When the Reduce Vertices schematic layout algorithm is chosen from the Layout Task drop-down list, clicking the Layout Algorithm Properties button on the Schematic Editor toolbar opens its associated properties dialog box as follows:

The parameter values are those either specified by default by Schematics or specifically set as the default for the schematic diagram template related to the active diagram using the Schematic Dataset Editor Layouts tab for this schematic diagram template.
Angle threshold parameter
The Angle threshold parameter specifies the angle formed by the incident segments over which the vertex related to these segments is reduced. The wider the angle, the fewer vertices are reduced. By default, the value set for the Angle threshold parameter is 160 unless another default value is specified for the schematic diagram template related to the active diagram.
The figures below show the results of the Angle threshold parameter. The iterations number is set at 1 and the segment ratio at 0.5 for each obtained result. Figure 1.1a represents the diagram before algorithm execution. Figure 1.1b shows the initial vertices along the schematic links. They are highlighted with green squares. Figure 1.2 shows the diagram when the value for the angle threshold is 160. Figure 1.3 shows the diagram when the value for the angle threshold is 140.

Segment ratio parameter
Among the segments that compose a schematic link, the Reduce Vertices layout algorithm detects the longest one and computes the ratio between each segment length and the longest segment. If the computed ratio is lower than the specified segment ratio, the vertex that is at the origin of the segment is removed. By default, the Segment ratio parameter value is 0.5 unless another default value is specified for the schematic diagram template related to the active diagram.
The figures below show the results of the Segment ratio parameter. The number of iterations is set at 1 and the angle threshold at 160 for each obtained result. Figure 2.1 shows the diagram before algorithm execution. The green squares along the schematic links are the link vertices. Figure 2.2 shows the diagram obtained when the value for the segment ratio is 0.5. Figure 2.3 shows the diagram obtained when the value for the segment ratio is 1.

Number of iterations parameter
The Number of iterations parameter value determines the number of Reduce Vertices algorithm iterations that will be executed before the final result is shown. The result obtained after the Reduce Vertices algorithm execution with 5 for the Number of iterations parameter is the same as that obtained when executing the Reduce Vertices algorithm five times with 1 set for the Number of iterations parameter. By default, the value set for the Number of iterations parameter is 1 unless another default value is specified for the schematic diagram template related to the active diagram.
The figures below exemplify results obtained when changing the number of iterations. The angle threshold is set at 160 and the segment ratio at 0.5 for each obtained result. Figure 3.1 shows the diagram before algorithm execution. The green points along the selected links are the link vertices. Figure 3.2 shows the diagram when Number of iterations = 1. Figure 3.3 shows the diagram when Number of iterations = 2. Figure 3.4 shows the diagram when Number of iterations = 3.

Restore Defaults button
Click the Restore Defaults button to set all the Reduce Vertices parameters to their default values. The restored values are those either specified by default by Schematics or specifically set as the default for the schematic diagram template related to the active diagram using the Schematic Dataset Editor Layouts tab for this schematic diagram template.