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Geoprocessing Library Contents (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
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ArcObjects Library Reference (Geoprocessing)  

Geoprocessing Library Contents

The GeoProcessing library implements the Geoprocessing framework in addition to the base set of Geoprocessing tools. The tools available depend on the licenses available to you. See the individual tools for specific license information.


Interface Description
IBStringArray Provides access to the properties/methods of the string array.
IDataElementDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a data element domain object.
IDETool Provides access to properties/methods of a tool data element object.
IDEToolbox Provides access to properties/methods of a toolbox data element object.
IDEToolbox2 Provides access to properties/methods of a toolbox data element object.
IDEToolboxType Provides access to properties/methods of a toolbox data type object.
IDEToolType Provides access to properties/methods of a tool data type object.
IDEUtilities Provides access to the Data Element Utilities.
IEnumFieldType Provides access to enumeric esriFieldTypes.
IEnumGeometryType Provides access to enumeric esriGeometryTypes.
IEnumGPDataType Provides access to enumeric GPDataType.
IEnumGPEnvironment Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing environment enumeration object.
IEnumGPTool Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing tool enumeration object.
IEnumGPToolbox Provides access to methods on a toolbox enumeration object.
IEnumGPToolboxName Provides access to methods on a toolbox name enumeration object.
IEnumGPToolName Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing tool name enumeration object.
IEnumMdElement Provides access to properties/methods of an enumeration of model elements.
IEnumMdProcess Provides access to properties/methods of an enumeration of model processes.
IEnumMdVariable Provides access to properties/methods of an enumeration of model variables.
IGeoProcessor The Geoprocessor. Provides access to toolboxes and tools.
IGeoProcessor2 The Geoprocessor. Provides access to toolboxes and tools.
IGeoProcessorEvents Provides access to GeoProcessor events.
IGeoProcessorEvents2 Provides access to GeoProcessor events2.
IGeoProcessorEvents3 Provides access to GeoProcessor events3.
IGeoProcessorResult The Geoprocessor Result. Provides access to the results of tools.
IGeoProcessorResult2 The Geoprocessor Result. Provides access to the results of tools.
IGeoProcessorSettings Provides access to the properties/methods of the GeoProcessor settings.
IGeoProcessorSettings2 Provides access to the properties/methods of the GeoProcessor settings.
IGPAnalysisCellSize Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing analysis cellsize object.
IGPAnalysisCellSizeType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing analysis cellsize data type.
IGPAnnoDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing annotation feature class domain object.
IGPArcInfoItemDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing Arc/Info item domain object.
IGPArealUnit Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing areal unit object.
IGPArealUnitType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing areal unit data type object.
IGPBoolean Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing boolean object.
IGPBooleanType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing boolean data type.
IGPCadastralFabricLayer Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing cadastral fabric layer object.
IGPCadastralFabricLayerType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing cadastral fabric layer data type object.
IGPCalculatorExpression Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing Calculator Expression object.
IGPCalculatorExpressionType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing Calculator Expression data type.
IGPCellSizeXY Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing CellSizeXY object.
IGPCellSizeXYType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing CellSizeXY data type.
IGPCodedValueDomainProperty Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing coded value domain property object.
IGPComHelper Provides access to properties and methods on a Geoprocessing helper object.
IGPCompositeDataType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing composite data type object.
IGPCompositeDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing composite domain object.
IGPCompositeLayer Provides access to GPCompositeLayer objects.
IGPCompositeLayerType Provides access to GPCompositeLayerType objects.
IGPContainerSchema Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing container schema object.
IGPCoordinateSystem Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing coordinate system object.
IGPCoordinateSystemType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing coordinate system data type object.
IGPCoverageDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing coverage domain object.
IGPCoverageFeatureClassDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing coverage feature class domain object.
IGPCreateTiles Create a set of tiles for chunking.
IGpCursorRow Provides access to the Cursor Row.
IGpCursorRow2 Provides access to the Cursor Row.
IGPCustomTool Provides access to methods on a custom geoprocessing tool object.
IGPCustomToolGen Provides access to methods on a custom geoprocessing tool object.
IGPCustomToolHelper Provides access to methods on a custom tool helper object.
IGPDatasetDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing dataset domain object.
IGPDate Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing date object.
IGPDateType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing date data type.
IGPDefaultNameList Provides access to the properties/methods to manage a list of output dataset names.
IGpDescribeData Provides access to the properties of a GpDescribeData object.
IGpDescribeField Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessing Field Description object.
IGpDescribeGeometry Provides access to the properties and methods of the Describe Geometry object.
IGpDescribeIndex Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessing Index Description object.
