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Provides access to members that control fill symbols.
IFillSymbol is the genereric interface for properties common to ILineFillSymbol, IMarkerFillSymbol, IGradientFillSymbol, ISimpleFillSymbol, and IPictureFillSymbol.
CoClasses and Classes | Description |
The Color property controls the color of the basic fill (SimpleFill, MarkerFill, GradientFill, and so on) and can be set to any IColor object.
The Outline property sets an ILineSymbol object, which is drawn as the outline of the fill symbol. By default, the outline is a solid SimpleLineSymbol, but you can use any type of line symbol as your outline.
Note that the outline is centered on the boundary of the feature, therefore, an outline with a width of 5 will overlap the fill symbol by a visible amount.
IDotDensityFillSymbol Interface | IMarkerFillSymbol Interface | ILineFillSymbol Interface | IGradientFillSymbol Interface | IFillSymbol Interface | IDotDensityFillSymbol2 Interface | IFillProperties Interface | IPictureFillSymbol Interface | IMultiLayerFillSymbol Interface