ArcObjects Library Reference (Framework) |
Provides access to members that query or modify the application.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Desktop.
The Application object is the core object in the ArcMap and ArcCatalog applications. This object represents the application itself and acts as the central point where access is gained to other objects in the system. The Application object's primary interface is IApplication. This interface provides access to the Document object, the extensions, the StatusBar object, the Templates object, the currently selected tool, and the Visual Basic Editor. There are several methods that allow you to open, save, and print documents, lock and unlock the application from user customizations, display dialogs, and exit the application.
Name |
Description |
Caption |
The caption of this application. |
CurrentTool |
The currently selected tool. |
Document |
The document that is currently loaded in the application. |
FindExtensionByCLSID |
Finds an extension by its CLSID. |
FindExtensionByName |
Finds an extension by its name. |
hWnd |
The handle of the application's window. |
IsDialogVisible |
Indicates if the specified dialog is visible in the application. |
LockCustomization |
Locks the application's user interface against any customizations. |
Name |
The name of this application. |
NewDocument |
Creates a new document in this application. |
OpenDocument |
Opens a document in this application. |
PrintDocument |
Displays the Print dialog. |
PrintPreview |
Displays how the document will look like when it is printed. |
RefreshWindow |
Redraws the application window. |
SaveAsDocument |
Saves the document that is currently open in this application to a different file. |
SaveDocument |
Saves the document that is currently open in this application. |
ShowDialog |
Displays the specified dialog in the application. |
Shutdown |
Terminates the application. |
StatusBar |
The statusbar of this application. |
Templates |
The templates collection. |
UnlockCustomization |
Unlocks previous user interface customization lock. |
The Visual Basic Environment. |
Visible |
Indicates if the application window is visible. |
CoClasses that implement IApplication
See Also
IMxApplication Interface | IDocument.Parent Property | ICommand.OnCreate Method
.NET Snippets
Open StyleReferencesDialog |
Get Command by Name |
Show Progress Dialog |
Find Command and Execute |
Open StyleManagerDialog |
Get Extension |
Move Application Window to Center |
Get Network Analyst Extension |
Use Custom Tool on Windows Form |
Get Toolbar by Name |
Get PageLayout from ArcMap |
Statements - Use a Tool in a Windows Form |
Get Dockable Window |
TimeControl Playback |
Get hWnd from ArcGIS Desktop |
Get MxApplication from ArcMap |
Get Globe from Application |
Get MxDocument from ArcMap |
Minimize Application Window |
Create Context Menu |
Get Document Path |
List ArcMap Visible Toolbars |
Display Template Information in MessageBox |
Get ActiveView from ArcMap |
Get Command on Toolbar by Names |
Get Editor from ArcMap |
Animation Progressor |
Statements - Get Network Analyst Extension |
Open GxDialog |
Get Map from ArcMap |
Open MxDialog |
Set Tool Active in ToolBar |
Statements - Get hWnd from ArcGIS Desktop |
Flip Line Direction |
Get Contents View from ArcMap |
Display Extension State on Status Bar |
Assign Shortcut Key to Command
.NET Samples
Export any network analysis class to a text file (Code Files:
NAClassToTextfileCmd) |
Convert part to feature command (Code Files:
ConvertPart) |
Add a custom menu created in .NET to ArcGIS for Desktop (Code Files:
AddShapefile) |
Extension implementation (Code Files:
ArcEditorOnlyExtension ArcInfoOnlyExtension ArcViewOnlyExtension SimpleExtension) |
Layer property page and property sheet (Code Files:
SimpleLayerPropertiesCmd) |
Points along line construction tool (Code Files:
PointsAlongLineTool) |
ViperPin tool (Code Files:
ViperPinTool) |
Selection restriction evaluator (Code Files:
SelectionRestrictionEvaluator) |
Recently used files�Command, MultiItem, and ComboBox (Code Files:
CommandRecentFiles RecentFilesCombo RecentFilesRegistryHelper) |
Automate ArcGIS for Desktop applications (Code Files:
Form1) |
Implementing a schematic digitizing tool (Code Files:
DigitTool DockableDigit) |
Layer filtering TOC view (Code Files:
TOCLayerFilter) |
Angle Angle shape constructor (Code Files:
AngleAngleCmd) |
Move a graphic along a path in ArcMap (Code Files:
cmdMoveGraphicAlongPath) |
ArcGIS Network Analyst extension barrier location editor (Code Files:
EditorForm NABarrierLocationEditor) |
Subset network evaluators (Code Files:
AddSubsetAttributesCommand AutoUpdateNetworkElementArrayParametersCommand RemoveSubsetAttributesCommand SubsetHelperUI) |
Custom subtyped command and tool (Code Files:
PolyFeedbackTools ZoomInCommands) |
StreetMap routing (Code Files:
RoutingForm) |
Create a command by inheriting from BaseCommand (Code Files:
ZoomToLayer) |
Create a custom tool (Code Files:
DrawGraphicLine) |
Applying user interface customizations at startup (Code Files:
AcmeExt) |
Create a custom selection extension by extending ArcObjects (Code Files:
SelectByLineTool SelectionCountDockWin SelectionExtension SelectionTargetComboBox SelectionToolPalette ToggleDockWinBtn ZoomToLayerMultiItem) |
Schematic diagram auto refresh (Code Files:
Autorefresh FormAutorefresh) |
Simple logging dockable window with a custom context menu (Code Files:
ClearLoggingCommand LoggingDockableWindow LoggingDockableWindowCommand LogLineMultiItemCmd) |
Custom feedback tool and font drop-down list tool control (Code Files:
FontToolControl ToolSample) |
Web browser dockable window (Code Files:
ESRIWebsitesWindow ESRIWebsitesWindowCommand) |
Migrating from VB6 to VB .NET for ArcGIS 10 (Code Files:
clscopy_table_sel clsCopyTableSelection) |
Extension to listen to document open and save events (Code Files:
LogExtension) |
Tabbed feature inspector (Code Files:
.NET Related Topics
Accessing application and document objects |
Animation |
ArcMapUI |
Automating ArcGIS for Desktop applications |
Building a context menu with dynamic command items |
CatalogUI |
Create a command by inheriting from BaseCommand |
Create a custom tool |
Editor framework customizations |
GlobeCore |
How to create AOIs and bookmarks |
How to create multiple commands or tools in a single class subtyped command |
How to find an extension |
How to listen to document events |
How to load data into a network analysis problem |
How to pass the ArcGIS for Desktop application from a command or tool |
How to use symbol level drawing |
How to wire custom events using IActiveViewEvents |
Interacting with singleton objects |
LocationUI |
Migrating VB6 to VB.NET for ArcGIS 10 |
NetworkAnalystUI |
Performing basic map functions |
Publisher |
Writing .NET code using properties