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IGxApplication Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > CatalogUI > ESRI.ArcGIS.CatalogUI > Interfaces > IG > IGxApplication Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (CatalogUI)  

IGxApplication Interface

Provides access to members that control the Gx Application object.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


The IGxApplication interface is unique to ArcCatalog and is used to control certain aspects of its behavior. For example, through the IGxApplication interface, you can delete or expand the current selection (through DeleteSelection and ExpandSelection) or force a refresh of a certain part of the Catalog tree (through Refresh). You can also get hold of the currently selected object(s) through the Selection and SelectedObject properties.

The Catalog property returns the GxCatalog object, which represents the root of the Catalog data tree. From there, you can use IGxObjectContainer::Children to enumerate through the Catalog’s descendants.

The TreeView property gives you access to ArcCatalog’s tree view. From this GxTreeView, you can ensure that a certain descendant is visible or initiate a renaming operation.

The View property gives you access to the active GxView, whatever it happens to be. It might be one of the built-in views—for example, GxContentsView, GxPreview, or GxMetadataView—or it might be a developer- added one. From here, you can manipulate the active view in whatever fashion is native to it.



Name Description
Read/write property AreaOfInterest The default area of interest for the application.
Read-only property CanDeleteSelection Indicates if the current selection can be deleted.
Read-only property CanRenameSelection Indicates if the current selection can be renamed.
Read-only property Catalog The current catalog.
Method DeleteSelection Deletes the current selection.
Method ExpandSelection Expands the current selection.
Write-only property Location The location to the specified path. If the path isn't yet part of the catalog, it is added as a folder connection.
Method Refresh Refreshes the catalog tree starting at the specified path. If startingPath is 0 or the empty string, the entire catalog is refreshed.
Method RenameSelection Renames the current selection.
Read-only property SelectedObject The first selected object, or the location if no objects are selected.
Read-only property Selection The selection of application.
Method ShowContextMenu Displays a context menu for the current selection.
Read-only property TreeView The tree view.
Read-only property View The current view.
Read/write property ViewClassID The current view's class ID.

CoClasses that implement IGxApplication

CoClasses and Classes Description
Application (esriArcCatalog) Esri ArcCatalog Application.
Application (esriArcGlobe) Esri ArcGlobe Application.
Application (esriArcMap) Esri ArcMap Application
Application (esriArcScene) The 3D Modeling Application.

.NET Samples

Extent view (Code Files: clsExtentView) | Custom Root Object (Style Gallery) (Code Files: clsGxStyleView) | Text View tab (Code Files: TextView) | Subset network evaluators (Code Files: AddSubsetAttributesCommand RemoveSubsetAttributesCommand) | Browse for Python files (Code Files: CustomCommand)

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Catalog | CatalogUI