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CatalogUI Library Contents (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > CatalogUI > CatalogUI Library Contents (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (CatalogUI)  

CatalogUI Library Contents

The CatalogUI library provides user interfaces including property pages to support objects contained in the Catalog library.


Interface Description
IAGSConnectionAdminDialog Provides access to members that control the Connection Admin Dialog.
IAGSObjectAdminDialog Provides access to members that control the Server Object Admin Dialog.
IAGSObjectAdminDialog2 Provides access to members that control the Server Object Admin Dialog.
IAGSParameterPage Provides access to members that control ArcGIS server parameter pages.
IAGSPublishToolboxAdminDialog Provides access to members that control the Publisher Admin Dialog.
IAGSSOEParameterPage Provides access to members that control ArcGIS server object extension parameter pages.
IAGSSOEParameterPage2 Provides access to members that control ArcGIS server object extension parameter pages.
IAGSSOEParameterPage3 Provides access to members that control ArcGIS server object extension parameter pages.
IArcIMSQuery Provides access to members that let you modify a query.
IAttributesEditContext Provides access to attributes edit context.
ICoordSysDetailsPage Provides access to members that control the Coordinate System Details Page.
ICreateRasterCatalogWizard Provides access to methods that control the raster catalog creation wizard.
ICreateRasterDatasetDlg Provides access to methods that control the dialog for creating a Raster dataset.
IDataAdder Provides access to members that control the data adder.
IDataFrameShapeDialog Allows for the selection of a shape that is derived from a data frame.
IDataFrameShapeDialog2 Allows for the selection of a shape that is derived from a data frame.
IDescriptionWindow Provides access to members of Item Descrition Window.
IDocumentDatasets Provides access to members that control the document datasets.
IEditEvaluatorContext Provides access to the edit evaluator context.
IEditEvaluators Provides access to the edit evaluators.
IEnumGxView Provides access to members that control the EnumGxView.
IEvaluatorEditor Provides access to an evaluator editor.
IFeatureDatasetDialog Provides access to members that control the dialog that creates a new feature dataset.
IFileSystemQuery Provides access to members that manage the file system XML search engine's properties.
IFindDialog Provides access to members that control the operation of the Search dialog box.
IFindDialogSettings Provides access to members that control how the query appears in the Search dialog box.
IGeographicCoordinateSystemDialog Provides access to members that control the Geographic Coordinate System Dialog.
IGxAddOGCConnectionDialog Provides access to members that control the Add OGC Connection Dialog.
IGxApplication Provides access to members that control the Gx Application object.
IGxApplicationEvents Provides access to events fired by the ArcCatalog application.
IGxBrowser Provides access to members that control the GxBrowser.
IGxContentsView Provides access to members that control the GxContentsView.
IGxContentsViewColumn Provides access to members that control the GxContentsViewColumn.
IGxContentsViewColumns Provides access to members that control the columns of GxContentsView.
IGxDialog Provides access to members that control the GxDialog.
IGxDocumentationView Provides access to members that edit metadata.
IGxDocumentationViewWindow Provides access to members of IGxDocumentationViewWindow interface.
IGxGeographicView Provides access to members that control the GxGeographicView.
IGxGeographicView2 Provides access to more members that control the GxGeographicView.
IGxItemIndexer Provides access to functions of GxIndexer coclass. Also see the GPItemIndexer coclass.
IGxItemInfoHelper Provides access to helper functions for item info.
IGxMSDFile Indicator interface that identifies a GxObject that corresponds to an MSDFile document.
IGxMSDFileView Provides access to more members that control the GxMSDFileView.
IGxObjectEnumerator Provides access to methods that control the object enumerator.
IGxPreview Provides access to members that control the GxPreview.
IGxRasterCatalogSubView Provides access to methods that control RasterCatalog sub view.
IGxTableView Indicator interface that identifies the GX Table preview.
IGxTableView2 Provides access to members that control the IGxTableView.
IGxTreeView Provides access to members that control the GxTreeView.
IGxView Provides access to members that control the GxView.
IGxViewContainer Provides access to members that control the GxViewContainer.
IGxViewPrint Provides access to members that control the printing of a GxView object.
IMetadataEditor Provides access to members that define a metadata editor.
IMetadataEvents Provides access to events that occur when the state of the Documentation View changes.
IMetadataHelper Provides access to members that change the Catalog's metadata settings.
INetworkAttributeConfiguration Provides access to the network attribute configuration.
INetworkAttributeConfiguration2 Provides access to the network attribute configuration.
INetworkAttributeConfiguration3 Provides access to the network attribute configuration.
INetworkConfiguration Provides access to the network configuration.
INetworkDatasetDialog Provides access to members that show dialogs for creating and editing network datasets.
INetworkDirectionConfiguration Provides access to the network direction configuration.
