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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geometry > ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry > Interfaces > IB > IBezierCurve Interface > IBezierCurve.PutCoord Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
Sets the specified (0 <= index < 4) control point of this Bezier curve.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Sub PutCoord ( _ ByVal Index As Integer, _ ByVal controlPoint As IPoint _ )
[C#] public void PutCoord ( int Index, IPoint controlPoint );
long Index,
IPoint* controlPoint
Parameters Index Index is a parameter of type long controlPoint
controlPoint is a parameter of type IPoint
Places a specific control Point into a bezier curve. Control point 0 is the FromPoint of the Bezier curve (also the From tangent's FromPoint), control point 1 is the From tangent's ToPoint, control point 2 is the To tangent's FromPoint, and control point 3 is the ToPoint of the Bezier curve (also the To tangent's ToPoint).
Use PutCoords to set all control points simultaneously. PutCoord should not be use to create a new BezierCurve, use PutCoords instead. PutCoord should only be use to modify an existing and well define BezierCurve.
IBezierCurve Interface | IPoint Interface