IGpDispatch Provides access to the properties and methods of a Geoprocessor object.
IGPDouble Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing double object.
IGPDoubleType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing double data type.
IGPEncryptedStringType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing string data type.
IGpEnumList Provides access to the methods on a list enumeration object.
IGpEnumObject Provides access to the properties and methods of a Geoprocessing object enumerator object.
IGPEnvelope Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing envelope object.
IGPEnvelopeType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing envelope data type.
IGPEnvironment Provides access to the editable properties/methods of a geoprocessing environment object.
IGPEnvironmentImpl Provides access to the implementation properties/methods of a geoprocessing environment object.
IGPEnvironmentManager Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing environment management object.
IGPExportWebMapExtensionImpl Provides the server connections information to the ExportWebMap tool extension.
IGPExtent Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing extent object.
IGPExtentType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing extent data type.
IGPFeatureClassDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing feature class domain object.
IGPFeatureLayer Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing feature layer object.
IGPFeatureLayerType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing feature layer data type object.
IGPFeatureSchema Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing feature schema object.
IGPFeatureSolutions Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing feature solutions object.
IGPFeatureSolutionsResult Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing feature solutions results object.
IGPFieldDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field domain object.
IGPFieldDomain2 Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field domain object.
IGPFieldInfo Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field info object.
IGPFieldInfo2 Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field info object.
IGPFieldInfo3 Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field info object.
IGPFieldInfoDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing field info domain object.
IGpFieldInfoObject Provides access to the Dispatch Field Info Object.
IGPFieldInfoProperty Provides access to the properties/methods of a field info property object.
IGPFieldInfoProperty2 Provides access to the properties/methods of a field info property object.
IGPFieldInfoProperty3 Provides access to the properties/methods of a field info property object.
IGPFieldInfoType Provides access to the properties/methods of a field info data type.
IGPFieldMap Provides access to the sub field map object.
IGpFieldMapObject Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessing FieldMap object.
IGPFieldMapping Provides access to the field map object.
IGpFieldMappingsObject Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessing FieldMapping object.
IGPFieldMappingType Provides access to the field map data type.
IGPFileDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing file domain object.
IGPFileSupport Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing file support object.
IGPFunction Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing function object.
IGPFunction2 Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing function tool object.
IGPFunctionFactory Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing function factory object.
IGPFunctionFactory2 Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing function factory object.
IGPFunctionName Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing function name object.
IGPFunctionTool Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing function tool object.
IGPGroupLayer Provides access to GPGroupLayer objects.
IGPGroupLayerType Provides access to GPGroupLayerType objects.
IGPINFOExpression Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing INFO expression object.
IGPINFOExpressionType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing INFO expression data type object.
IGPJobServerExe Provides access to the properties/methods of the gp job server.
IGPLasDatasetLayer Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing LAS dataset layer object.
IGPLasDatasetLayerType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing LAS dataset layer data type object.
IGPLayersAndTablesDomain Provides access to the GpLayers and Tables domain.
IGPLayerSupport Provides access to GPLayerSupport properties.
IGPLine Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing line object.
IGPLine2 Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing line object.
IGPLinearUnit Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing linear unit object.
IGPLinearUnit2 Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing linear unit object.
IGPLinearUnitType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing linear unit data type object.
IGPLineType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing line data type.
IGPLong Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing long integer object.
IGPLongType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing long integer data type.
IGPMDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing m domain object.
IGPMDomainType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing m domain data type object.
IGPMeasureFieldsDomain Provides access to the measure field domain.
IGPModelTool Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing model tool object.
IGPMosaicLayer Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing mosaic layer object.
IGPMosaicLayerType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing mosaic layer data type object.
IGPMultiValue Provides access to the properties/methods of a multi-value object.
IGPMultiValueDataTypeName Provides access to the properties/methods of a multi-value data type name object.
IGPMultiValueType Provides access to the properties/methods of the multi-value data type object.
IGPNetCDFWorkspace Provides access to the NetCDFWorkspace object.
IGPNetworkDatasetLayer Network Dataset Layer interface
IGPNetworkDatasetLayerType Network Dataset Layer Type interface
IGPNumericDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing numeric domain object.
IGpObjectArray Provides access to the properties and methods of a Geoprocessing object array object.
IGPParameter Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object.
IGPParameter2 Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object.
IGPParameter3 Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object.
IGPParameterEdit Provides access to the editable properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object.
IGPParameterEdit2 Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object.
IGPParameterEdit3 Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parameter object.
IGPParameterInfo Provides access to the properties/methods of the parameter information.
IGPParameterInfo2 Set and get parameter domain
IGPParameterInfos Provides access to the properties/methods of the parameter information array.