INetworkDirectionConfiguration2 Provides access to the network direction configuration.
INetworkDirectionConfiguration3 Provides access to the network direction configuration.
INetworkElevationConfiguration Provides access to the network elevation configuration.
INetworkElevationConfiguration2 Provides access to the network elevation configuration.
INetworkTrafficConfiguration Provides access to the network traffic configuration.
INetworkTrafficConfiguration2 Provides access to the network traffic configuration.
IProjectedCoordinateSystemDialog Provides access to members that control the Projected Coordinate System Dialog.
IQueryTableDialog Provides access to member that display Query Table dialog.
IRelationshipClassDialog Provides access to members that control the Relationship Class Dialog.
IRepairMosaicDatasetDialog Provides access to methods that control the dialog for repairing a mosaic dataset.
ISDEditorPropertyPage Optional Method called by the framework to allow the property page to validate itself at the very just before saving.
ISearchEngine Provides access to members that control the operation of the search engine.
ISearchEngineEvents Provides access to events that are fired by an ongoing search.
ISearchEngineProperties Provides access to members that modify the search engine's property set.
ISpatialReferenceDialog Provides access to members that control the Spatial Reference Dialog.
ISpatialReferenceDialog2 Provides access to members that control the Spatial Reference Dialog.
ISpatialReferenceDialog3 Provides access to members that control the Spatial Reference Dialog 3.
ISpatialReferenceDialogContext Provides access to members that change the calling context of the Spatial Reference Dialog.
ITableDefFieldsPage Provides access to members that control the Table Definition Fields Page.
ITableDefinitionDialog Provides access to members that control the Table Definition Dialog.
IVerticalCoordinateSystemDialog Provides access to members that control the Vertical Coordinate System Dialog.
IXmlQuery Provides access to members that generate XSL Pattern expressions from a query.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
AddAGSConnectionPage Esri AGS Server user connection general property page.
AddAGSDialog Add ArcGIS Server Dialog.
AddAGSDiscoveryConnectionPage Esri AGS Discovery Server admin / publisher connection general property page.
AddAGSDiscoveryDialog Add ArcGIS Discovery Server Dialog.
AddAGSDiscoveryUserConnectionPage Esri AGS Discovery Server user connection general property page.
AddAGSFolderPage Esri AGS Server user connection folders property page.
AddAGSServerPage Esri AGS Server admin connection general property page.
AddUserMenuItem Context menu command to create database users.
AGSConnectionAdminDialog ArcGIS Server Connection Admin tools.
AGSDiscoveryAdvancedCacheSettingsPage Esri AGS Service Advanced Cache Settings property page.
AGSDiscoveryArcGISOnlinePage Esri AGS Service ArcGISOnline property page.
AGSDiscoveryCachingGeneralPage Esri AGS Service Caching General property page.
AGSDiscoveryCapabilityDetailsPage Esri AGS Service Capability Details property page.
AGSDiscoveryCapabilityGeneralPage Esri AGS Service Capability General property page.
AGSDiscoveryGeneralPage Esri AGS General Service Property Page.
AGSDiscoveryGeocodeParametersPage Esri AGS Geocode Service Parameters Property Page.
AGSDiscoveryGeoDataParametersPage Esri AGS GeoData Service Parameters Property Page.
AGSDiscoveryGlobeCachingPage Esri AGS Discovery Globe Caching property page.
AGSDiscoveryGlobeParametersPage Esri AGS Globe Service Parameters Property Page.
AGSDiscoveryImageCachingGeneralPage Esri AGS Discovery Image Caching property page.
AGSDiscoveryImageCatalogEditingPage Esri AGS Image Catalog Editing Parameters Property Page.
AGSDiscoveryImageCatalogPage Esri AGS Image Catalog Parameters Property Page.
AGSDiscoveryImageMensurationPage Esri AGS Image Mensuration Parameters Property Page.
AGSDiscoveryImageParametersPage Esri AGS Image Service Parameters Property Page.
AGSDiscoveryImageServerRFxPage Esri AGS Image Server Raster Functions Parameters Property Page.
AGSDiscoveryImageTilingSchemePage Esri AGS Image Service Cache Tiling Scheme property page.
AGSDiscoveryItemDescriptionPage Esri AGS Service Item Description property page.
AGSDiscoveryMapParametersPage Esri AGS Map Service Parameters Property Page.
AGSDiscoveryPoolingPage Esri AGS Service Pooling property page.
AGSDiscoveryProcessPage Esri AGS Service Processing property page.
AGSDiscoverySearchParametersPage Esri AGS Search Service Parameters Property Page.
AGSGeneralPage Esri AGS Object Configuration general property page.
AGSGeocodeParameterPage Esri AGS Geocode Parameter property page.
AGSGeoDataServerParameterPage Esri AGS GeoDataServer Parameter property page.
