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Framework Library Contents (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Framework > Framework Library Contents (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Framework)  

Framework Library Contents

The Framework library provides core components to support user interface components and applications.


Interface Description
IAccelerator Provides access to members that define an accelerator.
IAcceleratorHook Provides access to a means to decide if a virtual key should act as an accelerator.
IAcceleratorTable Provides access to members that modify the accelerator table.
IApplication Provides access to members that query or modify the application.
IApplicationIdentifyDialog Provides access to class ID of application's identify dialog.
IApplicationRefreshBitmap Triggers the application to call get_Bitmap on the control specified.
IApplicationStatus Provides access to the applications status.
IApplicationStatusEvents Provides access to events fired by application.
IAppROT Provides access to members that manipulate the Esri application running object table, AppROT.
IAppROTEvents Provides access to events that occur on the Esri application running object table.
IArcToolboxFind Provides access to this tool's properties for the ArcToolbox Find tool.
IArcToolboxTool Provides access to members that control the Toolbox tools.
IAtbApplication Provides access to the window handle of the ArcToolbox application.
IColorBrowser Provides access to members that control the Color Browser Dialog.
IColorPalette Provides access to members that control the Color Palette.
IColorSelector Provides access to members that control the Color Selector Dialog.
IComEmbeddedPropertyPage Provides access to methods needed for embedded property pages.
ICommandBar Provides access to members that modify a commandbar.
ICommandBars Provides access to members that work on the collection of commandbars.
ICommandItem Provides access to members that define a command item.
IComPropertyPage Provides access to members that control a COM property page.
IComPropertyPage2 Provides access to members that control a COM property page.
IComPropertyPageObjectFactory Provides access to members that control the COM Property Page Object Factory.
IComPropertyPageSite Provides access to the callback mechanism of a COM property sheet.
IComPropertySheet Provides access to members that work with a COM property sheet.
IComPropertySheet2 Provides access to members that extend the IComPropertySheet interface with methods for setting the active page.
IComPropertySheetID Properties to identify sheet.
ICoordinateDialog Provides access to members that work with a dialog for getting coordinates.
ICustomColorPalette Provides access to members that control the Setting or Creating of a Custom Color Palette.
ICustomizationFilter Provides access to members that define a customization filter.
IDDECommandHandler Provides access to members that handle DDE commands.
IDllThreadManager Provides access to an event that DLL thread managers listen for.
IDockableWindow Provides access to members that define and control a dockable window.
IDockableWindowDef Provides access to members that define a dockable window.
IDockableWindowHelpNotify Provides access to members that define and control a dockable window.
IDockableWindowImageDef Provides access to members that define a dockable window's image.
IDockableWindowInitialPlacement Provides initial placement for dockable windows.
IDockableWindowInitialPlacementNeighbors Provides initial placement for dockable windows.
IDockableWindowManager Provides access to a method that finds a dockable window in the application.
IDocument Provides access to other objects in the document.
IDocumentDirty Provides access to the dirty flag of the Document.
IDocumentDirty2 Provides access to the dirty flag of the Document.
IFileOpenHandler Provides access to members that handle the opening of files.
IGetStringDialog Provides access to members that work with a dialog for getting a string.
IGetUserAndPasswordDialog Provides access to members that work with a dialog for getting user and password information.
IListDialog Provides access to members that work with a dialog for displaying a list.
IMenuItem Provides access to extended notifications for commands on menus.
IMenuItem2 Provides access to extended notifications for commands on menus.
IMessageDialog Provides access to a method that works with a dialog for displaying a message.
IModelessFrame Provides access to a means of displaying modeless dialogs implemented with VisualBasic.
