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PublisherControls Library Contents (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
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ArcObjects Library Reference (PublisherControls)  

PublisherControls Library Contents

The PublisherControls library contains two ActiveX controls (the ArcReaderControl and ArcReaderGlobeControl) that aid the creation of customized ArcReader applications.


Interface Description
IARCommandInfo Provides access to members that control the ARCommandInfo.
IARConfiguration Provides access to members that control the ARConfiguration.
IARControl Provides access to members on the control.
IARControlEvents Provides access to events that occur with interaction to the control.
IARFeature Provides access to members that control the ARFeature.
IARFeatureCursor Provides access to members that control the enumerated ARFeatureCursor.
IARFeatureSet Provides access to members that control the ARFeatureSet.
IARGlobe Provides access to members that control the ARGlobe.
IARGlobeControl Provides access to members on the control.
IARGlobeControlEvents Provides access to events that occur with interaction to the control.
IARLayer Provides access to members that control the ARLayer.
IARMap Provides access to members that control the ARMap.
IARPageLayout Provides access to members that control the ARPageLayout.
IARSearchDef Provides access to members that control attribute and spatial search definitions.
IARUnitConverter Provides access to members that control the ARUnitConverter.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
ARCommandInfo ARCommandInfo object.
ArcReaderConfiguration ArcReaderConfiguration contains settings affecting the appearance and behaviour of the control.
ArcReaderControl Esri ArcReaderControl
ArcReaderGlobeControl Esri ArcReaderGlobeControl
ArcReaderSearchDef ArcReaderSearchDef is used to specify spatial and attribute queries.
ARFeature ARFeature object.
ARFeatureCursor ARFeatureCursor object.
ARFeatureSet ARFeatureSet object.
ARGlobe The ARGlobe container for the display of globe data.
ARLayer ARLayer object.
ARMap The ARMap container for the display of map data.
ARPageLayout The ARPageLayout container for the display of a page.
ARUnitConverter ARUnitConverter object.


Enumeration Description
esriARAction Action options.
esriARAppearance Control appearance options.
esriARBorderStyle Control border style options.
esriARCaseAppearance Case appearance options.
esriARDirection Direction options.
esriARDocumentPermissions Published Map File (PMF) document permission options.
esriARExportFormat File export type options.
esriARExtentType Extent type options.
esriARFieldType Field type options.
esriARGlobeTips Control tip options.
esriARGlobeTool Control tool options.
esriARGlobeViewType Globe View type options.
esriARGlobeWindows Control window options.
esriARMousePointer Mouse pointer options.
esriARSpatialRelationship Spatial relationship options.
esriARTool Control tool options.
esriARUnits Measurement unit options.
esriARViewType View type options.
esriARWindows Control window options.