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Catalog Library Contents (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
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ArcObjects Library Reference (Catalog)  

Catalog Library Contents


Interface Description
IAGSObjectCreationProperties Provides access to members that define creation properties of an ArcGIS Server object.
IEnumGxObject Provides access to members that enumerate through GxObjects.
IEnumGxObjectFactory Provides access to members that enumerate through GxObject factories.
IGxAddGISServerCommand Provides access to members that manages Add GIS Server command.
IGxAGSCatalog Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server data sharing object.
IGxAGSConnection Provides access to members of GxObject that connects to an ArcGIS server (AGS).
IGxAGSDraft Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server (AGS) draft object.
IGxAGSDraftFolder Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a draft service folder object.
IGxAGSFeatureServer Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server feature server object.
IGxAGSGeoDataServer Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server geodataserver object.
IGxAGSGeometry Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server geometry object.
IGxAGSGeoprocessing Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server geoprocessing object.
IGxAGSGlobe Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server globe object.
IGxAGSGlobeLayer Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a layer in an ArcGIS Server globe object.
IGxAGSImage Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Image Server Service object.
IGxAGSImage2 Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Image Server Service object.
IGxAGSLocator Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server locator object.
IGxAGSMap Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server map object.
IGxAGSMobile Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server mobile object.
IGxAGSObject Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server (AGS) object.
IGxAGSObject2 Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server (AGS) object.
IGxAGSObject3 Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server (AGS) object.
IGxAGSWMServer Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server Workflow Manager object.
IGxBasicObject Indicator interface that identifies an object that is considered a basic object type (for example, a folder).
IGxCachedObjects Provides access to members that load/release objects being cached for efficiency.
IGxCatalog Provides access to members that manages a GX catalog.
IGxCatalogAdmin Provides access to members that manage the behavior of the GX catalog object.
IGxCatalogDefaultDatabase Provides access to members that manages a GX catalog default geodatabase.
IGxCatalogEvents Provides access to events that the catalog can fire.
IGxCatalogEventsDisp Provides access to events that the catalog can fire.
IGxCatalogWorkspace Provides access to members that manages a GX catalog workspace.
IGxContentViewControlCustom Provides access to members that controls GxContentViewControlCustom.
IGxDatabase Provides access to members that manage the properties of a GX database object.
IGxDatabase2 Provides access to members that manage the properties of a GX database object.
IGxDatabaseExtension Provides access to members that manage a GX database extension.
IGxDatabaseExtensionCompare Provides access to members that defines whether something is a database extension.
IGxDatabaseExtensions Provides access to members that return GX database extensions.
IGxDataElement Provides access to all GxObjects to get their associated data elements.
IGxDataElementHelper Provides access to interface which allows GxObject implementers to partially or completely fill the properties of the peer data element.
IGxDataGraph2 Provides access to members that control data graph GxObject.
IGxDataset Provides access to members that manages the properties of a GX dataset object.
IGxDefaultDatabase Provides access to members that returns default state of a database.
IGxDiskConnection Indicator interface that identifies an object that represents a connection to disk.
IGxDiskConnection2 Provides access to members that manage properties of GX disk connection.
IGxDisplayName Provides access to the display name of GxObjects.
IGxDocument Provides access to members that returns the open status of a document.
IGxExcelFile Provides access to members that manage the properties of a GxExcelFile object.
IGxFeatureDefinitionPackage Provides access to members that manage a GX feature definition package object.
IGxFile Provides access to members that manages a file object.
IGxFileFilter Provides access to members that manage a file filter for various file types.
IGxFileFilterEvents Provides access to events that the ArcCatalog file filter can fire.
IGxFileSetup Provides access to members that sets up the properties of a file object.
IGxFilterDataElements Provides access to GxFilter data elements.
IGxFilterSearchServers Provides access to members that manage the properties of a GxFilterSearchServer object.
IGxFolder Provides access to members that return file system workspaces represented by this folder.
IGxFolderAdmin Provides access to members that help find child GX folder.
IGxFolderConnections Indicator interface that identifies an object that contains folder connections.
IGxGDSConnection Provides access to members of GxObject that connects to a GeoData Server.
IGxGeodatabase Provides access to members of GxObject that connect to an Geodatabase object.