IGPParseString Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parse string object.
IGPParseString2 Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing parse string object.
IGPPoint Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing point object.
IGPPoint2 Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing point object.
IGpPointObject Provides access to the Dispatch Point Object.
IGpPointObject2 Provides access to the Dispatch Point Object.
IGPPointType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing point data type.
IGPPolygon Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing polygon object.
IGPPolygon2 Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing polygon object.
IGPPolygonType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing polygon data type.
IGPQueryTableFieldsDomain Provides access to a query table fields domain.
IGPQueryTableIDsDomain Provides access to the query table ID field domain.
IGPRAFieldDomain Provides access to IGPRAFieldDomain interface.
IGPRandomNumberGenerator Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing random number generator object.
IGpRandomNumberGeneratorObject Provides access to the Dispatch RandomGenerator Object.
IGPRandomNumberGeneratorType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing random number generator data type object.
IGPRasterCatalogLayer Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing raster catalog layer object.
IGPRasterCatalogLayerType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing raster catalog layer data type object.
IGPRasterEnvStorageDefAdvanced Provides access to raster storage def creation Options.
IGPRasterFormulated Provides access to IGPRasterFormulated interface.
IGPRasterFormulatedType Provides access to IGPRasterFormulatedType interface.
IGPRasterGDBEnvCompression Provides access to raster GDB environment compression control.
IGPRasterGDBEnvCompressionType Provides access to raster IGPRasterGDBEnvCompressionType.
IGPRasterGDBEnvPyramid Provides access to raster GDB environment pyramid control.
IGPRasterGDBEnvPyramid2 Provides access to raster GDB environment pyramid control.
IGPRasterGDBEnvPyramid3 Provides access to raster GDB environment pyramid control.
IGPRasterGDBEnvPyramidType Provides access to raster IGPRasterGDBEnvPyramidType.
IGPRasterGDBEnvStatistics Provides access to raster GDB environment statistics control.
IGPRasterGDBEnvStatisticsType Provides access to raster IGPRasterGDBEnvStatisticsType.
IGPRasterGDBEnvTileSize Provides access to raster GDB environment tile size control.
IGPRasterGDBEnvTileSizeType Provides access to raster IGPRasterGDBEnvTileSizeType.
IGPRasterLayer Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing raster layer object.
IGPRasterLayerType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing raster layer data type object.
IGPRasterSchema Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing raster schema object.
IGPRepresentationLayerDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing representation layer domain object.
IGPResult Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing results.
IGPResultOptions Provides access to the properties/methods of the result options.
IGPRouteDomain Provides access to the route feature class domain.
IGPRouteIDFieldsDomain Provides access to the route ID field domain.
IGPRouteMeasureEventDomain Provides access to the route measure event table domain.
IGPRouteMeasureEventProperties Provides access to the route measure event properties.
IGPRouteMeasureEventPropertiesType Provides access to the route measure event property type.
IGPSAGeoDataDomain Provides access to GPSA Geo-Data Domain.
IGPSAGeoDataType Provides access to IGPSAGeoDataType interface.
IGPSchema Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing schema object.
IGPSchemaCheckImpl Provides access to the private IGPSchemaCheckImpl interface.
IGPScriptTool Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing script tool object.
IGPScriptTool2 Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing script tool object.
IGPServer Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing server.
IGPServer2 Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing server.
IGPServerSync Provides access to the methods of the geoprocessing server.
IGPSpatialReference Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing spatial reference object.
IGPSpatialReferenceType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing spatial reference data type object.
IGpSpRefObject Provides access to the Dispatch SpatialReference Object.
IGpSpRefObject2 Provides access to the Dispatch SpatialReference Object.
IGPSQLExpression Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing SQL expression object.
IGPSQLExpressionType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing SQL expression data type object.
IGPStandaloneTableCollection Provides access to GPCompositeLayer tables.
IGPString Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing string object.
IGPStringHidden Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing hidden string object.
IGPStringHiddenType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing hidden string data type.
IGPStringType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing string data type.
IGPTableSchema Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing table schema object.
IGPTablesDomain Provides access to the Tables domain.
IGPTablesDomain2 Provides access to the Tables domain.
IGPTableView Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing table view object.
IGPTableViewType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing table view data type object.
IGPTask Provides access to properties/methods of a task object.
IGPTerrainLayer Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing terrain layer object.
IGPTerrainLayerType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing terrain layer data type object.
IGPTest Provides access to the properties/methods of the GPTest object.
IGPTimeUnit Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing time unit object.
IGPTimeUnitType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing time unit data type object.
