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IGlobeDisplay Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > GlobeCore > ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore > Interfaces > IG > IGlobeDisplay Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GlobeCore)  

IGlobeDisplay Interface

Provides access to members that manipulate the globe display. Note: the IGlobeDisplay interface has been superseded byIGlobeDisplay3. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


IGlobeDisplay interface provides access to members that control the Globe. IGlobeDisplay interface has the following non-inherited properties and methods:

AdvancedOptions property to access the globe�s data processing and management options, CacheUsage (CachePath, bUpdate ) � current disk cache usage (in Mbytes) for the specified path, CachePath - a true value to the argument bUpdate will update the CacheUsage, EnableMessages � indicates if warning messages and questions related to refreshing a layer or displaying vector data should be enabled, Globe � a container for display and manuiplation of data, ImmediateDataFetching � indicates if pending requests for tiles should complete before navigation, SelectionColor � the selction color selected features show with.

Clear(bRecycleBasicObjects) a method to stop all pending requests for tile fetches - a false value to bRecycleBasicObjects will stop the loading thread in addition, GetSurfaceElevation - finds the elevation (including the highest resolution, if specified)  of the surface at the given longitude and latitude, GetSurfacePoint -returns a point given the x and y position (in local coordinates) of the viewer. In addition, the methods Locate, LocateFeature, LocateMultiple and LocateLayers all return a set of objects hit by the line of sight from the observer location within the window coordinates of xView and yView in the viewer pViewer.



Name Description
Read/write property ActiveViewer The active viewer.
Read/write property AdvancedOptions The data processing and management options.
Read-only property CacheUsage The disk cache usage in Mb (will return the current one if path is empty string).
Method Clear Clear the display objects.
Read/write property CurrentViewer The current viewer.
Read/write property EnableMessages Indicates if the warning and question messages are enabled.
Read/write property EnableRefresh Indicates if refreshing of viewers is enabled.
Method FindViewer Finds the Viewer.
Read/write property GestureEnabled Indicates if the mouse gestures are supported.
Method GetAllViewers Returns all registered Viewers.
Method GetBackgroundColor Returns the background color.
Method GetSurfaceElevation Find the elevation of a point in the given geographical location.
Method GetSurfacePoint Locate a point in the position x,y within the view (x and y in the interval 0-1).
Read/write property Globe The globe container.
Method IdleProcess Run background data preparation and load processes.
Read/write property ImmediateDataFetching Indicates whether in immediate data fetching mode.
Method InitializeGraphicsContext Initializes OpenGL paramaters in current rendering context.
Write-only property IsGroupConsolidated The consolidated option for groups.
Read/write property IsNavigating Indicates if the 3D Display is in navigation mode.
Method Locate Find the object and location in the line of sight.
Method LocateFeature Find the object and location in the line of sight.
Method LocateLayers Find the object and location in the line of sight.
Method LocateMultiple Find the object and location in the line of sight.
Method RefreshTextureObjects Deletes all the textures to force them to reload.
Method RefreshViewers Redraws all viewers.
Method RegisterViewer Adds a viewer to the 3D Display.
Method ReplayFrame Uses the camera to redraw a frame.
Method ResumeTileFetch Resume the data loading process/thread.
Read/write property Scene The scene.
Read/write property SelectionColor The selection color.
Method SetBackgroundColor Sets the background color.
Read-only property ShouldViewerRefresh Indicates if the viewer should be refreshed.
Method StartPrintingExporting Start exporting/printing with an extending cull area.
Method StopPrintingExporting Stop Exporting/printing with extending culling area-- restore defaults.
Method SuspendTileFetch Suspend the data loading process/thread.
Method UnregisterViewer Removes a viewer from the 3D Display.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IViewers3D Provides access to members that control 3D displays.

CoClasses that implement IGlobeDisplay

CoClasses and Classes Description

.NET Snippets

Draw Globe Layers in Correct Order | Zoom to Globe Layer | Create Animation by Interpolating Between Two Keyframes | Toggle Between Surface and Global Navigation Mode | Set Globe Layer Properties | Add Vector Data to Globe | Create Animation from Path | Add Drape Layer to Globe Elevation Surface | Get Geographic Coordinates in Globe | Create Animation from Keyframes | Zoom to 3D Bookmark

.NET Samples

3D dynamic element tracking (Code Files: TrackDynamicObject) | Visualizing the camera path while animating (Code Files: VisualizeCameraPath) | Globe Fly tool (Code Files: Fly) | Effects in the GlobeControl (Code Files: Effects) | Multiple globe viewers (Code Files: MultipleGlobeViewers) | Creating a toolbar of globe tools (Code Files: GeographicCoordinates) | Create camera flyby from path (Code Files: frmCameraPath) | Animation in the GlobeControl (Code Files: Animation)

.NET Related Topics

Animation | Creating a layer animation in globe | GlobeCore | How to animate the camera along a path (line feature) in globe | How to create and zoom to a bookmark in globe | How to get and set the drawing order of layers in globe | How to wire ArcObjects .NET events | How to zoom to selected features in globe