There are two ways you can transform event measures. First, in ArcMap, if the required transformation is constant, you can use the field calculator. For example, you can use the field calculator to easily transform event measures between feet and miles. Second, you can use the Transform Route Events tool to transform one route reference to another. This output will be a new event table.
To be transformed successfully, the input events must be within a specified tolerance of the routes in the target route reference. The default search tolerance is 0. The output event table contains all the input event table's attributes, but the route identifier and measure location information are from the target route reference.
- Click Geoprocessing > Search For Tools.
The Search window opens.
- Type Transform Route Events in the search box.
- Click Search Tools.
The Search window lists tools that are related to the search string you entered.
- Click Transform Route Events.
- Click the Input Event Table browse button
and navigate to the input event table or layer. Alternatively, click the Input Event Table drop-down arrow and click the input event table or layer.
- Click the Route Identifier Field drop-down arrow and click the route identifier field.
- Click the Event Type drop-down arrow and click POINT or LINE.
- For point events, click the Measure drop-down arrow and click the Measure field.
- For line events, click the From-Measure drop-down arrow and click the from-measure field. Click the To-Measure drop-down arrow and click the to-measure field.
- Click the Source Route Features browse button
and navigate to the source route feature class. Alternatively, click the Source Route Features drop-down arrow and click the source route feature class.
- Click the Source Route Identifier Field drop-down arrow and click the source route identifier field.
- Click the Target Route Features drop-down arrow or browse button to choose the target route feature class.
- Click the Target Route Identifier Field drop-down arrow and click the target route identifier field.
- Type the file name and path in theOutput Event Table text box or click the browse button
to specify the output location.
- Default Output Event Table Properties are set for you. You can change the suggested field names by clicking any of the active drop-down arrows and selecting an alternative value.
- Optionally, type a cluster tolerance, then click the drop-down arrow and click a unit of measure.
- Click OK.