IGPTinLayer Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing tin layer object.
IGPTinLayerType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing tin layer data type object.
IGPTool Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing tool object.
IGPToolBackground Tool Background Implementation Interface.
IGPToolbox Provides access to methods on the toolbox object.
IGPToolbox2 Provides access to methods on the toolbox object.
IGPToolbox3 Provides access to methods on the toolbox object.
IGPToolboxEvents Provides access to toolbox events.
IGPToolboxEvents2 Provides access to toolbox events.
IGPToolboxFactory Provides access to methods on the toolbox factory object.
IGPToolboxName Provides access to methods on a toolbox name object.
IGPToolCommandHelper Provides access to the properties and methods of a Geoprocessing Tool Command Helper object.
IGPToolCommandHelper2 Provides access to the properties and methods of a Geoprocessing Tool Command Helper object.
IGPToolEdit Provides access to edit methods on a geoprocessing tool object.
IGPToolExtension Provides access to methods on a custom geoprocessing tool extension.
IGPToolExtensionFactory Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing tool extension factory object.
IGPToolExtensionFactoryGen Provides access to methods on a geoprocessing tool extension factory object.
IGPToolExtensionGen Provides access to methods on a custom geoprocessing tool extension.
IGPToolInfo Provides access to the properties/methods of the tool information.
IGPToolInfo2 Provides access to the properties/methods of the tool information.
IGPToolInfos Provides access to the properties/methods of the tool information array.
IGPToolName Provides access to methods on a tool name object.
IGPTopologyLayer Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing topology layer object.
IGPTopologyLayerType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing topology layer data type object.
IGPType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing data type.
IGPUtilities Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing utilities object.
IGPUtilities2 Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing utilities object.
IGPUtilities3 Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing utilities object.
IGPUtilities4 Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing utilities object.
IGPValueExpression Provides access to GPExpression objects.
IGPValues Provides access to the properties/methods of the values array.
IGPValueTable Provides access to the properties/methods of a value table object.
IGpValueTableObject Provides access to the Dispatch Value Table Object.
IGpValueTableObject2 Provides access to the Dispatch Value Table Object.
IGPValueTableType Provides access to the properties/methods of the value table data type.
IGPVariableManager Provides access to GPVariableManager objects.
IGPVariant Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing variant object.
IGPVariantType Provides access to the properties/methods of the geoprocessing variant data type.
IGPVirtualTableDomain Provides access to the virtual table domain.
IGPWorkspaceDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing workspace object.
IGPXYDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing xy domain object.
IGPXYDomainType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing xy domain data type object.
IGPZDomain Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing z domain object.
IGPZDomainType Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing z domain data type object.
IMapCacheTileManager Provides access to methods that manage map server cache tiles.
IMapCacheTileManagerJob Executes in parallel and performs the job.
IMapCacheTileManagerJobResultHandler Processes the results of a MapCacheTileManagerJob
IMBImport Provides access to ModelBuilder Import Interface.
IMBProgressor Provides access to properties/methods of a model builder progressor object.
IMdDiagramProperties Provides access to properties/methods of a model diagram properties object.
IMdDisplayEdge Provides access to properties/methods of a model display edge.
IMdDisplayNode Provides access to properties/methods of a model display node.
IMdElement Provides access to properties/methods of a model element.
IMdElementDialogSupport Provides access to support methods on the element dialog.
IMdList Provides access to properties/methods of a model list.
IMdModel Provides access to properties/methods of a model.
IMdModelEvents Provides access to model events.
IMdModelIteration Provides access to properties/methods of a model iteration.
IMdModelIteration2 Provides access to properties/methods of a model iteration.
IMdParameter Provides access to properties/methods of a model parameter.
IMdProcess Provides access to properties/methods of a model process.
IMdVariable Provides access to properties/methods of a model variable.
IMdVariable2 Provides access to properties/methods of a model variable.
IMdVariable3 Provides access to properties/methods of a model variable.
IProcessLayer Provides access to the properties/methods of the process layer object.
IProtectNameGeoprocessing Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness.
IToolboxWorkspace Provides access to methods on the toolbox workspace object.
IToolboxWorkspaceExtension Provides access to methods on a toolbox workspace extension object.
IToolboxWorkspaceFactory Provides access to methods on the toolbox workspace factory object.
IWPSServer Provides access to the available WPS Server properties and methods.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
AGOCatalogPathParser My Hosted Services Catalog Path Parser.
AGSCatalogPathParser ArcGIS Server Catalog Path Parser.
DataElementDomain Geoprocessing Data Element Domain.
DEDatasetType Dataset Data Element Data Type.
DEGeoDatasetType GeoDataset Data Element Data Type.
