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How to create a multipoint (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)

How to create a multipoint

A multipoint geometry can be built in several ways depending on user input. This topic shows two commonly used methods for efficiently creating a multipoint geometry.

In this topic

Creating a multipoint using points

The following code shows how to build a multipoint using a collection of points. This approach is preferred when you have a sequence of vertices as input.
Public Sub CreateMultipointByPoints()
    'Build multipoint from a sequence of points.
    'Add arrays of points to a geometry using the IGeometryBridge2 interface on the
    'GeometryEnvironment singleton object.
    Dim geometryBridge2 As IGeometryBridge2=New GeometryEnvironmentClass
    Dim pointCollection4 As IPointCollection4=New MultipointClass
    'pointCollection4.SpatialReference='Define the spatial reference of the new multipoint.
    Dim aWKSPointBuffer() As WKSPoint
    Dim cPoints As Long=4 'The number of points in the first part.
    ReDim aWKSPointBuffer(0 To CInt(cPoints - 1))
    'aWKSPointBuffer='Read cPoints into the point buffer.
    geometryBridge2.SetWKSPoints(pointCollection4, aWKSPointBuffer)
    'pointCollection4 has now been defined.
End Sub
public void CreateMultipointByPoints()
    //Build multipoint from a sequence of points. 
    //Add arrays of points to a geometry using the IGeometryBridge2 interface on the 
    //GeometryEnvironment singleton object.

    IGeometryBridge2 geometryBridge2=new GeometryEnvironmentClass();
    IPointCollection4 pointCollection4=new MultipointClass();

    //pointCollection4.SpatialReference='Define the spatial reference of the new multipoint.

    WKSPoint[] aWKSPointBuffer=null;
    long cPoints=4; //The number of points in the first part.
    aWKSPointBuffer=new WKSPoint[System.Convert.ToInt32(cPoints - 1) + 1];

    //aWKSPointBuffer='Read cPoints into the point buffer.

    geometryBridge2.SetWKSPoints(pointCollection4, ref aWKSPointBuffer);

    //pointCollection4 has now been defined.

Creating a multipoint using existing geometries

A multipoint can be created based on existing geometries. In the following code, a multipoint is generated by buffering an existing polyline and getting the vertices of the result polygon:
Public Sub CreateMultipointFromExistingGeometry(ByVal polyline As IPolyline)
    'Build a multipoint from a polygon.
    'The multipoint contains point elements being the copies of buffered polygon.
    Dim topologicalOperator2 As ITopologicalOperator2=CType(polyline, ITopologicalOperator2)
    'Create a buffer polygon of the input geometry.
    Dim geometryBuffer As IGeometry=topologicalOperator2.Buffer(5)
    Dim polygonBuffer As IPolygon=CType(geometryBuffer, IPolygon)
    'Get the points of the buffered polygon.
    Dim pointCollectionBuffer As IPointCollection=CType(polygonBuffer, IPointCollection)
    'Create a multipoint.
    Dim geometryMultipoint As IGeometry=New MultipointClass
    Dim pointCollectionlMultipoint As IPointCollection=CType(geometryMultipoint, IPointCollection)
    'Add copies of the polyline vertices to the multipoint.
End Sub
public void CreateMultipointFromExistingGeometry(IPolyline polyline)
    //Build a multipoint from a polygon.
    //The multipoint contains point elements being the copies of buffered polygon.
    ITopologicalOperator2 topologicalOperator2=(ITopologicalOperator2)polyline;

    //Create a buffer polygon of the input geometry.
    IGeometry geometryBuffer=topologicalOperator2.Buffer(5);
    IPolygon polygonBuffer=(IPolygon)geometryBuffer;

    //Get the points of the buffered polygon.
    IPointCollection pointCollectionBuffer=(IPointCollection)polygonBuffer;

    //Create a multipoint.
    IGeometry geometryMultipoint=new MultipointClass();

    IPointCollection pointCollectionlMultipoint=(IPointCollection)

    //Add copies of the polyline vertices to the multipoint.

To use the code in this topic, reference the following assemblies in your Visual Studio project. In the code files, you will need using (C#) or Imports (VB .NET) directives for the corresponding namespaces (given in parenthesis below if different from the assembly name):