Available with Business Analyst license.
The Create Trade Area From Geography Levels tool allows you to generate trade areas based on predefined online geography levels. These geographies are Esri standard demographic levels.
To select standard geography records, a tabular data file with geographic IDs must be generated from which to create the trade areas. This table will be used to select the IDs from the Input Geography Boundary Layer. Once selected, the features will be exported as a new feature class.
For example, if you want to generate trade areas based on a list of ZIP Codes, you could start by specifying the United States ZIP 5 level. The ZIP Code records are then matched to the ZIP Code boundaries provided with Business Analyst, and a trade area is created with all matching ZIP Codes.
Nonmatching ZIP Codes will not be included in the output trade area. Nonmatching ZIP Codes are ZIP Code records in the Table Containing Matching Geography IDs that are not valid and do not have a corresponding feature in the Input Geography Boundary Layer.