Available with Standard or Advanced license.
Parcel traverse lines and construction lines in the fabric can be added using Bearing, Distance, and Delta X,Y COGO commands.
Bearing and Distance commands
Instead of typing the bearing and distance dimensions in the construction or traverse line grid on the Parcel Details dialog box, you can use the Bearing, Distance, or Bearing/Distance command on the Construction tool shortcut menu to add lines.

The individual Bearing and Distance COGO commands are useful for forcing the feedback line to either move along the specified bearing or be drawn out to a specified distance.

Use the Bearing, Distance, and Bearing/Distance COGO commands when creating new parcels using the parcel traverse or when adding construction lines. Right-click using the Construction tool and click Bearing, Distance, or Bearing/Distance. Bearing direction units are in the units of the current plan.
Bearings and distances entered through COGO commands are automatically populated in the parcel traverse or construction lines grid on the Parcel Details dialog box.
Delta X,Y command
You can add a parcel traverse or construction line that is based on a change (delta) in x and a change in y from a previous parcel or construction point. Once you have typed in the delta x and y, the bearing and distance are automatically calculated and populated in the parcel traverse or construction lines grid on the Parcel Details dialog box.

Use the Delta X, Y command when creating a new parcel or adding construction lines. Right-click using the Construction tool and click Delta X,Y. Type the distances for x and y in the two text boxes, respectively, on the Delta X, Y dialog box. The distances are from the last point in the parcel traverse or the last construction point.