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GlobeCore Library Contents (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > GlobeCore > GlobeCore Library Contents (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GlobeCore)  

GlobeCore Library Contents

The GlobeCore library contains objects for performing analysis of globe data, along with the support for displaying globe data. A control is available in this library for developers to use. A 3DAnalyst extension license is required to work with objects in this library.


Interface Description
ICustomGlobeLayer Provides access to members that define custom globe layers.
IFeatureParameterLayer Provides information about a Parameter Layer.
IGeoVideoLayer Provides access to members that manipulate the georeferenced video layers.
IGlobe Provides access to members that control the globe.
IGlobe2 Extends access to members that control the globe.
IGlobeAdvancedOptions Provides access to the globe data processing and management options.
IGlobeAdvancedOptions2 Provides access to the globe data processing and management options.
IGlobeCamera Provides access to members that manipulate global parameters of the camera.
IGlobeDisplay Provides access to members that manipulate the globe display.
IGlobeDisplay2 Provides access to members that manipulate the globe display.
IGlobeDisplay3 Provides access to members that manipulate the globe display.
IGlobeDisplayEvents Provides access to events that occur when the state of the globe display changes.
IGlobeDisplayLayers Provides access to members that manipulate globe display layers.
IGlobeDisplayLayers2 Provides extended access to members that manipulate globe display layers.
IGlobeDisplayRendering Provides access to members that manipulate globe display rendering.
IGlobeDisplayRendering2 Provides access to members that manipulate globe display rendering.
IGlobeDisplayRendering3 Provides access to members that manipulate globe display rendering.
IGlobeDisplayUtil Provides access to GlobeDisplay utilities.
IGlobeDrawingOrder Provides access to members that control the globe drawing order.
IGlobeGraphicElementPropsStreamArray Provides access to the array of Globe Graphic Elements Properties for XML/SOAP streaming.
IGlobeGraphicsElementProperties Provides access to the Globe Graphics properties.
IGlobeGraphicsLayer Provides access to the Globe Graphics Layer.
IGlobeHeightProperties Provides access to members that manipulate the height properties of a globe layer.
IGlobeHeightProperties2 Provides access to members that manipulate the extended height properties of a globe layer.
IGlobeHelperPub an interface with some standard Globe Utility functions.
IGlobeHelperPub2 an interface with some standard Globe Utility functions.
IGlobeLayer Provides access to members that manipulate the cache-only globe layers.
IGlobeLayerInfo Provides access to the available properties of a globe layer info object.
IGlobeLayerInfo2 Provides access to the available properties of a globe layer info object.
IGlobeLayerInfos Provides access to the Globe Layer Info Collection Interface.
IGlobeLayerProperties Provides access to members that manipulate the globe layer properties.
IGlobeLayerProperties2 Provides access to members that manipulate the globe layer properties.
IGlobeLayerProperties4 Provides access to members that manipulate the globe layer properties.
IGlobeLayerProperties5 Provides access to members that manipulate the globe layer properties.
IGlobeLegendInfo Provides access to the Globe Server Legend Info.
IGlobeLegendInfos Provides access to the Globe Server Legend collection.
IGlobeRasterizedLayerSupport Provides access to members that designate layers to be rasterized using generic draw method.
IGlobeServer Provides access to members that support Globe server operations.
IGlobeServer2 Provides access to the objects used by the Globe server.
IGlobeServer3 Provides access to the objects used by the Globe server.
IGlobeServer4 Provides access to the objects used by the Globe server.
IGlobeServerCache Provides access to members for managing a Globe server layer cache.
IGlobeServerCooker Provides access to members for Generating Tiles with Globe server object.
IGlobeServerFindResult Provides access to the Globe Server Find Result Interface.
IGlobeServerFindResults Provides access to the Globe server find result collection.
IGlobeServerGroupLayer Provides access to the available properties of a globe server group layer object.
IGlobeServerIdentifyResult Provides access to the Globe Server Identify Result Interface.
IGlobeServerIdentifyResults Provides access to the Globe server identify result collection.
IGlobeServerLayer Provides access to the available properties of a globe server layer object.
IGlobeServerLayerFactory Provides access to the available properties of a layer factory for globe server layers.
IGlobeServerObjects Provides access to the objects used by the Globe server.
IGlobeServerSetup Provides access to members for initializing a Globe server.
IGlobeStatInfo Provides access to stats reported by the Globe.
IGlobeTileGenerator Provides access to members that control globe tile generation.
IGlobeTileGenerator2 Provides access to members that control globe tile generation.
IGlobeTileGenerator3 Provides access to members that control globe tile generation.
IGlobeTileGeneratorEx Provides access to members that control globe tile generation.
IGlobeViewer Provides access to members that manipulate the globe viewer.
IGlobeViewer2 Provides access to members that manipulate the globe viewer.
IGlobeViewUtil Provides access to utility methods related to globe coordinates and view.
IKmlChildNodes KML Child Nodes.
IKmlConvertor Provides access to the public Kml Convertor methods.
IKmlConvertor2 Provides access to the public Kml convertor methods.
IKmlLayer Provides information about a KML Layer.
IKmlNode Properties of a of KML Node.
IKmlScreenOverlayDisplay ScreenOverlay Display Status.
IKmlServer Provides access to a method that returns a KMZ file representation of a query of a MapServer object.
ILookAtKmlNode LookAt support for a KML Node.
INavigate3DHookHelper Provides Navigate 3D Input Device Extension access to App's GlobeDisplay and Active SceneViewer.
INavigate3DView Provides access to utility methods which assist in Navigating the 3DView.
ISensorEventsListener ISensorEventsListener Interface