IGxGeoprocessingResult Provides access to properties/methods of a catalog geoprocessing result object.
IGxGISDataServers Provides access to the list of GIS Data Servers registered on the system.
IGxGISServersFolder Provides access to members that manages the properties of a GISServers root folder.
IGxGPTool Provides access to properties/methods of a catalog geoprocessing tool object.
IGxGPToolbox Provides access to properties/methods of a catalog toolbox object.
IGxGPToolset Provides access to properties/methods of a catalog toolset object.
IGxItemInfo Provides access to ItemInfo of GxObjects.
IGxLayer Provides access to members that manage a GX layer object.
IGxLayerSource Indicator interface that identifies that the given GxObject can generate a layer for the underlying data source.
IGxLocator Provides access to members for retrieving the locator.
IGxMap Indicator interface that identifies a GxObject that corresponds to an ArcMap document.
IGxMapPageLayout Provides access to members that returns the page layer for a map document.
IGxMetadataSupport Provides access to information for metadata toolbar.
IGxMyHostedMapsFolder Provides access to members that manages the properties of a GxMyHostedMapsFolder root folder.
IGxNewDatabase Provides access to members that defines a new database shortcut.
IGxObject Provides access to members that are common to all GxObjects.
IGxObjectArray Provides access to members that manage an array of GxObjects.
IGxObjectContainer Provides access to members that manage child GxObjects.
IGxObjectContainer2 Provides access to members that manage child GxObjects.
IGxObjectDeleteOptions Provides access to members that specify behavior when deleting multiple objects.
IGxObjectEdit Provides access to members that edit/modify a GxObject.
IGxObjectFactories Provides access to members that manage a collection of GxObject factories.
IGxObjectFactory Provides access to members that define a GxObject factory.
IGxObjectFactoryEdit Provides access to members that modify the object factory's properties.
IGxObjectFactoryFileExtensions Provides access to a set of extensions handled by the factory.
IGxObjectFactoryMetadata Provides access to members that returns a GxObject from some metadata.
IGxObjectFactoryPriority Provides access to members that manages the priority of a GxObject factory.
IGxObjectFilter Provides access to members that defines a GxObject filter.
IGxObjectFilterCollection Provides access to members that manages a collection of GxObject filters.
IGxObjectFilterCollectionAdmin Provides access to members that returns the first passed GxObject filter in a collection.
IGxObjectInternalName Provides access to members that manage the name object that the GxObject represents.
IGxObjectProperties Provides access to members that return properties of the GxObject.
IGxObjectSort Provides access to members that manages the properties determining whether an object should be sorted or not.
IGxObjectSortAlwaysOnBottom Provides access to the interface which makes the GxObject ALWAYS stay at the botton of sort list (regardless of sorting order). eg. GxAGSDatabaseFolder.
IGxObjectSortAlwaysOnTop Provides access to the interface which makes the GxObject ALWAYS stay at the top of sort list (regardless of sorting order). eg. GxAddAGSConnection.
IGxObjectUI Provides access to members that represent the icons and menus for a GxObject.
IGxObjectWizard Provides access to members that invokes a wizard associated with the GxObject.
IGxPackage Provides access to members that manage a GxPackage object.
IGxPasteTarget Provides access to members for pasting objects.
IGxPasteTargetHelper Provides access to members that help pasting GxObjects.
IGxPre70Coverage Provides access to members that control the Gx Pre-7.0 Coverage.
IGxPrjFile Provides access to members that returns the properties of a PRJ file.
IGxPrjFile2 Provides access to members that returns the properties of a PRJ file.
IGxRasterDataset Provides access to members that provide information about Gx raster dataset.
IGxRemoteConnection Provides access to members pertaining to remote connections.
IGxRemoteContainer Indicator interface that identifies an object that contains objects from a remote source.
IGxRemoteDatabaseFolder Provides access to members that defines the remote databases folder.
IGxRootObjectSortPriority Provides access to the sort priority for Gx Root Objects.
IGxRootObjectStartupProperties Provides access to the startup properties for Gx Root Objects.
IGxSelection Provides access to members that manages the selection within the catalog.
IGxSelectionEvents Provides access to events that the ArcCatalog selection can fire.
