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IRESTResource Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (System)  

IRESTResource Interface

REST resource metadata object.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method AddOperation Adds child operation.
Method AddResource Adds child resource.
Method FindChildOperation Finds child operation, non-recursive.
Method FindChildResource Finds child resource, non-recursive.
Method GetOperations Returns enumerator for operations.
Method GetResources Returns enumerator for immediate child resources.
Read/write property IsCollection Specifies collection resource.
Read/write property IsDefaultCollection Specifies 'default' collection resource that can be accessed without explicitly using its name in the URL.
Read/write property IsStatic This flag marks resources that do not change over time.
Read/write property Name Resource name. Used in IRESTRequestHandler's schema generation and url parsing.
Read/write property RequiredCapability Required capability for the resource.
Read/write property SupportsETag This flag is only for a root level resource. If this flag is true, IRRH implementation supports ETag.
Method ToJSONObject Converts resource object to JSON representation.

CoClasses that implement IRESTResource

CoClasses and Classes Description
CoRESTResource IRESTResource coclass