DETool The tool Data Element.
DEToolbox The toolbox Data Element.
DEToolboxType The toolbox Data Type.
DEToolType The tool Data Type.
DEType Data Element Data Type.
DEUtilities Data Element Utilities object.
EnumBSTR Enumeration of multiple strings.
EnumGPEnvironment Enumeration of multiple geoprocessing environment objects.
EnumGPName Enumeration of multiple geoprocessing name objects.
ExportWebMap Export WebMap to a specified format based on potential layout provided.
GDSCatalogPathParser ArcGIS Database Server Catalog Path Parser.
GeoProcessor GeoProcessor Access.
GeoProcessorResult GeoProcessorResult Access.
GPAnalysisCellSize GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize object.
GPAnalysisCellSizeType GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize Type object.
GPArcInfoItemChoiceList Object for generating ArcInfo item choice list.
GPArcInfoItemDomain Geoprocessing ArcInfo Item Domain.
GPArealUnit Geoprocessing value object containing a areal unit value.
GPArealUnitType Geoprocessing Areal Unit Data Type.
GPBoolean Geoprocessing value object containing a boolean value.
GPBooleanType Geoprocessing Boolean Data Type.
GPCadAnnoDomain Geoprocessing CAD Annotation Feature Class Domain.
GPCadastralFabricLayer Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Value.
GPCadastralFabricLayerType Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Data Type.
GPCalculatorExpression Geoprocessing value object containing a Field Calc Expression.
GPCalculatorExpressionType Geoprocessing Field Calc Expression Data Type.
GPCellSizeXY Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry.
GPCellSizeXYType Geoprocessing Point Data Type.
GPCodedValueDomain Geoprocessing Coded Value Domain.
GPCodedValueDomainProperty Geoprocessing Coded Value Domain Property.
GPCompositeDataType Geoprocessing Composite Data Type.
GPCompositeDomain Geoprocessing Composite Domain.
GPCompositeLayer Geoprocessing Composite Layer Value.
GPCompositeLayerType Geoprocessing Composite Layer Data Type.
GPComputeBlockAdjustment Computes Block Adjustment using a 3rd party BA engine.
GPContainerSchema Geoprocessing Container Schema object.
GPConvertCacheStorageFormat Convert storage format of pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer.
GPConvertCacheStorageFormatWorker Convert storage format of pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer.
GPConvertMapServerCacheStorageFormat Convert map cache storage format.
GPCoordinateSystem Geoprocessing value object containing a coordinate system value.
GPCoordinateSystemType Geoprocessing Coordinate System Data Type.
GPCovAnnoDomain Geoprocessing Coverage Annotation Feature Class Domain.
GPCoverageDomain Geoprocessing Coverage Domain.
GPCoverageFeatureClassDomain Geoprocessing Coverage Feature Class Domain.
GPCreateMapServerCache Create pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer.
GPCreateTiles Create a set of tiles for chunking.
GPDataFile GPDataFile Class
GPDataFileType Data File Type.
GPDatasetDomain Geoprocessing Dataset Domain.
GPDate Geoprocessing value object containing a date value.
GPDateType Geoprocessing Date Data Type.
GPDeleteMapServerCache Delete pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer.
GpDescribeField Geoprocessing DescribeField object.
GpDispatch Utility object used to execute geoprocessing tools.
GPDistributedGPJobManager control execution of worker components of a distributed geoprocessing job.
GPDouble Geoprocessing value object containing a double value.
GPDoubleType Geoprocessing Double Data Type.
GPEncryptedString Geoprocessing value object containing a string value.
GPEncryptedStringType Geoprocessing String Data Type.
GPEnvelope Geoprocessing value object containing an envelope value.
GPEnvelopeType Geoprocessing Envelope Data Type.
GPEnvironment Geoprocessing Environment object.
GPEnvironmentManager Environment Manager.
GPESRIAvailableFonts Reports the available fonts on the server
GPESRICreateFeatureServiceReplica Creates Feature Service Replica ASync.
GPESRILaunchWorker launch a worker component of a distributed geoprocessing job
GPESRISyncFeatureServiceReplica Synchronize Feature Service Replica ASync.
GPExportCache Export pre-rendered tile cache.
GPExportCacheWorker Export pre-rendered tile cache worker.
GPExportMapServerCache Export Map Server Cache.
GPExtent Geoprocessing value object containing an extent value.
GPExtentType Geoprocessing Extent Data Type.
GPFeatureClassDomain Geoprocessing Feature Class Domain.
GPFeatureLayer Geoprocessing value object containing a feature layer value.
GPFeatureLayerType Geoprocessing Feature Layer Data Type.