IGxServiceDefinition Provides access to members that manage a GxServiceDefinition object.
IGxShortcut Provides access to members that manages the target of a shortcut object.
IGxSpatialReferencesFolder Provides access to members that manages the properties of a spatial reference folder.
IGxTaskServicesConnection Provides access to members that manages the properties of a GxTaskServicesConnection.
IGxTaskServicesFolder Provides access to members that manages the properties of a GxTaskServicesFolder.
IGxTaskServicesRootFolder Provides access to members that manages the properties of a GxTaskServices root folder.
IGxTextFile Indicator interface that identifies a GxObject that corresponds to a text file.
IGxThumbnail Provides access to members that manages the thumbnail of a GxObject.
IGxToolbox Provides access to members that manage tools for the current selection.
IGxToolboxesFolder Provides access to properties/methods of a catalog toolboxes folder object.
IGxToolboxesRoot Provides access to properties/methods of the root-level catalog Toolboxes object.
IGxWCSConnection Provides access to members to connect to an WCS server.
IGxWCSCoverage Provides access to members GxWCSCoverage object.
IGxWMSConnection Provides access to members to connect to an WMS server.
IGxWMSLayer Provides access to members GxWMSLayer object.
IGxWMSMap Provides access to members GxWMSMap object.
IGxWMTSConnection Provides access to members to connect to an WMTS server.
IGxWMTSLayer Provides access to members GxWMTSLayer object.
IGxWorkspaceDatabase Indicator interface for GxWorkspaceDatabase objects.
IGxWorkspaceFolder Indicator interface for GxWorkspaceFolder objects.
IIMSConnection Provides access to members to connect to an ArcIMS server (IMS).
IIMSConnection2 Provides access to members to connect to an ArcIMS server (IMS).
IMetadataExport Provides access to members that define a metadata exporter.
IMetadataImport Provides access to members that define a metadata importer.
IMetadataValidator Provides access to methods to validate metadata.
IQuery Provides access to members that let you modify a query.
IRasterFormatFilter Provides access to members that provide information about raster formats.
IRemoteMetadata Provides access to members to manipulate information specific to metadata stored in an ArcIMS Metadata Server.
IRemoteMetadata2 Provides access to allow user to decide whether to show dialog and to manipulate specific information on ArcIMS Server.
ISearchResults Provides access to members that manage the search result.
ISearchResultsIdentifyObject Provides access to members that identify an object in the search results layer.
ISearchResultsLayer Provides access to members that control the search results layer.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
ComplexNativeType Native type for built up of other native types.
DataGraphNativeType Native type for a data graph.
EnumGxObject Provides access to a set of GxObjects.
FdpFileNativeType Native type for a fdp file.
FileNativeType Native type for a filtered file.
FolderNativeType Native type for a folder.
GNSynchronizer Esri Geography Network Synchronizer object.
GNValidator Esri Geography Network Metadata Validator.
GPToolboxNativeType Geoprocessing Toolbox Native Type.
GPToolNativeType Geoprocessing Tool Native Type.
GxAddAGSConnection The one and only GxAddAGSConnection object.
GxAddAGSObject The one and only GxAddAGSObject object.
GxAddGDSConnection The one and only GxAddGDSConnection object.
GxAddWCSConnection The object of Add WCS connection.
GxAddWMSConnection The object of Add WMS connection.
GxAddWMTSConnection The object of Add WMTS connection.
GxAGSCatalog GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server data sharing object.
GxAGSConnection GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server connection.
GxAGSConnectionFactory Esri GxAGSConnection object factory.
GxAGSDraft GxObject that represents an ArcGIS AGS draft service object.
GxAGSDraftFolder The Esri GxAGSDraftFolder object.
GxAGSFeatureServer GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server feature server object.
GxAGSFolder The Esri GxAGSFolder object.
GxAGSGeoDataServer GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server geodataserver object.
GxAGSGeometry GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Geometry Server Service object.
GxAGSGeoprocessing GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server geoprocessing object.
GxAGSGlobe GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server globe object.
GxAGSGlobeLayer GxObject that represents a layer in an ArcGIS Server globe object.
GxAGSImage GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Image Server Service object.
