The Edge Match tool allows you to create displacement links that connect the edges of two adjacent layers. To use this tool effectively, you need to first setup the parameters in the tool's properties, available from the Edge Match tab of the Adjustment Properties dialog box, and set an appropriate snapping tolerance. Once you have set these, use the tool to drag a box around the features you want to edgematch. This creates links between the closest source and target features that fall within the snapping tolerance distance.

You can use additional properties to enhance the link-creation process, such as specifying one link per destination point and preventing duplicate links. You can also use attributes to assist with the creation of links by ensuring they connect to features that share common attribute values such as road names and pipeline widths.
These properties, combined with the proper snapping settings, help ensure an accurate edgematch.
- Click the Edge Match tool
on the Spatial Adjustment toolbar.
- Drag a box around the features you want to edgematch.
Links now connect the edges of the source layer to the edges of the target layer.