GPFeatureRecordSetLayer GPFeatureRecordSetLayer Class
GPFeatureRecordSetLayerType Feature Record Set Layer Data Type.
GPFeatureSchema Geoprocessing Feature Schema object.
GPFeatureSolutions Helper object with common geoprocessing feature solutions methods.
GPFeatureSolutionsResult Helper object with common geoprocessing feature solutions results.
GPFieldChoiceList Object for generating field choice list.
GPFieldDomain Geoprocessing Field Domain.
GPFieldInfo Geoprocessing value object describing a set of fields.
GPFieldInfoDomain Geoprocessing Field Info Domain.
GpFieldInfoObject Geoprocessing Field Info object.
GPFieldInfoProperty Geoprocessing value object describing a field.
GPFieldInfoType Geoprocessing Field Info Data Type.
GPFieldMap Geoprocessing Field Map object describing an entry within the Field Map.
GpFieldMapObject Geoprocessing FieldMap object.
GPFieldMapping Geoprocessing Field Map value object.
GpFieldMappingsObject Geoprocessing FieldMapping object.
GPFieldMappingType Geoprocessing Field Map Data Type.
GPFileDomain Geoprocessing File Domain.
GPFunctionName Geoprocessing Function Name object.
GPGdbAnnoDomain Geoprocessing GeoDatabase Annotation Feature Class Domain.
GPGenerateMapServerCache Generate pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer.
GPGenerateMapServerCacheTilingScheme Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme.
GPGroupLayer Geoprocessing Group Layer value.
GPGroupLayerType Geoprocessing Group Layer Data Type.
GPHolder Utility object used to hold onto a geoprocessing object.
GPImportCache Import pre-rendered tile cache.
GPImportCacheWorker Import pre-rendered tile cache worker.
GPImportMapServerCache Import Map Server Cache.
GPINFOExpression Geoprocessing value object containing an INFO expression value.
GPINFOExpressionType Geoprocessing INFO Expression Data Type.
GPJobServer GP Job Server Class.
GPLasDatasetLayer Geoprocessing value object containing a LAS dataset layer value.
GPLasDatasetLayerType Geoprocessing Las Dataset Layer Data Type.
GPLayer Geoprocessing value object containing a layer value.
GPLayersAndTablesDomain The GpLayers and Tables domain object.
GPLayerType Geoprocessing Layer Data Type.
GPLine Geoprocessing value object containing a line geometry.
GPLinearUnit Geoprocessing value object containing a linear unit value.
GPLinearUnitType Geoprocessing Linear Unit Data Type.
GPLineType Geoprocessing Line Data Type.
GPLong Geoprocessing value object containing a long integer value.
GPLongType Geoprocessing Long Integer Data Type.
GPManageMapCacheScales Manage pre-rendered tile cache scales for the Map.
GPManageMapServerCacheTiles Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer.
GPMDomain Geoprocessing M Domain object.
GPMDomainType Geoprocessing M Domain Data Type.
GPMeasureFieldsDomain Object for filtering acceptable measure fields.
GPMosaicLayer Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Value.
GPMosaicLayerType Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Data Type.
GPMultiValue Geoprocessing value object that contains multiple geoprocessing value objects.
GPMultiValueType Geoprocessing Multi-Value Data Type.
GPMultiValueTypeName Geoprocessing Multi-Value Data Type Name.
GPNetCDFWorkspace NetCDFWorkspace Access.
GPNetworkDatasetLayer Network Dataset Layer object.
GPNetworkDatasetLayerType Network Dataset Layer Type object.
GPNumericDomain Geoprocessing Numeric Domain object.
GpObjectArray Geoprocessing Object Array object.
GPParameter Geoprocessing Parameter object.
GPParameterInfo GPParameterInfo Class.
GPParameterInfos GPParameterInfos Class.
GPParseString Helper class used to parse strings based upon a token separator.
GPPoint Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry.
GpPointObject Geoprocessing Point object.
GPPointType Geoprocessing Point Data Type.
GPPolygon Geoprocessing value object containing a polygon geometry.
GPPolygonType Geoprocessing Polygon Data Type.
GPQueryTableFieldsDomain Object for filtering the acceptable fileds for query tables.
GPQueryTableIDsDomain Object for filtering the acceptable ID field for query tables.
GPRAFieldDomain GP Raster Field Domain - Additional handling of shapefile's integer fields.
GPRandomNumberGenerator Geoprocessing value object for producing Random Number Generator values.
GpRandomNumberGeneratorObject Geoprocessing RandomGenerator object.
GPRandomNumberGeneratorType Geoprocessing Random Number Generator Data Type.
GPRangeDomain Geoprocessing Range Domain.