IMouseCursor Provides access to members that set the system cursor.
IMultiThreadedApplication Provides access to members that control DLL thread managers.
INumberDialog Provides access to members that work with a dialog for getting a number.
INumberFormatDialog Provides access to members that work with the number format dialog.
IObjectFactory Provides access to members that allow automation clients to create arbitrary objects within the application's process space.
IPaletteEvents Provides access to events that occur when the palette changes.
IProgressDialog2 Provides access to members that work with a progress dialog.
IProgressDialogFactory Provides access to a method that creates a progress dialog.
IPropertyPageContext Provides access to members that helps you find out if property page applies to a set of objects.
IPropertyPageSiteConfig Provides access to members that configure a property page site.
IProtectNameFramework Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness.
IRootLevelMenu Indicator interface that identifies a root level menu.
ISelectionPalette Provides access to members that define a palette of selection choices.
IShortcutMenu Indicator interface that identifies a context menu.
ISmallBitmapProvider Provides access to members that control objects that provide a small 8x8 pixel bitmap.
IStyleSelector Provides access to members that work with the style selector dialog.
ISymbolPickerDialog Provides access to the SymbolPicker dialog.
ITemplates Provides access to members that query the templates collection.
IVbaApplication Provides access to members that modify the VBA projects in this application.
IWindowPosition Provides access to members that query or modify a window's position, size and state.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
Accelerator Accelerator object.
AcceleratorTable Accelerator Table Object.
AnglePropertyPage Angle Format Property Page.
ApplicationStatusEvents Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound IApplicationStatusEvents interface in VB.
AppRef A reference to the currently running application.
AppROT Esri application running object table.
Button Button CoType.
CmykPropertyPage Esri custom color dialog CMYK page.
ColorBrowser Esri Custom Color Dialog.
ColorNamePropertyPage Esri custom color dialog ColorName page.
ColorPageSite Esri custom color dialog pagesite.
ColorPalette Esri Color Palette object.
ColorSelector Esri Color Selector object.
CommandBar CommandBar object.
CommandBars CommandBars collection object.
CommandItem Command Item.
ComPropertyPageSite COM Property Page Site.
ComPropertySheet COM Property Sheet Object.
CoordinateDialog A dialog used for getting coordinates.
CurrencyPropertyPage Currency Format Property Page.
CustomPropertyPage Custom Number Format Property Page.
DirectionPropertyPage Direction Format Property Page.
DllThreadManager DllThreadManager CoType.
DockableWindow DockableWindow object.
EnumStyleGalleryItem An enumerator of Style Gallery items.
FractionPropertyPage Fraction Format Property Page.
GetStringDialog A dialog used for getting a string.
GetUserAndPasswordDialog A dialog used for getting user and password information.
GrayPropertyPage Esri custom color dialog Gray page.
HsvPropertyPage Esri custom color dialog HSV page.
ListDialog List Dialog object.
MessageDialog A dialog used for displaying a message.
ModelessFrame Object that implements a ModelessFrame.
MouseCursor The the system mouse cursor.
MultiItem MultiItem CoType.
NumberDialog A dialog used for getting a number.
NumberFormatDialog Number Format Dialog object.
NumericPropertyPage Numeric Format Property Page.
PercentagePropertyPage Percentage Format Property Page.
ProgressDialogFactory Progress Dialog Factory object.
RatePropertyPage Rate Format Property Page.
RgbPropertyPage Esri custom color dialog RGB page.
ScientificPropertyPage Scientific Format Property Page.
StyleGallery The Style Gallery object.
StyleGalleryItem An item in the Style Gallery.
SymbolPickerDialog The SymbolPicker Dialog Object.
Templates Templates collection object.
Tool Tool CoType.
ToolControl ToolControl CoType.


Structure Description


Enumeration Description
CustomizationErrors Customization errors.
esriATModality Specifies the modality of the ArcToolbox tool.
esriCommandTypes Command types.
esriCustomizationEvent Customization event types.
esriDockFlags Toolbar docking flags.
esriDocumentType Document types.
esriProgressAnimationTypes Progress animation types.
esriStatusBarPanes Status bar panes.
esriWindowState Window states.