AGSGeometryParameterPage Esri AGS Geometry Parameter property page.
AGSGeoprocessingParameterPage Esri AGS Geoprocessing Parameter property page.
AGSImageParameterPage Esri AGS Image Service Parameter property page.
AGSMapParameterPage Esri AGS Map Parameters property page.
AGSNewCachingPage Esri AGS Caching property page.
AGSObjectAdminDialog Server Object Admin Dialog.
AGSParameterPagesContainer Esri AGS Server Parameter Pages Container.
AGSPublishToolboxDialog ArcGIS Server Toolbox Publish Dialog.
AGSSearchServerParameterPage Esri AGS Catalog Server Parameter property page.
AGSServerClustersPage Esri AGS Server Config Store property page.
AGSServerConfigStorePage Esri AGS Server Config Store property page.
AGSServerDataStoresPage Esri AGS Server Data Stores property page.
AGSServerDirsPage Esri AGS Server Directories property page.
AGSServerHostsPage Esri AGS Server Hosts property page.
AGSServerLogSettingsPage Esri AGS Server Log Settings property page.
AGSServerStatisticsPage Esri AGS Server Statistics property page.
AGSServerTypesPage Esri AGS Server Types property page.
AGSSOEPage Esri AGS Server Object Extensions property page.
AttributesEditContext Provides Attributes Editing Contextual Information.
CatalogSearchEngine A search engine that looks in the Catalog for objects that match the search criteria.
CoordSysDetailsPage Esri Coordinate System Details Page.
CovFCGeneralPage Coverage Featureclass General Property Page.
CovGeneralPage Coverage General Property Page.
CovProjectPage Coverage Projection and Extent Property Page.
CreateManageRoleMenuItem Context menu command to create and manage roles.
CreateRasterCatalogWizard A Dialog Wizard to help creating a raster catalog.
DataAdder Provides access to the data adder utility class.
DescriptionWindow Provides access to memebers of DescriptionWindow.
DomainResolutionTolerancePage Esri feature class domain, resolution and tolerance page.
DomainsPropertyPage Esri workspace domains property page.
EditEvaluatorContext The edit evaluator context.
EditEvaluators Helper for editing evaluated attributes.
EnableGeodatabaseMenuItem The context menu command to enable Geodatabase.
EnumGxView Provides access to a set of GxView object.
FeatDSNamePage Esri Feature Dataset Name Page.
FeatDSSpaRefPage Feature Dataset Spatial Reference Property Page.
FeatureClassRepresentationsPage Esri feature class representations page.
FeatureDatasetDefDialog Dialog to create a new Feature Dataset.
FeatureDatasetDialog Dialog to create a new Feature Dataset.
FeatureExtentPage Esri feature class extent page.
FeatureServerObjectPropPage Esri ArcGIS Server Feature Service property page.
FileSystemQuery A query that can be used to search XML documents.
FileSystemXmlSearchEngine A search engine that looks on the file system for XML files that match the search criteria.
FindDialog The Search dialog box.
GeneralDatabaseServerPropertyPage The general geodatabase property page.
GeneralRelationshipClassPropertyPage General Relationship Class Property Page.
GeocodeServerObjectPropPage Esri ArcGIS Server Geocode Server Object property page.
GeoDataServerObjectPropPage Esri ArcGIS Server GeoData Server Object property page.
GeoDBAdminPropertyPage The Geodatabase Administration property page.
GeographicCoordinateSystemDialog Geographic Coordinate System Dialog.
GeographicCoordSysPropPage Geographic Coordinate System Property Page.
GeometryServerObjectPropPage Esri ArcGIS Server Geometry Server Object property page.
GeoprocessingServerObjectPropPage Esri ArcGIS Server Geoprocessing Server Object property page.
GlobeServerObjectPropPage Esri ArcGIS Server Globe Server Object property page.
GxAddOleDBConnectionCommand Add OleDB Connection command.
GxAGSFolderPropertyPage Esri AGS Server folder property page.
GxBrowserDockWindow The Catalog window dockable window.
GxComBrowser Provides access to GX browser dialog.
GxContentsView GxView that represents the contents view.
GxContentsViewColumn Provides access to contents view column.
GxContentsViewPage Esri GxContentsView property page.
GxDataGraphView GxView that represents the data graph contents view.
GxDialog Provides access to GX browser dialog.
GxDocumentationView GxView that represents the metadata view.
GxDocumentationViewWindow Provides access to memebers of DescriptionWindow.
GxFeatureAccessSOEPage Feature Access SOE properties page.
GxFileFilterDefinitionPage GX File Filter Definition Property Page.
GxFilterMSDFiles A filter for displaying/choosing MSDFiles.
GxGeographicView GxView that represents the geographic view.
GxHomeFolderOptionsPage GX Home Folder Options Property Page.
GxItemIndexer Provides access to members of GxIndexer.