GxAGSLocator GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server locator object.
GxAGSMap GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server map object.
GxAGSWMServer GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server Workflow Manager object.
GxCadDataset A Cad Feature Class or Drawing dataset.
GxCadFactory Gx Cad Feature Class and Drawing object factory.
GxCatalog GxObject that represents the catalog.
GxCoverageDataset A Coverage, Feature Class or Info Table dataset.
GxCoverageFactory Gx Coverage, Feature Class and INFO Table object factory.
GxDatabase GxObject that represents a database.
GxDatabaseExtensions GxObject that represents the database extensions.
GxDatabaseFactory Esri GxDatabase object factory.
GxDatabaseServerFolder Container for Database Servers.
GxDataGraph GxObject that represents data graph.
GxDataGraphFactory Data graph GxObject factory.
GxDataServer The one and only Data Server object.
GxDataset GxObject that represents a dataset.
GxDiskConnection GxObject that represents a disk connection.
GxExcelFactory Esri GxExcel object factory.
GxExcelFile GxObject that represents a excel file.
GxFeatureDefinitionPackage GxObject that represents a feature definition package.
GxFeatureDefinitionPackageFactory Esri GxFeatureDefinitionPackage object factory.
GxFile GxObject that represents a file.
GxFileFactory Esri GxFile object factory.
GxFileFilter The catalog's file filter.
GxFilterAGSConnection A filter for displaying/choosing AGS Server Connection objects.
GxFilterAnnotationFeatureClasses A filter for displaying/choosing annotation feature classes.
GxFilterBasicTypes A filter for displaying basic types, like the catalog, disk connections, folders, etc. Typically, other filters use this object internally.
GxFilterCadAnnotationClasses A filter for displaying/choosing Cad Annotation Classes.
GxFilterCadastralFabrics A filter for displaying/choosing Cadastral Fabric datasets.
GxFilterCadDrawingDatasets A filter for displaying/choosing Cad Drawing datasets.
GxFilterCadFeatureClasses A filter for displaying/choosing Cad Feature Classes.
GxFilterContainers A filter for displaying/choosing containers (for example, folders and databases).
GxFilterCoverageAnnotationClasses A filter for displaying/choosing coverage annotation classes.
GxFilterCoverageFeatureClasses A filter for displaying/choosing coverage feature classes.
GxFilterCoverages A filter for displaying/choosing coverages.
GxFilterDataElements A filter for displaying/choosing data elements.
GxFilterDataGraphs A filter for displaying or choosing data graphs.
GxFilterDatasets A filter for displaying/choosing a dataset.
GxFilterDatasetsAndLayers A filter for displaying/choosing a dataset or layer.
GxFilterdBASEFiles A filter for displaying/choosing dBASE files.
GxFilterDefaultDatabaseWorkspaces A filter for displaying/choosing workspaces use as the default database.
GxFilterDimensionFeatureClasses A filter for displaying/choosing dimension feature classes.
GxFilterFeatureClasses A filter for displaying/choosing feature classes.
GxFilterFeatureDatasets A filter for displaying/choosing feature datasets.
GxFilterFeatureDatasetsAndFeatureClasses A filter for displaying/choosing feature datasets or feature classes.
GxFilterFGDBFeatureClasses A filter for displaying/choosing file geodatabase feature classes.
GxFilterFGDBFeatureDatasets A filter for displaying/choosing file geodatabase feature datasets.
GxFilterFGDBTables A filter for displaying/choosing file geodatabase tables.
GxFilterFileFolder A filter for displaying/choosing file system folder.
GxFilterFileGeodatabases A filter for displaying/choosing file geodatabases.
GxFilterFiles A filter for displaying/choosing files.
GxFilterFileToolboxes Object used to filter for file-based Toolboxes.
GxFilterGeoDataServers A filter for displaying/choosing geodataserver objects.
GxFilterGeoDataServersAndWorkspaces A filter for displaying/choosing geodataserver/workspaces objects.
GxFilterGeoDatasets A filter for displaying/choosing geographic datasets.
GxFilterGeoDatasetsAndCoordinateSystems A filter for displaying/choosing datasets or coordinate systems.
GxFilterGeometricNetworks A filter for displaying/choosing geometric networks.
