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esriGeometryHitPartType Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.4 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Geometry)  

esriGeometryHitPartType Constants

Describes the parts of a geometry that can be located by their proximity to a query point. Specified as a parameter to the HitTest method.

Constant Value Description
esriGeometryPartNone 0 Not used.
esriGeometryPartVertex 1 Locates a vertex of the geometry closest to the query point.
esriGeometryPartBoundary 4 Locates a point anywhere on the boundary of a polygon, or anywhere on a polyline, that is closest to the query point.
esriGeometryPartMidpoint 8 Locates a midpoint of a segment belonging to a polygon or polyline that is closest to the query point.
esriGeometryPartCentroid 32 Locates the geometric centroid of a polygon or the center of an envelope closest to the query point.
esriGeometryPartEndpoint 16 Locates an endpoint of the polyline closest to the query point.
esriGeometryPartSurface 64 Locates a point anywhere on the surface of a polygon or multipatch that is closest to the query ray.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

.NET Samples

Managing snap agents (Code Files: SnapEditorForm) | Custom vertex editing commands (Code Files: CustomVertexCommands)

.NET Related Topics

Working with the editor snap environment