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IMoveGeometryFeedback Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Display > ESRI.ArcGIS.Display > Interfaces > IM > IMoveGeometryFeedback Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Display)  

IMoveGeometryFeedback Interface

Provides access to members that control feedback for moving a group of geometry.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Name Description
Method AddGeometry Adds a geometry to be moved.
Method ClearGeometry Clears all the geometries.
Write-only property Display The display the feedback object will use.
Method MoveTo Move to the new point.
Method Refresh Call this after a refresh to show feedback again.
Method Start Starts a move.
Read/write property Symbol The symbol the feedback object will use.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IDisplayFeedback Provides access to members that control the base display feedback.

CoClasses that implement IMoveGeometryFeedback

CoClasses and Classes Description
MoveGeometryFeedback Display feedback for tracking geometry move.


IMoveGeometryFeedback is implemented by the MoveGeometryFeedback coclass and has three methods, AddGeometry, Start, and ClearGeometry. Other functionality is handled by the inherited IDisplayFeedback interface and its members, MoveTo, Refresh, Display, and Symbol.

AddGeometry is used to add an IGeometry to an existing MoveGeometryFeedback and should be called for each geometry object that you wish to include in the feedback operation.

Start begins the feedback process, taking a starting anchor point (IPoint). This anchor point is used to calculate the delta x and delta y offset the first time MoveTo is called--subsequent offsets being calculated using the current and previous MoveTo points. Geometries cannot be added after Start has been called.

ClearGeometry simply removes any previously added geometries from the feedback but does not remove the feedback itself.

See Also

INewDimensionFeedback Interface | INewEnvelopeFeedback Interface | IMovePointFeedback Interface | IReshapeFeedback Interface | ILineMovePointFeedback Interface | IMovePolygonFeedback Interface | INewBezierCurveFeedback Interface | IResizeEnvelopeFeedback Interface | INewPolygonFeedback Interface | IMoveLineFeedback Interface | INewLineFeedback Interface | INewMultiPointFeedback Interface | IResizeEnvelopeFeedback2 Interface | INewEnvelopeFeedback2 Interface | IStretchLineFeedback Interface | IPolygonMovePointFeedback Interface | IMoveGeometryFeedback Interface | IMoveImageFeedback2 Interface | IMoveImageFeedback Interface | INewCircleFeedback Interface | IMoveEnvelopeFeedback Interface | IVertexFeedback Interface