An Associated Field attribute can be configured on schematic feature classes for which the associated object class is specified. The values for this type of attribute are retrieved from a field stored in the feature class or table with which the schematic feature class is associated. Configuring Associated Field schematic attribute parameters consists of specifying that associated object class field. The steps below explain how to configure this field.
To create any Associated Field schematic attribute, you must start with the steps detailed in the Creating attributes on a schematic feature class topic and choose Associated Field when specifying the attribute type at step 6. The steps below concern the specific Associated Field attribute configurations that are expected to be operative at step 7 in this topic.
When specifying Associated Field as the type for a new schematic attribute, the Properties tab appears as follows:

You then have to configure the field in the associated object class whose values will define the attribute values:
- Choose the field you want to return the attribute values from the Field drop-down list.
The fields in the Field drop-down list correspond to all the fields in the feature class or table with which the schematic feature class to which the attribute applies is associated.
To specify an end point to any Associated Field schematic attribute you have created, set the parameters that are available in the Storage Mode and Evaluation Mode sections as explained in steps 8 to 11 in the Creating attributes on a schematic feature class topic.