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IARGlobeControl Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > PublisherControls > ESRI.ArcGIS.PublisherControls > Interfaces > IA > IARGlobeControl Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (PublisherControls)  

IARGlobeControl Interface

Provides access to members on the control.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop. Requires Publisher Extension.


The IARGlobeControl interface is a starting point for any tasks related to the ArcReaderGlobeControl. The interface is used to manipulate the ArcReaderGlobeControl object in a number of ways:


Name Description
Method AboutBox Displays a dialog of information about the control.
Read/write property Appearance The appearance of the control.
Read/write property ARConfiguration The ARConfiguration used by the control.
Read-only property ARGlobe The ARGlobe container for the display of globe data.
Read-only property ARGlobeWindowVisible Indicates if the specified control window is visible.
Read-only property ARUnitConverter The ARUnitConverter contained by the control.
Read/write property BorderStyle The border style of the control.
Method CheckDocument Checks the document filename to determine if its a valid Published Map File (*.PMF), published with permission to load into the control.
Method CopyViewToClipboard Copies the current map or page layout view to the clipboard.
Read/write property CurrentARGlobeTool Current active tool for the control.
Read-only property CurrentGlobeViewType The type of current globe view.
Read/write property CustomProperty A property to associate data with a control.
Read-only property DocumentComment A comment about the currently loaded Published Map File (*.PMF).
Read/write property DocumentFilename The file name of the currently loaded Published Map File (*.PMF).
Read/write property Enabled Indicates whether the control can respond to user generated events.
Read/write property EnableFileDrop Indicates whether Published Map Files can be dropped onto the control.
Method ExportView Exports the current view to a file.
Read-only property HasCustomARConfiguration Indicates whether the current PMF is using settings stored in the PMF.
Method HasDocumentPermission Indicates if the currently loaded Published Map File (*.PMF) was published with the specified permission.
Read-only property hWnd Handle to the window associated with the control.
Method LoadDocument Loads the Published Map File (*.PMF) into the control.
Read/write property MousePointer The mouse cursor displayed over the GlobeControl.
Read-only property Object A property that returns the underlying Control.
Method PrintView Send the current map or page layout view to the printer.
Method Refresh Redraws the globe display area.
Method ReloadDocument Reloads the currently loaded Published Map File (*.PMF) back into the control.
Read-only property SelectedARLayer The selected ARLayer in the TOC.
Method ShowARGlobeWindow Shows or hides the specified control window.
Read/write property ShowGlobeTips Indicates the type of tooltips shown on the Globe.
Read/write property SwipeLayer The swipe layer used by the control.
Read/write property TOCVisible Indicates if the Table of Contents (TOC) is visible.
Read/write property TOCWidth The width of the Table of Contents (TOC) in pixels.
Method UnloadDocument Unloads the currently loaded Published Map File (*.PMF) from the control.
Read-only property ViewHeight The height of the Globe View in pixels.
Read-only property ViewLeft The number of pixels between the top of the control and the top of the Globe View.
Read-only property ViewTop The number of pixels between the left edge of the control and the left side of the Globe View.
Read-only property ViewWidth The width of the Globe View in pixels.
Read-only property ViewWindow Handle to the view window associated with the control.

CoClasses that implement IARGlobeControl

CoClasses and Classes Description
ArcReaderGlobeControl Esri ArcReaderGlobeControl