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IClassifyGEN Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (System)  

IClassifyGEN Interface

Provides access to members that control classification.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Classify objects apply one of several methods to statistically subdivide a set of numeric values into classes.

The IClassifyGEN interface is implemented by all the data classification objects (DefinedInterval, EqualInterval, NaturalBreaks, Quantile, StandardDeviation); this is the interface used to pass in histogram data and then classify it into breaks. The ClassID and MethodName properties are used by user interface dialog boxes to identify the classification object and establish what the classification is called.

In general, to classify a dataset, use this interface together with IClassBreaksRenderer. Use the Classify method to add data to the classification; set the number of classes; and generate breaks (typically use the same number of classes specified here for IClassBreaksRenderer.BreakCount). Then apply the classification to the renderer by cycling through ClassBreaks and setting each IClassBreaksRenderer.Break.


Read-only property ClassBreaks The array of class breaks (double). ClassBreaks(0) is the minimum value in the dataset, and subsequent breaks represent the upper limit of each class.
Read-only property ClassID The CLSID for the classification object.
Method Classify Classifies histogram data (array of values (doubles) and a paired array of frequencies (longs)) into the specified number of classes.
Read-only property MethodName The name of the classification method (based on choice of classification object).

CoClasses that implement IClassifyGEN

CoClasses and Classes Description
DefinedInterval Defines a defined interval classification method.
EqualInterval Defines an equal interval classification method.
GeometricalInterval Defines a geometrical interval classification method.
NaturalBreaks Defines a natural breaks classification method.
Quantile Defines a quantile classification method.
StandardDeviation Defines a standard deviation classification method.


The IClassifyGEN interface has been created to use in place of IClassify.