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ICalloutTracker Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Display)  

ICalloutTracker Interface

Provides access to members that control the callout feedback.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read-only property Bounds The area covered by the tracker including handles.
Method Deactivate Cancel tracking.
Write-only property Display The display used by the tracker.
Method Draw Draw selection indicater. Usually a color outline with selection handles.
Read/write property Geometry Geometry used for tracking feedback.
Method HitTest Check if mouse is over tracker. Return a TrackerLocation to indicate which handle mouse is over.
Read/write property Locked Indicates if the tracker is locked or not. Locked means nodes cannot be moved.
Method OnKeyDown Special keypress processing while tracking.
Method OnKeyUp Special keypress processing while tracking.
Method OnMouseDown Begin tracking move or resize based on the location of the mouse over the tracker handles.
Method OnMouseMove In process move or resize tracking.
Method OnMouseUp Finish move or resize tracking.
Method QueryCursor If the mouse is over the tracker, return an HCURSOR to indicate legal operations based on mouse's relation to selection handles: move resize, etc. Return 0 if mouse isn't over tracker.
Method QueryMoveFeedback The move feedback for the selection tracker.
Method QueryResizeFeedback The resize feedback for the selection tracker.
Read/write property ShowHandles Indicates if the tracker is showing handles or not.
Read/write property Symbol The symbol containing the callout the tracker will use.
Read/write property SymbolGeometry Geometry used for drawing the symbol.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ISelectionTracker Provides access to members that control the managing of selection handle tracking.

CoClasses that implement ICalloutTracker

CoClasses and Classes Description
CalloutTracker Display feedback for callout tracking.