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IGxObject Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Catalog > ESRI.ArcGIS.Catalog > Interfaces > IG > IGxObject Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Catalog)  

IGxObject Interface

Provides access to members that are common to all GxObjects.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Name Description
Method Attach Attaches the object to its parent and the catalog.
Read-only property BaseName The base name of the object (i.e. no extension).
Read-only property Category The category of the object.
Read-only property ClassID The class ID of this object.
Method Detach Instructs the object to detach itself from its parent and the catalog.
Read-only property FullName The full name of the object.
Read-only property InternalObjectName The Name for the internal object that this GxObject represents.
Read-only property IsValid Indicates if the object is still valid.
Read-only property Name The short name of the object.
Read-only property Parent The parent of the object.
Method Refresh Updates the object and any children of the object.

CoClasses that implement IGxObject

CoClasses and Classes Description
FDLAdd (esriDataInteropUI) FDLAdd Class
FDLDataSrc (esriDataInteropUI) FDLDataSrc Class
FDLFeatureClass (esriDataInteropUI) FDLFeatureClass Class
FDLRoot (esriDataInteropUI) FDLRoot Class
GxAddAGSConnection The one and only GxAddAGSConnection object.
GxAddAGSObject The one and only GxAddAGSObject object.
GxAddGDSConnection The one and only GxAddGDSConnection object.
GxAddWCSConnection The object of Add WCS connection.
GxAddWMSConnection The object of Add WMS connection.
GxAddWMTSConnection The object of Add WMTS connection.
GxAGSCatalog GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server data sharing object.
GxAGSConnection GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server connection.
GxAGSDraft GxObject that represents an ArcGIS AGS draft service object.
GxAGSDraftFolder The Esri GxAGSDraftFolder object.
GxAGSFeatureServer GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server feature server object.
GxAGSFolder The Esri GxAGSFolder object.
GxAGSGeoDataServer GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server geodataserver object.
GxAGSGeometry GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Geometry Server Service object.
GxAGSGeoprocessing GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server geoprocessing object.
GxAGSGlobe GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server globe object.
GxAGSGlobeLayer GxObject that represents a layer in an ArcGIS Server globe object.
GxAGSImage GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Image Server Service object.
GxAGSLocator GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server locator object.
GxAGSMap GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server map object.
GxAGSWMServer GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server Workflow Manager object.
GxCadDataset A Cad Feature Class or Drawing dataset.
GxCatalog GxObject that represents the catalog.
GxCoverageDataset A Coverage, Feature Class or Info Table dataset.
GxDatabase GxObject that represents a database.
GxDatabaseServerFolder Container for Database Servers.
GxDataGraph GxObject that represents data graph.
GxDataServer The one and only Data Server object.
GxDataset GxObject that represents a dataset.
GxDiskConnection GxObject that represents a disk connection.
GxExcelFile GxObject that represents a excel file.
GxFeatureDefinitionPackage GxObject that represents a feature definition package.
GxFile GxObject that represents a file.
GxFolder GxObject that represents a folder.
GxFolderConnections Container of folder connections.
GxGDSGeodatabase GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Geodatabase connection.
GxGeoprocessingResult GxObject that represents a Geoprocessing Result.
GxGISServersFolder Container of GIS servers.
GxLayer GxObject that represents a layer.
GxLocator (esriLocationUI) A locator representation in ArcCatalog.
GxMap GxObject that represents a map.
GxMetadata GxObject that represents an XML file.
GxMSDFile (esriCatalogUI) A MapServerDefinitionFile Dataset.
GxMyHostedMapsFolder Container of My Hosted Services.
GxNewDatabase Shortcut to create new databases.
GxPackage GxObject that represents a layer or map package.
GxPCCoverage GxObject that represents PC Coverage.
GxPre70Coverage GxObject that represents Pre-7.0 Coverage.
GxPrjFile GxObject that represents GxPrjFile.
GxRasterDataset A Gx Raster dataset.
GxRemoteDatabaseFolder Container of remote database workspaces.
GxReport GxObject that represents a report.
GxSDCDataset A SDC feature dataset, feature class or table.
GxServiceDefinition GxObject that represents a service definition.
GxShapefileDataset A Shapefile Feature Class or DBase Table.
GxShortcut GxObject that represents a shortcut to a GxObject. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later.
GxSpatialReferencesFolder Container of spatial references (PRJ files).
GxSpatialWeightsMatrixFile GxObject that represents a spatial weights matrix file.
GxStreetMapDataset A StreetMap feature class.
GxTaskServicesConnection GxTaskServicesConnection of ready-to-use Task Services.
GxTaskServicesFolder GxTaskServicesFolder of ready-to-use Task Services.
GxTaskServicesRootFolder Root container of ready-to-use Task Services.
GxTextFile GxObject that represents the text file.
GxTool Catalog object corresponding to geoprocessing tools.
GxToolbox Catalog object corresponding to toolboxes.
GxToolboxesFolder Catalog object corresponding to the System Toolboxes and My Toolboxes nodes.
GxToolboxesRoot Catalog object corresponding to root-level Toolboxes node.
GxToolset Catalog object corresponding to toolsets.
GxTrackingDatasetName (esriTrackingAnalystUI) A Catalog wrapper for tracking data set names.
GxTrackingServerConnection (esriTrackingAnalystUI) A Catalog wrapper for tracking server connections.
GxVpfDataset A VPF Feature Class.
GxWCSConnection The connection of WCS service.
GxWCSCoverage GxWCSCoverage object for the ArcCatalog.
GxWMSConnection The connection of WMS service.
GxWMSLayer GxWMSLayer object for the ArcCatalog.
GxWMSMap GxWMSMap object for the ArcCatalog.
GxWMTSConnection The connection of WMTS service.
GxWMTSLayer GxWMTSLayer object for the ArcCatalog.
GxWorkspaceFolder GxObject that represents a workspace folder.
IMSConnection GxObject that represents ArcIMS Connection.
IMSFeatureClass GxObject that represents ArcIMS Feature Class.
IMSFeatureService GxObject that represents ArcIMS Feature Service.
IMSGlobeServiceDescription GxObject that represents ArcIMS Globe File.
IMSGlobeSubServiceDescription ArcIMS Globe Sub Service.
IMSImageMap GxObject that represents ArcIMS Image Map.
IMSMetadataService GxObject that represents ArcIMS Metadata Service.
NewIMSConnection GxObject that represents new ArcIMS Connection.
SearchResults GxObject that represents the search result. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later.
SearchResultsRoot A container for search results. This object is not supported on ArcGIS version 10.1. or later.
TxGPSConnectorWizard (esriTrackingAnalystUI) A wizard object that assists in defining the connection properties (i.e., communication parameters) with a locally connected GPS device.

.NET Samples

Utility wizard for basic schematic datasets configuration (Code Files: GenerateSchematicTemplate) | Extent view (Code Files: clsExtentView) | Custom Root Object (Style Gallery) (Code Files: clsGxStyleGallery clsGxStyleGalleryClass clsGxStyleGalleryItem clsGxStyleView) | Custom GxObject (Code Files: GxPyObject) | Text View tab (Code Files: TextView) | StreetMap routing (Code Files: RoutingForm) | Create an NDVI custom raster function (Code Files: NDVICustomFunctionUIForm) | Create a custom raster function (Code Files: WatermarkFunctionUIForm) | Browse for Python files (Code Files: CustomFilter) | Tabbed feature inspector (Code Files: AddEXTCLSID)

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