GPRasterBuilder GPRasterBuilder Class
GPRasterBuilderType Raster Builder Data Type.
GPRasterCatalogLayer Geoprocessing value object containing a raster catalog value.
GPRasterCatalogLayerType Geoprocessing Raster Catalog Layer Data Type.
GPRasterData GPRasterData Class
GPRasterDataLayer GPRasterDataLayer Class
GPRasterDataLayerType Raster Data Layer Data Type.
GPRasterDataType Raster Data Type.
GPRasterFormulated Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object.
GPRasterFormulatedType Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object Type.
GPRasterGDBEnvCompression GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object.
GPRasterGDBEnvCompressionType GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object.
GPRasterGDBEnvPyramid GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object.
GPRasterGDBEnvPyramidType GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object.
GPRasterGDBEnvStatistics GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object.
GPRasterGDBEnvStatisticsType GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object.
GPRasterGDBEnvTileSize GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object.
GPRasterGDBEnvTileSizeType GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object.
GPRasterLayer Geoprocessing value object containing a raster layer value.
GPRasterLayerType Geoprocessing Raster Layer Data Type.
GPRasterSchema Geoprocessing Raster Schema object.
GPRecordSet GPRecordSet Class
GPRecordSetType Record Set Data Type.
GPReportCacheStatus Report status information for cached services
GPRepresentationLayerDomain Geoprocessing Representation Layer Domain.
GPResult GPResult Class.
GPResultOptions GPResultOptions Class.
GPRouteDomain Object for filtering route feature classes.
GPRouteIDFieldsDomain Object for filtering acceptable route ID fields.
GPRouteMeasureEventDomain Object for filtering the acceptable measure fields for event locations.
GPRouteMeasureEventProperties Geoprocessing route measure event properties value object.
GPRouteMeasureEventPropertiesType Geoprocessing route measure event properties data type.
GPSAController SA Controller GP Service Task
GPSAGeoDataDomain Geoprocessor GPSA Geo-data Domain.
GPSAGeoDataType Geoprocessor GPSAGeoData object Type.
GPSAWorker SA Worker GP Service Task
GPServer GP Server Class.
GPServerCachingCreateMapCache Create pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer.
GPServerCachingDeleteMapCache Delete pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer.
GPServerCachingManageMapCacheTiles Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the Map.
GPServerCachingManageMapCacheTilesWorker Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the Map.
GPServerCachingValidateMapCacheTiles Validate pre-rendered tile cache for the Map.
GPServerCachingValidateMapCacheTilesWorker Validate pre-rendered tile cache for the Map.
GPServerConfigurationFactory GP Server Configuration Factory Class.
GPServerIP GP Server Message Proxy.
GPServerLP GP Server LAN Proxy.
GPServerObjectDescription GPServerObjectDescription Class.
GPServerProxyHelper GP Server Helper Class.
GPServerSync GP ServerSync Class.
GPServerTrackCancel GP Server Track Cancel Class.
GPSpatialReference Geoprocessing value object containing a spatial reference value.
GPSpatialReferenceType Geoprocessing Spatial Reference Data Type.
GpSpRefObject Geoprocessing Spatial Reference object.
GPSQLExpression Geoprocessing value object containing a SQL expression value.
GPSQLExpressionType Geoprocessing SQL Expression Data Type.
GPString Geoprocessing value object containing a string value.
GPStringHidden Geoprocessing value object containing a hidden string value.
GPStringHiddenType Geoprocessing Hidden String Data Type.
GPStringType Geoprocessing String Data Type.
GPSuggestDefaultScales Suggest pre-rendered tile cache scales for the Map.
GPTableSchema Geoprocessing Table Schema object.
GPTablesDomain The GpTables domain object.
GPTableView Geoprocessing value object containing a table view value.
GPTableViewType Geoprocessing Table view data Type.
GPTerrainLayer Geoprocessing value object containing a terrain layer value.
GPTerrainLayerType Geoprocessing Terrain Layer Data Type.
GPTest GPTest Object.
GPTimeUnit Geoprocessing value object containing a time unit value.
GPTimeUnitType Geoprocessing Time Unit Data Type.
GPTinLayer Geoprocessing value object containing a tin layer value.
GPTinLayerType Geoprocessing Tin Layer Data Type.
GPToolboxEvents2Helper Helper for working with IGPToolboxEvents2.
GPToolboxEventsHelper Helper for working with IGPToolboxEvents.
GPToolboxName Light-weight object referencing a geoprocessing toolbox.
GPToolInfo GPToolInfo Class.
GPToolInfos GPToolInfos Class.
GPToolName Light-weight object referencing a geoprocessing tool.
