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IGPEnvironmentManager Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geoprocessing > ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing > Interfaces > IG > IGPEnvironmentManager Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Geoprocessing)  

IGPEnvironmentManager Interface

Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing environment management object.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

When To Use

The IGPEnvironmentManager interface provides access to the properties and method of the GPEnvironmentManager object. The GPEnvironmentManager is the managing object for all environments and settings used by the Geoprocessor and its tools. It is passed to each tool for use during Validate() and Execute().


Name Description
Method AddEnvironment Adds the given geoprocessing environment to the environment manager.
Method FindEnvironment Locates and returns the environment with the specified name.
Method GetEnvironments Returns the environments of the environment manager as an array.
Method GetEnvVariant Returns the value of the given environment as a variant.
Method GetLocalEnvironments Returns an array of the environments that have been updated locally.
Read/write property Parent Returns the parent environment manager.
Write-only property PersistAll Indicates whether all environments or only local environments are persisted.
Method PutEnvVariant Sets the value of the given environment to the given variant.
Method RemoveEnvironment Removes the given geoprocessing environment from the environment manager.
Method RemoveEnvironments Removes all environments from the environment manager.
Method SubstituteEnvironments Substitues the values of the given array of parameters with the current environment values.

CoClasses that implement IGPEnvironmentManager

CoClasses and Classes Description
GPEnvironmentManager Environment Manager.

.NET Samples

Calculate area geoprocessing function tool (Code Files: CalculateAreaFunction)

.NET Related Topics

Building a custom geoprocessing function tool