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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geometry > ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry > Interfaces > IC > ICurve Interface > ICurve.FromPoint Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
The 'from' point of the curve.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property FromPoint As IPoint
[C#] public IPoint FromPoint {get; set;}
HRESULT get_FromPoint(
IPoint** from
HRESULT put_FromPoint(
IPoint* from
Parameters from [out, retval]
from is a parameter of type IPoint from
from is a parameter of type IPoint
Returns or Sets the FromPoint of the first segment of the first part of the curve. While the curve may be composed of many parts and segments each with their own FromPoint, each curve only has a single From Point.
ICurve Interface | IPoint Interface | ICurve.QueryFromPoint Method | ICurve.FromPoint Property | ICurve.ToPoint Property | ICurve.QueryToPoint Method