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Rotation angle in degrees.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property Rotation As Double
[C#] public double Rotation {get; set;}
HRESULT get_Rotation(
double degrees
HRESULT put_Rotation(
System.Double* degrees
Parameters degrees [in]
degrees is a parameter of type double degrees [out, retval]
degrees is a parameter of type double*
This property controls the rotation of the display. The angle of the rotation is measured in degrees and the rotation occurs around the center of the FittedBounds.
TrackRotate automatically sets this property but if you are using RotateStart / RotateStop, you must do so yourself. RotateStop provides the final angle rotation that should be used with this property.
Setting a new rotation automatically fires the ITransformEvents::RotationUpdated event.
IDisplayTransformation Interface | IScreenDisplay.RotateStop Method | IScreenDisplay.RotateStart Method | IScreenDisplay.RotateMoveTo Method | IDisplayTransformation.Rotation Property | IScreenDisplay.RotateTimer Method