GxFilterGeometryServers A filter for displaying/choosing geometry server objects.
GxFilterGlobeCaches A filter for displaying/choosing Globe Layer Caches.
GxFilterGlobeServers A filter for displaying/choosing globe service objects.
GxFilterGPServers A filter for displaying/choosing gp server objects.
GxFilterImageServerDataSource A filter for displaying/choosing image service data sources.
GxFilterImageServers A filter for displaying/choosing Image Server Object.
GxFilterInfoTables A filter for displaying/choosing info tables.
GxFilterLasDatasets A filter for displaying/choosing LAS datasets.
GxFilterLayers A filter for displaying/choosing layers.
GxFilterMapDatasetsAndLayers A filter for displaying/choosing a dataset or layer in ArcMap.
GxFilterMapDatasetsLayersAndResults A filter for displaying/choosing a dataset, layer or geoprocessing result in ArcMap.
GxFilterMaps A filter for displaying/choosing maps.
GxFilterMapServers A filter for displaying/choosing map server object.
GxFilterMapServersTilingScheme A filter for displaying/choosing map service tiling scheme.
GxFilterMosaicDatasets A filter for displaying/choosing mosaic datasets.
GxFilterNetworkDatasets A filter for displaying/choosing network datasets.
GxFilterPersonalGeodatabases A filter for displaying/choosing personal geodatabases.
GxFilterPGDBFeatureClasses A filter for displaying/choosing personal geodatabase feature classes.
GxFilterPGDBFeatureDatasets A filter for displaying/choosing personal geodatabase feature datasets.
GxFilterPGDBTables A filter for displaying/choosing personal geodatabase tables.
GxFilterPointFeatureClasses A filter for displaying/choosing point feature classes.
GxFilterPolygonFeatureClasses A filter for displaying/choosing polygon feature classes.
GxFilterPolylineFeatureClasses A filter for displaying/choosing polyline feature classes.
GxFilterRasterCatalogDatasets A filter for displaying/choosing raster catalog datasets.
GxFilterRasterDatasets A filter for displaying/choosing raster datasets.
GxFilterRelationshipClasses A filter for displaying/choosing relationship classes.
GxFilterRemoteMetadata A filter for displaying ArcIMS Metadata Documents.
GxFilterRemoteMetadataContainer A filter for displaying containers of ArcIMS Metadata documents.
GxFilterRoute GxFilterRoute for selecting only polyline-m feature classes.
GxFilterRunningCachedService A filter for displaying / choosing cached running service.
GxFilterRunningMapServers A filter for displaying/choosing running map server object.
GxFilterSceneDatasetsAndLayers A filter for displaying/choosing a dataset or layer in ArcScene.
GxFilterSDCFeatureClasses A filter for displaying and choosing SDC feature classes.
GxFilterSDCFeatureDatasets A filter for displaying and choosing SDC feature datasets.
GxFilterSDCNetworkDatasets A filter for displaying and choosing SDC network datasets.
GxFilterSDCTables A filter for displaying and choosing SDC tables.
GxFilterSDEFeatureClasses A filter for displaying/choosing SDE feature classes.
GxFilterSDEFeatureDatasets A filter for displaying/choosing SDE feature datasets.
GxFilterSDETables A filter for displaying/choosing SDE tables.
GxFilterSearchServers A filter for displaying/choosing Enterprise Catalog Server objects.
GxFilterShapefiles A filter for displaying/choosing shapefiles.
GxFilterSpatialReferences A filter for displaying/choosing spatial references.
GxFilterStreetMapFeatureClasses A filter for displaying and choosing StreetMap feature classes.
GxFilterTables A filter for displaying/choosing tables.
GxFilterTablesAndFeatureClasses A filter for displaying/choosing tables and feature classes.
GxFilterTerrains A filter for displaying/choosing Terrains datasets.
GxFilterTextFiles A filter for displaying/choosing delimited text files.
GxFilterTINDatasets A filter for displaying/choosing TIN datasets.
GxFilterToolboxes Object used to filter for Toolboxes.
GxFilterTools Object used to filter for geoprocessing Tools.
GxFilterTopologies A filter for displaying/choosing topologies.
