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IAttachedLocator Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Location > ESRI.ArcGIS.Location > Interfaces > IA > IAttachedLocator Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Location)  

IAttachedLocator Interface

Provides access to members that describe the process used to create the feature class.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

When To Use

Use the IAttachedLocator interface to retrieve information about the locator that is attached to a dataset.


Name Description
Read-only property InputFieldNamesList Names of fields in the input table used by the locator.
Read-only property InputJoinFieldName Name of the ObjectID field in the input table.
Read-only property InputTable Table that was located.
Read-only property Locator Locator used to create the feature class.
Read-only property OutputFieldNamesList Names of result fields in the output feature class.
Read-only property OutputJoinFieldName Name of the JoinOID field in the output feature class.
Read-only property OutputTable Feature class that was created.

CoClasses that implement IAttachedLocator

CoClasses and Classes Description
AttachedLocator A locator that is attached to a dataset.


To rematch a geocoded feature class programatically, use the IAttachedLocator interface to retrieve all of the information about the locator that is attached to the dataset. Then, use the IAdvancedGeocoding::RematchTable method with the information from the AttachedLocator to rematch the geocoded feature class.

See Also

LocatorManager Class | IAttachedLocator Interface | AttachedLocator Class | ILocatorManager Interface | ILocatorManager2 Interface | ILocatorAttach2.AttachLocator Method | AttachedLocator Class | ILocatorAttach2 Interface | IAddressGeocoding.MatchTable Method | IAttachedLocator Interface | ILocatorManager Interface | ILocatorManager2 Interface | IAttachedLocator Interface | AttachedLocator Class | ILocatorManager Interface | ILocatorManager2 Interface | IAttachedLocator Interface | ILocatorManager.HasLocatorAttached Method | AttachedLocator Class | ILocatorManager.GetLocatorFromDataset Method

.NET Related Topics

How to rematch a geocoded feature class