Provides access to members that control the simple line symbol.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.
ISimpleLineSymbol is used to create a line symbol comprised of a predefinded set of styles. The availble styles are provided by the esriSimpleLineStyle enumeration. Use the ILineSymbol interface to set additional properties for ISimpleLineSymbols .
All Properties Methods Inherited Non-inherited
Line symbol color.
The style of the line symbol.
Line symbol width.
Inherited Interfaces
Provides access to members that control line symbols.
CoClasses that implement ISimpleLineSymbol
CoClasses and Classes
A line symbol comprised of a predefined set of styles.
.NET Snippets Create Simple Fill Symbol |
Create Line Callout |
Add Graphic to Map |
Draw Polyline |
Create Simple Line Symbol |
Draw Polyline Using Input Geometry |
Flash Geometry
.NET Samples Dynamic biking (Code Files:
DynamicBikingCmd ) |
Display feedback (Code Files:
DisplayFeedbackSampleVB ) |
Custom UI elements using add-ins (Code Files:
AddGraphicsTool ) |
Implementing a schematic digitizing tool (Code Files:
DigitTool ) |
Executing geoprocessing tools in the background (Code Files:
RunGPForm ) |
Add a traversal result to the map (Code Files:
AddTraversalResultsToMap ) |
Creating a toolbar of globe tools (Code Files:
PolylineElement ) |
Triangle graphic element (Code Files:
TriangleElementClass TriangleElementTool ) |
Create a custom tool (Code Files:
DrawGraphicLine ) |
Add and symbolize a historical temporal layer in ArcMap (Code Files:
AddTemporalLayerButton ) |
Custom feedback tool and font drop-down list tool control (Code Files:
ToolSample ) |
Play back tracking data (Code Files:
PlaybackDataButton ) |
Draw text on a MapControl (Code Files:
DrawText )
.NET Related Topics Create a custom tool |
How to create map grids |
How to draw a polyline on the screen |
How to make a line callout |
How to work with IEllipticArc properties