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IDisplayName Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Display)  

IDisplayName Interface

Provides access to members that return the display name of an object.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read-only property NameString The display name of an object.

CoClasses that implement IDisplayName

CoClasses and Classes Description
ArrowMarkerSymbol A marker symbol created from a predefined arrow.
BalloonCallout A filled background that is placed behind text.
CartographicLineSymbol A line symbol for drawing solid or dashed lines.
CharacterMarker3DSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) 3D Character Marker Symbol component.
CharacterMarkerSymbol A marker symbol based on a character from a font.
GradientFillSymbol A fill symbol composed from a ramp of colors.
HashLineSymbol A line symbol for drawing hashed or slanted lines.
LineCallout A series of line symbols that link text to a specified location.
LineFillSymbol A fill symbol comprised of any of the supported line symbols.
Marker3DSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) 3D Marker Symbol component.
MarkerFillSymbol A fill symbol comprised of any of the supported marker symbols.
MarkerLineSymbol A line symbol composed of repeating markers.
MarkerTextBackground A marker that is placed behind text.
PictureFillSymbol A fill symbol based on either a BMP or an EMF picture.
PictureLineSymbol A line symbol composed of either a BMP or an EMF picture.
PictureMarkerSymbol A marker symbol based on either a BMP or an EMF picture.
SimpleFillSymbol A fill symbol comprised from a predefined set of styles.
SimpleLine3DSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) Simple 3D Line Symbol component.
SimpleLineCallout A simple line that links text to a specified location.
SimpleLineDecorationElement Simple Line Decoration Element.
SimpleLineSymbol A line symbol comprised of a predefined set of styles.
SimpleMarker3DSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) Simple 3D Marker Symbol component.
SimpleMarkerSymbol A marker symbol comprised of a predefined set of styles.
TextMarkerSymbol (esriTrackingAnalyst) Class used to create a text marker symbol used to symbolize point geometries.
TextSymbol A symbol that controls how text is displayed.
TextureFillSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) Texture Fill Symbol component.
TextureLineSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) Texture Line Symbol component.