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
AnimationTypeGlobeCamera The globe camera animation coclass.
AnimationTypeGlobeLayer The globe layer animation coclass.
GeoVideoLayer The georeferenced video layer.
GeoVideoLayerFactory The layer factory for GeoVideo layers from .agv files.
Globe A container for the display and manipulation of data in the Globe.
GlobeAdvancedOptions The globe advanced options object.
GlobeCamera The globe camera component.
GlobeCameraKeyframe The keyframe for globe camera animation.
GlobeDisplay The globe display object.
GlobeDocument The GlobeDocument coclass is used to read and write globe document files.
GlobeGraphicElementPropsStreamArray The array of Globe Graphics Element for XML/SOAP streaming.
GlobeGraphicsElementProperties The Globe Graphics Element Properties.
GlobeGraphicsLayer The Globe Graphics Layer.
GlobeHeightProperties The globe layer height properties.
GlobeHelper A class to serve as a utility helper for common functions.
GlobeLayer The cache-only globe layer.
GlobeLayerFactory The layer factory for globe layers from gmx.xml files.
GlobeLayerInfo The Globe Layer Info coclass provides information about a globe layer.
GlobeLayerInfos The Globe Layer Info coclass collection.
GlobeLayerKeyframe The keyframe for globe layer animation.
GlobeLayerProperties The layer extension containing globe layer properties.
GlobeLegendInfo The Globe Legend Info coclass provides information about a globe layer.
GlobeLegendInfos The Globe Legend Info collection coclass.
GlobeServer A Globe Server class that serves Globe Tiles.
GlobeServerConfigurationFactory GlobeServer Configuration Factory Class
GlobeServerCooker The Globe Server Cooker coclass for Generating Tiles with globe server objects.
GlobeServerFindObject Provides programmatic access to a simple globe server layer find results object.
GlobeServerFindResult The Globe Server Find Result coclass provides information about a 'find result'.
GlobeServerFindResults The Globe server find result collection.
GlobeServerGroupLayer Provides access to a globe server group layer.
GlobeServerIdentifyObject Provides programmatic access to a simple globe server layer identify object.
GlobeServerIdentifyResult The Globe Server Identify Result coclass provides information about an 'identify result'.
GlobeServerIdentifyResults The Globe server identify result collection.
GlobeServerLayer Provides programmatic access to a globe server layer.
GlobeServerLayerFactory Provides programmatic access to a globe server layer factory.
GlobeTileGenerator The OnDemand Globe Tile Generator coclass.
GPDeleteGlobeCache Delete pre-rendered tile cache for the GlobeServer.
GPDeleteGlobeServerCache Delete pre-rendered tile cache for the GlobeServer.
GPDeleteSceneCache Delete scene node caches for the SceneServer.
GPExportToKML .
GPGenerateGlobeServerCache Generate pre-rendered tile cache for the GlobeServer.
GPKMLToLayer .
GPLayersToKML .
GPManageGlobeCache Update pre-rendered tile cache for the GlobeServer.
GPManageGlobeCacheWorker Update pre-rendered tile cache for the GlobeServer.
GPManageSceneCache Update scene node caches for the SceneServer.
GPManageSceneCacheWorker Update scene node caches for the SceneServer.
GPMultipatchToCollada .
GPUpdateGlobeServerCache Update pre-rendered tile cache for the GlobeServer.
GPUpdateGlobeServerCache2 Update pre-rendered tile cache for the GlobeServer.
IMSGlobeLayerFactory The layer factory for globe layers from ims globe services.
KmlConvertor The Kml Convertor object.
KmlLayer Esri KML Layer class.
KmlServer The Kml Server Object Extension.
Navigate3DView The 3DView navigator component.
SensorEventsListener SensorEventsListener Class
SpaceNavigatorExtension SpaceNavigatorExtension Class


Enumeration Description
esriGlobeBackgroundOption Background Options for Globe.
esriGlobeCacheUpdateMode Update Mode for Globe Cache
esriGlobeCameraOrientationMode Orientation modes for Globe Camera.
esriGlobeCustomDrawType Types of custom globe layer draw.
esriGlobeDataType Types of internal globe data.
esriGlobeDisplayGridType The Esri Globe Display Grid Type.
esriGlobeGraphicsOrientation The orientation modes for globe graphics layer elements.
esriGlobeImageSamplingMode Sampling/display modes for images.
esriGlobeLayerBaseOption Base Options for Globe Layers.
esriGlobeLayerCacheRemovalOption Cache Removal Options for Globe Layers.
esriGlobeLayerType Add layer types for Globe.
esriGlobeNavigationType Navigation types for Globe Camera.
esriGlobeSpinDirection Spin direction type enumeration.
esriGlobeStat Different possible statistics reported by the globe.
esriGlobeTileMemoryType The Esri Globe Tile Memory Type.
esriGlobeTipsType The Esri Globe's tip types.
esriKmlServerMessageCodeEnum KmlServer Logging Messages.
esriLODType The Esri LOD control types.