GPTopologyLayer Geoprocessing value object containing a topology layer value.
GPTopologyLayerType Geoprocessing Topology Layer Data Type.
GPType General Geoprocessing Data Type.
GPUpdateMapServerCache Update pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer.
GPUpdateMapServerCacheScales Update Map Server Cache Tiling Scales.
GPUpgradeCacheStorageFormat Upgrade storage format of pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer.
GPUpgradeCacheStorageFormatWorker Upgrade storage format of pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer.
GPUpgradeMapServerCacheStorageFormat Upgrade map cache storage format.
GPUtilities Helper object with common geoprocessing utility methods.
GPValidateMapServerCacheTiles Manage pre-rendered tile cache for the MapServer.
GPValues GPValues Class.
GPValueTable Geoprocessing value object containing two-dimensional array of geoprocessing value objects.
GpValueTableObject Geoprocessing Value Table object.
GPValueTableType Geoprocessing Value Table Data Type.
GPVariable Geoprocessing Variable object.
GPVariant Geoprocessing value object containing a variant value.
GPVariantType Geoprocessing Variant Data Type.
GpVirtualPathParser InMemory Path Parser.
GPVirtualTableDomain Object for filtering out the virtual tables.
GPWorkspaceDomain Geoprocessing Workspace Domain.
GPXYDomain Geoprocessing XY Domain object.
GPXYDomainType Geoprocessing XY Domain Data Type.
GPZDomain Geoprocessing Z Domain object.
GPZDomainType Geoprocessing Z Domain Data Type.
MdModel A collection of model variables and processes, used to execute multiple geoprocessing tools in some order.
MdModelEventsHelper Helper for working with IMdModelEvents.
MdParameter Model parameter object that references a model variable or contains a value object.
MdProcess Model process object that represents a specific invokation of a particular geoprocessing tool.
MdVariable Model variable object that contains a value object.
ProcessLayer A collection of process layers that behaves like a single layer.
ProcessLayerFactory A factory for creating process layers.
StandaloneCatalogPathParser Standalone Catalog Path Parser.
TaskServicesCatalogPathParser Ready-To-Use (task) Services Catalog Path Parser.
ToolboxWorkspaceExtension Workspace extension to support toolboxes in a geodatabase.
ToolboxWorkspaceFactory Workspace Factory used to open toolbox workspaces.
WCSCatalogPathParser ArcGIS WCS Coverage Path Parser.
WPSServer The WPS Server Object Extension.


Enumeration Description
esriExecutionType Geoprocessing server execution type.
esriGPExtentEnum Geoprocessor Extent types for extent.
esriGPFieldInfoMergeRule Geoprocessing field merge rule type.
esriGPFieldInfoSplitRule Geoprocessing field split rule type.
esriGPFieldMapMergeRule Geoprocessing field map merge rule type.
esriGPParameterDirection Direction of Geoprocessing parameter.
esriGPParameterType Type of Geoprocessing parameter.
esriGPSchemaCellSizeType Cell size type for the populating the output value.
esriGPSchemaExtentType Extent type for the populating the output value.
esriGPSchemaFeatureType Feature type for the populating the output value.
esriGPSchemaFieldsType Fields type for the populating the output value.
esriGPSchemaGeometryType Geometry type for the populating the output value.
esriGPSchemaRasterFormatType Raster format type for the populating the output value.
esriGPSchemaRasterType Raster type for the populating the output value.
esriGPServerMessageCodeEnum Geoprocessing Server message codes.
esriGPTimeIntervalType Internal Time Interval Types.
esriGPToolType Type of geoprocessing tool.
esriMdConnectionType The type of connection/relationship between two model elements.
esriMdDirection The direction of a connection/relationship between two model elements.
esriMdElementState The state of a model element.
esriMdIterationType The model iteration type.
esriMdListType The type of variable.
esriModelDiagramEdgeStyle Model Diagram Edge Style.
esriModelDiagramGridType Model Diagram Grid Type.
esriModelDiagramLayoutQuality Model Diagram Layout Quality.
esriModelDiagramLevelAlignment Alignment types for a model diagram.
esriModelDiagramLevelConstraint Model Diagram Level Constraint.
esriModelDiagramLevelOrientation Model Diagram Level Orientation.
esriModelDiagramNodeShape Model Diagram Node Shape.
esriModelDiagramNodeType Model diagram node types.
esriPortalItemType Portal Item Types.
esriRandomDistributionType Random distribution type
esriRandomNumberGeneratorType Random number generator type
esriRasterDistributionEnum Text types of Raster Radia.
esriWPSHttpVerb .
esriWPSServerMessageCodeEnum WPSServer message codes.