop-down list.
This COM class module must have been already referenced in the schematic dataset using the New External Reference command.
- Type the name of the function you want to use to compute the attribute values in the Method box.
- If the specified function requires parameters, do the following:
- Click the
Add Parameter button.
This makes a new parameter item to appear in the Parameters column below.
- Click the new parameter item and specify this function parameter.
That is, do one of the following:
- Click the new parameter drop-down arrow and select one of the attributes that has been already created on the same schematic feature class or diagram template.
- Click the new parameter drop-down arrow and select SCH_Object, the predefined parameter name that can be used to reference the related schematic feature or schematic diagram.
- Type a parameter value (string constant, numeric value, and so on).
- Repeat steps a and b if the function expects several parameters.
- Click the
To put an end point to the Function schematic attribute creation, you then need to specify the parameters available in the Storage Mode and Evaluation Mode sections as explained in steps 8 through 11 in the Creating attributes on a schematic feature class or Creating attributes on a schematic diagram template topics.