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IEngineEditTask.UniqueName Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Controls)  

IEngineEditTask.UniqueName Property

The unique name of the edit task.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public ReadOnly Property UniqueName As String
public string UniqueName {get;}
HRESULT get_UniqueName(
  BSTR* Name

Parameters Name [out, retval] Name is a parameter of type BSTR

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.


Returns the UniqueName of an engine edit task. 


The out-of-the-box "Create New Feature" and "Modify Feature" engine edit tasks have IEngineEditTask::UniqueName properties of "ControlToolsEditing_CreateNewFeatureTask" and "ControlToolsEditing_ModifyFeatureTask" respectively.


It is recommended that, as with the out-of-the-box tasks above, the UniqueName string is composed of two parts, the compiled DLL name and the name given to the task by the author separated by an underscore character. To set the IEngineEditor::CurrentTask loop through the edit tasks available to the EngineEditor using the IEngineEditor::TaskCount and IEngineEditor::Task. Then use the UniqueName to identify a specific edit task. Do not use the index to uniquely identify an edit task as this can change as new tasks are added to the application, and do not use the IEngineEditTask::Name as this is not necessarily unique.

See Also

IEngineEditTask Interface

.NET Samples

Feature editing with the control commands (Code Files: FeatureEditing)