Name |
Description |
AlphaThreshold |
Alpha threshold for transparency. |
ApplyDisplayProperties |
Applies the display properties of the layer. |
BaseImageDrawingPriority |
Indicates the drawing priority for images on the globe. |
CacheCompressionType |
The cache compression type. |
CacheID |
Unique layer cache ID. |
CacheIsDangling |
Reports if the cache will be lost if the document is not saved. |
CacheName |
The path to the layer cache. |
CacheRemovalOption |
The cache removal option. |
Connect |
Connect to layer to receive events. |
Disconnect |
Disconnect from layer to stop receiving events. |
EstimateFeatureLODRange |
Suggests LOD range values for the layer. |
EstimateMinimumCellSize |
Suggests the minimum cell size for rasterization. |
EstimateSymbologyScalingFactor |
Suggests the scaling factor of meters-per-point to be applied on symbol sizes during rasterization. |
EstimateThresholdDistanceFromCutLOD |
Suggests the visibility distance that corresponds to given cut-off LOD. |
EstimateThresholdDistances |
Suggests visibility distance range for the layer. |
Extent |
The extent of the layer, including elevation. |
FloatingSeeThroughOrder |
Indicates the see-through order for a floating layer. |
FullCacheOption |
Indicates if the layer should be fully cached. |
GetDistanceThresholdsExt |
Returns distance thresholds for the textures. |
GetExtent |
Calculate the extent of the layer, including elevation. |
GetLossyCompressionOption |
Gets the lossy compression option and compression quality. |
GetPartialLODRange |
Returns LOD range of partial cache generation. |
GlobeDisplay |
The globe display. |
HasOIDs |
Indicates if the feature data has object IDs. |
HeightProperties |
The height properties. |
ImageCatalogCrossoverLevel |
Crossover Level of Detail (0-31) for image catalog layers. |
ImageSamplingMode |
Image sampling mode for display. |
IMSConnection |
The IMS connection, if it exists. |
InitCacheName |
Initializes the cache name. |
InvalidateCache |
Indicates if changes in the properties have made the cache invalid (must be refreshed). |
InvalidatePartialLODRange |
Invalidates LOD range of partial cache generation. |
IsCacheNameValid |
Indicates if the path to the layer cache is valid. |
IsConfigLoaded |
Indicates if the cache config parameters have been loaded from an existing cache. |
IsConsolidatedChild |
Indicates if the cache is consolidated into the parent's. |
IsConsolidatedParent |
Indicates if the group layer cache consolidates some of the children. |
IsDisconnected |
Indicates if the layer is not associated with a data source. |
IsDynamicallyRasterized |
Indicates if the feature data is to be rasterized. |
IsExtruded |
Indicates if the feature data is to be extruded. |
IsFetchingSuspendedWhenNavigating |
Indicates if the layer is visible while interactive navigation. |
IsFullyCached |
Indicates if the layer is fully cached. |
IsInvisibleWhenNavigating |
Indicates if the layer is visible while interactive navigation. |
IsLayerClone |
Indicates if the layer is a clone of the original in Globe. |
IsMapConsolidatedChild |
Indicates if the group layer cache consolidates the child through map rendering. |
IsMapConsolidatedParent |
Indicates if the group layer cache consolidates the children through map rendering. |
IsRasterCatalogCacheConsolidated |
Indicates if a raster catalog has a consolidated cache. |
MasterLayer |
The layer that defines properties for an elevation layer. Null if the layer is its own master. |
MaxCacheSizeLimitMB |
Maximum cache size [MB] as a hint to cache maintenance utilities. If zero, no suggested limit. |
MaxFeatureLevelOfDetail |
Level of Detail (0-31) for feature layers. |
MaximumDistance |
The maximum distance at which the layer is visible. |
maxLOD |
Maximum LOD allowed. |
MinimumCellSize |
Minimum cell size for rasters, in meters. |
MinimumCellSizeDegrees |
Minimum cell size for rasters, in degrees. |
MinimumDistance |
The minimum distance at which the layer is visible. |
minLOD |
Minimum LOD allowed. |
NewCacheName |
The path to the layer cache, with the option to avoid overwriting. |
PerTileVisibility |
Indicates if the visibility threshold is applied per tile. |
PutLossyCompressionOption |
Puts the lossy compression option and compression quality. |
RasterizerUsesOpenGL |
Indicates if a raster catalog has a consolidated cache. |
RasterTileLogSize |
Rasterized vector logarithm tile size. |
RasterTileSize |
Rasterized vector tile size. |
RequestTextureMipmaps |
Indicates whether to request mipmaps when fetching remote texture tables. |
Scale3DSymbols |
Indicates if the the 3D symbols will be scaled with the distance. |
SetDistanceThresholdsExt |
Sets distance thresholds for the textures. |
SetPartialLODRange |
Sets LOD range of partial cache generation. |
StrictOnDemandMode |
Indicates if the tile generation is done strictly on demand. |
SymbologyScalingFactor |
The scaling factor of meters-per-point to be applied on symbol sizes during rasterization. |
TextureCompressionType |
The current texture compression type. |
TextureDisplayType |
The current texture display type. |
TextureDownsamplingFactor |
The texture down-sampling factor. |
Type |
The data type. |
Use16ColorBits |
Indicates whether to use 16 bits for color. |
Use16ElevationBits |
Indicates whether to use 16 bits for elevation. |
UseCache |
Indicates if the layer will use a disk data cache. This property cannot be changed once the layer is initialized. |
ValidateType |
Validates the data type. |
VectorTileSize |
Maximum vector tile size. |