GxFilterVerticalCoordinateSystems A filter for displaying/choosing vertical coordinate systems.
GxFilterWCSCoverage A filter for displaying/choosing WCS Coverage.
GxFilterWMS A filter for displaying/choosing WMS service object.
GxFilterWMSConnection A filter for displaying/choosing WMS Server Connection objects.
GxFilterWMTSConnection A filter for displaying/choosing WMTS Server Connection objects.
GxFilterWorkspaces A filter for displaying/choosing workspaces.
GxFolder GxObject that represents a folder.
GxFolderConnections Container of folder connections.
GxGDBRasterExtension A Gx GDB Raster dataset Extension.
GxGDSGeodatabase GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Geodatabase connection.
GxGeoprocessingFileFactory GX Geoprocessing File object factory.
GxGeoprocessingResult GxObject that represents a Geoprocessing Result.
GxGeoprocessingResultFactory Esri GxGeoprocessingResult object factory.
GxGeoprocessingResultNativeType Geoprocessing Result Native Type.
GxGISServersFolder Container of GIS servers.
GxIMSConnectionFactory Esri GxIMSConnection object factory.
GxLayer GxObject that represents a layer.
GxLayerFactory Esri GxLayer object factory.
GxMap GxObject that represents a map.
GxMapFactory Esri GxMap object factory.
GxMetadata GxObject that represents an XML file.
GxMetadataFactory A factory for creating GxMetadata objects to show XML files in the Catalog.
GxMyHostedMapsFolder Container of My Hosted Services.
GxNewDatabase Shortcut to create new databases.
GxObjectArray GxObject that represents an array of GxObjects.
GxPackage GxObject that represents a layer or map package.
GxPackageFactory Layer or Map Package object factory.
GxPCCoverage GxObject that represents PC Coverage.
GxPCCoverageFactory Esri GxPCCoverage object factory.
GxPre70Coverage GxObject that represents Pre-7.0 Coverage.
GxPre70CoverageFactory Esri GxPre70Coverage object factory.
GxPrjFile GxObject that represents GxPrjFile.
GxPrjFileFactory Esri GxPrjFile object factory.
GxRasterDataset A Gx Raster dataset.
GxRasterFileSystemFactory Gx Raster File System object factory.
GxRemoteDatabaseFolder Container of remote database workspaces.
GxReport GxObject that represents a report.
GxReportFactory Report object factory.
GxSDCDataset A SDC feature dataset, feature class or table.
GxSDCFactory Gx SDC object factory.
GxSelection GxObject that represents the catalog's selection.
GxServiceDefinition GxObject that represents a service definition.
GxServiceDefinitionFactory Service definition object factory.
GxShapefileDataset A Shapefile Feature Class or DBase Table.
GxShapefileFactory Gx Object Factory for Shapefile Feature Classes and DBase Tables.
GxShortcut GxObject that represents a shortcut to a GxObject. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later.
GxShortcutFactory Esri GxShortcut object factory. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later.
GxSpatialReferencesFolder Container of spatial references (PRJ files).
GxSpatialWeightsMatrixFile GxObject that represents a spatial weights matrix file.
GxSpatialWeightsMatrixFileFactory Spatial weights matrix file object factory.
GxStreetMapDataset A StreetMap feature class.
GxStreetMapFactory Gx StreetMap object factory.
GxTaskServicesConnection GxTaskServicesConnection of ready-to-use Task Services.
GxTaskServicesFolder GxTaskServicesFolder of ready-to-use Task Services.
GxTaskServicesRootFolder Root container of ready-to-use Task Services.
GxTextFile GxObject that represents the text file.
GxTextFileFactory Esri GxTextFile object factory.
GxTool Catalog object corresponding to geoprocessing tools.
GxToolbox Catalog object corresponding to toolboxes.
GxToolboxesFolder Catalog object corresponding to the System Toolboxes and My Toolboxes nodes.
GxToolboxesRoot Catalog object corresponding to root-level Toolboxes node.
GxToolboxExtension GX Toolbox object factory.
GxToolboxFactory GX Toolbox object factory.
GxToolset Catalog object corresponding to toolsets.
GxVpfDataset A VPF Feature Class.
