To begin this tutorial, you should have Task Assistant Manager installed. Double-click the Task Assistant Manager (TAM) Getting Started.mxd from the location where you copied the data.
ArcMap will launch with the correct map document. A task assistant workflow is loaded automatically if one is configured for the .mxd you are using.
In this tutorial, no workflow will be automatically loaded initially. However, the tutorial walks through the process of associating task assistant workflows and .mxds, so any subsequent launching of the TAM Getting Started.mxd will cause the associated task assistant workflow to be loaded.
Enabling the Designer mode
To create workflows and steps, you must enable the Task Assistant designer mode for Task Assistant Manager. This part of the exercise guides you through the process of starting the Configuration Manager and enabling the Task Assistant designer mode.
- Click Start > Task Assistant Manager > Configuration Manager.
The (Administrator) Configuration Manager dialog box appears.
- Click the Settings tab.
- Check the Run as Designer check box.
- Click Close.
Configuring the Task Assistant Manager properties
Once the tutorial map document is opened, the properties need to be modified so that steps do not automatically execute once they are clicked.
- If necessary, click the Task Assistant window button
on the Task Manager toolbar to display the Task Assistant window.
The Task Assistant window appears.
- Click the Execute Steps is ON button
on the Task Assistant window.
You can click this button again during execution and testing to enable step execution.
In this exercise, you opened the Getting Started.mxd file. To proceed to the next exercise, click Exercise 2: Designing a new task assistant workflow.