GxItemInfoHelper Provides access to members of GxItemInfoHelper.
GxKMLSOEPage KML SOE properties page.
GxMapSOPage Map service properties page.
GxMSDFile A MapServerDefinitionFile Dataset.
GxMSDFileContextMenu Context Menu.
GxMSDFileFactory Gx Object Factory for MapServerDefinitionFile Datasets.
GxMSDFilePropPage Provides access to GxMSDFile property page.
GxMSDFileView GxView that represents the MSDFile view.
GxNASOEPage NA SOE properties page.
GxObjectVisibilityPage GX Object Visibility Property Page.
GxPackagePropPage Provides access to GxPackage property page.
GxPreview GxView that represents the preview.
GxRasterCatalogContentView The RasterCatalog content view.
GxRasterCatalogSubPropertyView The property sub-view of RasterCatalog.
GxServiceWorkspacesMenuItem GxServiceWorkspaces Menu Item.
GxShapefileIndexPage Shapefile Index Property Page.
GxSqlDatabaseAdminMenu Sql database administration context menu.
GxTableView GxView that represents the table contents view.
GxTreeView GxView that represents the tree view.
GxWCSSOEPage WCS SOE properties page.
GxWFSSOEPage WFS SOE properties page.
GxWMSSOEPage WMS SOE properties page.
GxWPSSOEPage WPS SOE properties page.
InfoItemsPage INFO Table Items Property Page.
InfoTableGeneralPage INFO Table General Property Page.
LocalCachePage Esri GIS Server Map Service Local Cache property page.
MapServerObjectPropPage Esri ArcGIS Server Map Server Object property page.
MetadataExtension Provides access to metadata extension.
MetadataServiceEngine Metadata Service Search Engine.
NetworkConfiguration Provides Network Configuration Information.
NetworkConstantEvaluatorEditor The constant evaluator editor.
NetworkDatasetDialog Dialogs for creating and editing network datasets.
NetworkDirectionsGeneralPage Esri network directions general page.
NetworkDirectionsLandmarksPage Esri network directions landmarks page.
NetworkDirectionsRoadDetailPage Esri network directions road detail page.
NetworkDirectionsShieldsPage Esri network directions shields page.
NetworkEdgeTrafficEvaluatorEditor The edge traffic evaluator editor.
NetworkFieldEvaluatorEditor The field evaluator editor.
NetworkFunctionEvaluatorEditor The function evaluator editor.
NetworkGlobalTurnDelayEvaluatorEditor The global turn delay evaluator editor.
NetworkScriptEvaluatorEditor The script evaluator editor.
Pre70CoveragePropertyPage Pre 7.0 Coverage Property Page.
ProjectedCoordinateSystemDialog Projected Coordinate System Dialog.
ProjectedCoordSysPropPage Projected Coordinate System Property Page.
ProxyServerPage Esri Proxy Server property page.
QueryTableDialog Dialog to create query layer.
RasterCoordSysPage Esri Raster Coordinate System Page.
RelationshipClassDialog Provides access to the relationship class dialog.
RelationshipRulesPage Relationship Class Rules Property Page.
ResolutionPage Esri coordinate system resolution page.
SDSServerDataSourcesPage Esri SDS Server Property Page.
SearchServerObjectPropPage Esri ArcGIS Server Catalog Server Object property page.
SpatialReferenceDialog Provides access to the spatial reference dialog.
SubtypesPropertyPage Esri table subtypes page.
TableDefCoordPage Esri feature class coordinate system page.
TableDefDomainPage Esri feature class domain page.
TableDefEditorTrackingPage Esri feature class Editor Tracking page.
TableDefFieldsPage Esri table definition fields page.
TableDefinitionDialog Dialog to define/edit table/feature class definitions.
TableDefNamePage Esri table definition name page.
TableDefRelationshipsPage Esri table definition relationships page.
TableDefTolerancePage Esri feature class tolerance page.
TableDefVerticalPage Esri feature class vertical page.
TableDefViewDescPage ESRI table view description page.
TableDefWeightsPage Esri feature class weights association page.
TableIndexPage Esri table index page.
VerticalCoordinateSystemDialog Vertical Coordinate System Dialog.
VerticalCoordSysPropPage Vertical Coordinate System Property Page.
WorkspaceEditorTrackingPropertyPage The Workspace editor tracking property page.
XYCoordSysPage Esri XY Coordinate System Page.
ZCoordSysPage Esri Z Coordinate System Page.


Enumeration Description
esriAGSServiceWebAccessStatus Service Web Access status.
esriContentsViewStyle Contents View Style Options.
esriCoordSysContext Coordinate System Details Context.
esriSpatialReferenceXYFilter Options for restricting the type of XY coordinate systems shown.
esriTableDefFieldsPageContext Table Definition Fields Property Pages Context.