Creates an elevation bands feature class from a Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) raster dataset. The resulting feature class is used by the Elevation Guide Bar surround element to display the high and low elevation areas on a topographic map (TM) using a series of hypsometric gray bands.
Only a single area of interest (AOI) can be selected.
The raster extent must be equal to or greater than the AOI extent.
The Input Hydro Exclusion Features parameter is used for large water bodies and coastal areas that would significantly alter the area of the elevation bands.
arcpy.defense.CreateBandsFromRaster(in_aoi, in_raster, out_features, in_min_area, in_tolerance, {in_hydro_exclusion}, {in_number_of_bands}, {in_contour_interval})
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_aoi | A feature layer that describes the processing extent. The feature layer must have one selected feature and that feature is typically stored in an index feature class. | Feature Layer |
in_raster [in_raster,...] | The rasters to use to create elevation bands. | Raster Layer |
out_features | The feature class that will contain the banding features. | Feature Class |
in_min_area | The minimum area for output polygons. Features smaller than this value will be removed. The default value is 0.00016 square decimal degrees. | Double |
in_tolerance | The tolerance used by the smoothing algorithm. The larger the value, the more generalized the output band features. The default is 0.002 decimal degrees. | Linear Unit |
in_hydro_exclusion (Optional) | The features used to define large water body areas that need to be excluded from the elevation band area calculations. | Feature Layer |
in_number_of_bands (Optional) | Specifies the number of guide bands generated by the tool. | Long |
in_contour_interval (Optional) | Specifies the contour interval used to determine the closest contour available when calculating the band area. Bands are created with their limits aligned to the set contour interval, except low and high values, which will represent their actual calculated values.
| String |
Code sample
CreateBandsFromRaster example (Python window)
This Python sample creates a raster layer from production mapping sample data. The script runs the CreateBandsFromRaster function against the raster layer and writes the output to a file geodatabase at c:\Sample. You need to have the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension and Production Mapping extensions enabled.
# Importing necessary modules
from arcpy import defense, management
# Setting parameters for tool
aoi = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\EsriDefenseMapping\Desktop10.4\ReferenceData\MapIndex.gdb\MapIndex\TLM50_Index'
raster = r'C:\Sample\Monterey.dt2'
outputfeatures = r'C:\Sample\Default.gdb\BandsFromRaster'
minarea = '0.00016'
tolerance = '0.02 DecimalDegrees'
hydroexclusion = r'C:\Sample\MGCP_TRD_4_2.gdb\MGCP\CoastA'
numberofbands = 3
contourInterval = 20
# Creating feature layer and selecting NRN for AOI
selstring = 'NRN = "V795X16573"'
management.MakeFeatureLayer(aoi, 'AOI')
management.SelectLayerByAttribute('AOI', 'NEW_SELECTION', selstring)
# Calling Create Bands From Raster
defense.CreateBandsFromRaster('AOI', raster, outputfeatures, minarea, tolerance, hydroexclusion, numberofbands, contourInterval)
Licensing information
- Basic: No
- Standard: No
- Advanced: Requires Defense Mapping