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ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geometry > ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry > Interfaces > IC > IConstructMultipoint Interface > IConstructMultipoint.ConstructDivideLength Method (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK) |
Places points along the input curve each seperate by the specified distance.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Sub ConstructDivideLength ( _ ByVal inCurve As ICurve, _ ByVal separationDistance As Double _ )
[C#] public void ConstructDivideLength ( ICurve inCurve, double separationDistance );
HRESULT ConstructDivideLength(
ICurve* inCurve,
double separationDistance
Parameters inCurve
inCurve is a parameter of type ICurve separationDistance separationDistance is a parameter of type double
Constructs a Multipoint consisting of the endpoints of the Curve and the points along the length of the curve spaced a given distance apart from each other starting at the curve's From point and ending at the To point.
If the final inner point is too close to the To point, that inner point is not included in the constructed multipoint.
//This example demonstrates how to use ConstructDivideLentgth
private void ConstructDivideLength()
IPoint centerPoint=new PointClass();
centerPoint.PutCoords(10, 0);
IPoint fromPoint=new PointClass();
fromPoint.PutCoords(0, 0);
IPoint toPoint=new PointClass();
toPoint.PutCoords(0, 20);
ICircularArc circularArcConstruction=new CircularArcClass();
circularArcConstruction.PutCoords(centerPoint, fromPoint, toPoint, esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise);
IConstructMultipoint constructMultipoint=new MultipointClass();
constructMultipoint.ConstructDivideLength(circularArcConstruction as ICurve, 10);
IPointCollection pointCollection=constructMultipoint as IPointCollection;
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Number of points is: " + pointCollection.PointCount);
Sub ConstructDivideEqual_ConstructDivideLength_Example()
Dim pCArc As ICircularArc, pConstructMultipoint As IConstructMultipoint
Dim pCenter As IPoint, pFrom As IPoint, pTo As IPoint
Dim ptc As IPointCollection
pCArc=New CircularArc
pCenter=New Point
pCenter.PutCoords(10, 0)
pFrom=New Point
pFrom.PutCoords(0, 0)
pTo=New Point
pTo.PutCoords(0, 20)
pCArc.PutCoords(pCenter, pFrom, pTo, esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise)
pConstructMultipoint=New Multipoint
pConstructMultipoint.ConstructDivideLength(pCArc, pCArc.Length / 11)
Debug.Print("Number of points is: " & ptc.PointCount)
End Sub