GxVpfFactory Gx VPF Feature Datasets and Table object factory.
GxWCSConnection The connection of WCS service.
GxWCSConnectionFactory Gx Object Factory for GxWCSConnections.
GxWCSCoverage GxWCSCoverage object for the ArcCatalog.
GxWMSConnection The connection of WMS service.
GxWMSConnectionFactory Gx Object Factory for GxWMSConnections.
GxWMSLayer GxWMSLayer object for the ArcCatalog.
GxWMSMap GxWMSMap object for the ArcCatalog.
GxWMTSConnection The connection of WMTS service.
GxWMTSConnectionFactory Gx Object Factory for GxWMTSConnections.
GxWMTSLayer GxWMTSLayer object for the ArcCatalog.
GxWorkspaceFolder GxObject that represents a workspace folder.
IMSConnection GxObject that represents ArcIMS Connection.
IMSConnectionNativeType Native type for an ArcIMS Connection.
IMSFeatureClass GxObject that represents ArcIMS Feature Class.
IMSFeatureService GxObject that represents ArcIMS Feature Service.
IMSFeatureServiceNativeType Native type for a ArcIMS Feature Service.
IMSGlobeServiceDescription GxObject that represents ArcIMS Globe File.
IMSGlobeSubServiceDescription ArcIMS Globe Sub Service.
IMSImageMap GxObject that represents ArcIMS Image Map.
IMSImageMapNativeType Native type for a ArcIMS ImageMap.
IMSMetadataDocumentNativeType Native type for a ArcIMS Metadata Document.
IMSMetadataService GxObject that represents ArcIMS Metadata Service.
IMSMetadataServiceNativeType Native type for a ArcIMS Metadata Service.
LayerNativeType Native type for a layer.
MapNativeType Native type for a map.
MetadataNativeType Native type for standalone metadata.
NewIMSConnection GxObject that represents new ArcIMS Connection.
Pre70CoverageNativeType Native type for pre-7.0 coverages.
PrjFileNativeType Native type for a prj file.
RasterFormatBILFilter The format filter for Esri bil.
RasterFormatBIPFilter The format filter for Esri bip.
RasterFormatBMPFilter The format filter for BMP.
RasterFormatBSQFilter The format filter for Esri bsq.
RasterFormatENVIFilter The format filter for ENVI.
RasterFormatFGDBFilter The format filter for File Geodatabase Raster.
RasterFormatGIFFilter The format filter for GIF.
RasterFormatGridFilter The format filter for Grid.
RasterFormatImgFilter The format filter for IMG.
RasterFormatJP2Filter The format filter for JP2.
RasterFormatJPGFilter The format filter for JPG.
RasterFormatPGDBFilter The format filter for Personal Geodatabase Raster.
RasterFormatPNGFilter The format filter for png.
RasterFormatSDEFilter The format filter for SDE Raster.
RasterFormatTifFilter The format filter for TIFF.
SearchResults GxObject that represents the search result. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later.
SearchResultsIdentifyObj An object for identifying the contents of a search results layer. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later.
SearchResultsLayer A layer that lets you preview a search result in the Geography tab. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later.
SearchResultsLayerFactory A factory for creating search result layers. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later.
SearchResultsRoot A container for search results. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later.
ServiceDefinitionFileNativeType Native type for a service definition file.
ShortcutNativeType Native type for a shortcut.
WCSConnectionNativeType The native type of WCS connection.
WMSConnectionNativeType The native type of WMS connection.
WMTSConnectionNativeType The native type of WMTS connection.
WorkspaceFolderNativeType Native type for a workspace folder.


Enumeration Description
esriContentType ArcIMS Metadata Server content type.
esriDoubleClickResult Object Filter Double-Click Result.
esriFindDateOperator Operators for comparing dates.
esriFindDateType Date that will be tested.
esriFindEnvelopeOperator Operators for comparing the dataset's extent to the search extent.
esriFindFieldOperator Operators for testing the contents of a metadata element.
esriFindFieldType Metadata elements whose values can be tested.
esriGxDeleteOption GxObject deleting options enum.
esriGxPackageType GxPackage type enum.
esriSynchronizationOption Options for setting when the Catalog creates and updates metadata automatically.