Name |
Description |
Close |
Closes all rings in this polygon. The resulting polygon may not be simple. |
ConnectedComponentBag |
Creates and returns a geometry bag containing polygons that represent connected components of the original. The rings of the output polygons are references to rings in the original. |
Densify |
Converts this polycurve into a piecewise linear approximation of itself. |
Dimension |
The topological dimension of this geometry. |
Envelope |
Creates a copy of this geometry's envelope and returns it. |
ExteriorRingBag |
Creates and returns a geometry bag that contains references to all exterior rings. |
ExteriorRingCount |
The number of exterior rings. |
FindExteriorRing |
Returns the exterior ring containing the specified interior ring. |
FromPoint |
The 'from' point of the curve. |
Generalize |
Generalizes this polycurve using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. |
GeometryType |
The type of this geometry. |
GeoNormalize |
Shifts longitudes, if need be, into a continuous range of 360 degrees. |
GeoNormalizeFromLongitude |
Normalizes longitudes into a continuous range containing the longitude. This method is obsolete. |
GetConnectedComponents |
Populates an array with polygons that represent connected components of the original. The rings of the output polygons are references to rings in the original. |
GetOutermostComponents |
Populates an array with polygons that represent outermost components of the original and all components within (islands within lakes). The rings of the output polygons are references to rings in the original. |
GetSubcurve |
Extracts a portion of this curve into a new curve. |
InteriorRingBag |
Creates and returns a geometry bag that contains references to all rings that are interior to the specified exterior ring. |
InteriorRingCount |
The number of rings interior to the specified exterior ring. |
IsClosed |
Indicates if 'from' and 'to' points (of each part) are identical. |
IsEmpty |
Indicates whether this geometry contains any points. |
Length |
The length of the curve. |
OutermostComponentBag |
Creates and returns a geometry bag containing polygons that represent outermost components of the original and all components within (islands within lakes). The rings of the output polygons are references to rings in the original. |
Project |
Projects this geometry into a new spatial reference. |
QueryEnvelope |
Copies this geometry's envelope properties into the specified envelope. |
QueryExteriorRings |
Populates an array with references to all exterior rings. This method does not marshall correctly out-of-proc. Use QueryExteriorRingsEx on the IPolygon2 interface instead. |
QueryExteriorRingsEx |
Returns an array of references to exterior rings, up to a maximum of the number requested. |
QueryFromPoint |
Copies this curve's 'from' point to the input point. |
QueryInteriorRings |
Populates an array with references to rings that are interior to the specified exterior ring. This method does not marshall correctly out-of-proc. Use QueryInteriorRingsEx on the IPolygon2 interface instead. |
QueryInteriorRingsEx |
Returns an array of references to rings that are interior to the specified exterior ring, up to a maximum of the number requested. |
QueryNormal |
Constructs a line normal to a curve from a point at a specified distance along the curve. |
QueryPoint |
Copies to outPoint the properties of a point on the curve at a specified distance from the beginning of the curve. |
QueryPointAndDistance |
Finds the point on the curve closest to inPoint, then copies that point to outPoint; optionally calculates related items. |
QueryTangent |
Constructs a line tangent to a curve from a point at a specified distance along the curve. |
QueryToPoint |
Copies the curve's 'to' point into the input point. |
ReverseOrientation |
Reverses the parameterization of the curve ('from' point becomes 'to' point, first segment becomes last segment, etc). |
SetEmpty |
Removes all points from this geometry. |
SimplifyEx |
Same as ITopologicalOperator::Simplify, but with some additional options that affect performance and how the interior is classified. |
SimplifyPreserveFromTo |
Simplifies the polygon and maintains the index location of the from/to point of each ring. |
SimplifySpaghetti |
Simplifies a polygon but doesn't assume that rings need to be explicitly closed. |
Smooth |
Converts this curve into a smooth curve containing only Bezier curve segments. |
SnapToSpatialReference |
Moves points of this geometry so that they can be represented in the precision of the geometry's associated spatial reference system. |
SpatialReference |
The spatial reference associated with this geometry. |
SplitAtDistance |
Introduces a new vertex into this polyline at a specified distance from the beginning of the polyline. |
SplitAtPoint |
Introduces a new vertex into this polyline at the location on it closest to the input point. |
ToPoint |
The 'to' point of the curve. |
Weed |
Generalizes using a small tolerance based upon either the system units of the geometry's spatial reference, or the geometry's bounding box. |