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This document is archived and information here might be outdated. Recommended version. |
A collection of rings ordered by their containment relationship; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes.
Use the ISupportErrorInfo method InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo to determine if the object supports extended error information. If the object supports extended error info, VC++ developers should use the OLE/COM IErrorInfo interface to access the ErrorInfo object. Visual Basic developers should use the global error object Err to retrieve this extended error information.
Interfaces | Description |
IArea | Provides access to members that return properties common to rings and polygons. |
IArea3D | Provides access to members that return properties common to MultiPatches. |
IAreaGeodetic | Provides access to members that calculate ellipsoidal area of polygons using various perimeter densification methods. |
IClone (esriSystem) | Provides access to members that control cloning of objects. |
IConstructCurve | Provides access to members that construct a curve using other geometries and measures. |
IConstructCurve2 | Provides access to members that construct a curve using other geometries and measures. |
ICurve | Provides access to properties and methods of all 1 dimensional curves (polylines, segments, boundaries of polygons, etc.). |
ICurve3D | Provides access to members that define operations common to curves with Zs. |
IGeometry | Provides access to members that describe properties and behavior of all geometric objects. |
IGeometry2 | Provides access to members that extend the IGeometry interface with a more sophisticated projection method. |
IGeometry3 | Provides rapid access to a geometry's extent in the x-y plane. |
IGeometry4 | Provides access to methods that indicate if a geometry has been changed (edited, projected, etc). |
IGeometry5 | Provides access to members that extend the IGeometry interface with a more sophisticated projection method. |
IGeometryCollection | Provides access to members that can be used for accessing, adding and removing individual geometries of a multi-part geometry (Multipoint, Polyline, Polygon, MultiPatch, and GeometryBag). |
IHitTest | Provides access to members that locate a part of a geometry closest to a point. |
IHitTest3D | Provides access to members that locate a part of a geometry closest to a point. |
IMAware | Indicator interface that identifies geometric objects that can have persistent M values attached to their vertices. |
IMCollection | Provides access to members that control operations on M-aware multipoints, polylines, polygons and multipatches. |
IMSegmentation | Provides access to members for defining an M-based linear coordinate system on a polyline or polygon. |
IMSnap | Provides access to a method that snaps ms of the geometry to the precision of the spatial reference associated with the geometry. |
IPersist (esriSystem) | |
IPersistStream (esriSystem) | |
IPointCollection | Provides access to members that manipulate the points of a Multipoint, Path, Ring, Polyline, Polygon, TriangleFan, TriangleStrip, or MultiPatch. |
IPointCollection4 | Provides access to members that manipulate the points of a Multipoint, Path, Ring, Polyline, Polygon, TriangleFan, TriangleStrip, or MultiPatch. |
IPointIDAware | Indicator interface that identifies geometries that can have persistent point ID values attached to coordinates. |
IPolycurve | Provides access to members that define operations common to polylines and the boundaries of polygons. |
IPolycurve2 | Provides access to members that extend IPolycurve with additional splitting and densification methods. |
IPolycurve3D | Provides access to members that define operations common to polycurves with Zs. |
IPolycurveGeodetic | Provides various geodetic operations on curves. |
IPolygon | Provides access to members that identify a polygon and permit controlled access to its inner and outer rings. |
IPolygon2 | Provides access to members that extend the IPolygon interface. |
IPolygon3 | Provides access to members that extend the IPolygon2 interface. |
IPolygon4 | Provides access to members that extend the IPolygon3 interface. |
IPolygon5 | Provides additional operations on polygons. Note that IPolygon5 does not inherit from IPolygon4. |
IProximityOperator | Provides access to members that find the 2D distance between two geometries. |
IProximityOperator3D | Provides access to members that find the 3D distance between two geometries with Zs. |
IRelationalOperator | Provides access to members that determine if a certain spatial relationship exists between two geometries. |
IRelationalOperator2 | Additional relational functions. |
IRelationalOperator3D | Provides access to members that determine if a certain spatial relationship exists between two geometries with Zs. |
IRelationalOperator3D2 | Provides access to members that determine if a certain spatial relationship exists between two geometries with Zs. |
ISegmentCollection | Provides access to members that manipulate the segments of a path, ring, polyline, or polygon. |
ISpatialIndex2 | Provides access to members that create a temporary spatial index for improving performance of "Disjoint" and some other relational operators. |
ISupportErrorInfo (esriSystem) | |
ITopologicalOperator | Provides access to members for constructing new geometries based upon topological relationships between existing geometries. |
ITopologicalOperator2 | Provides access to members that extend the ITopologicalOperator interface. |
ITopologicalOperator3 | Provides additional information on non-simple geometries. |
ITopologicalOperator4 | Provides additional information on non-simple geometries. |
ITopologicalOperator6 | . |
ITransform2D | Provides access to methods for transforming geometries using either specific parameters or arbitrary transformation objects (affine transformations, geographic transformations, etc.). |
ITransform3D | Provides access to methods for transforming 3D geometries using either specific parameters or arbitrary transformation objects. |
IXMLSerialize (esriSystem) | Provides access to members that XML serialize and deserialize an object to/from XML. |
IZ | Provides access to members that identify geometric objects that can have 3D coordinates and defines operations on such objects. |
IZ2 | Provides access to additional members that identify geometric objects that can have 3D coordinates and defines operations on such objects. |
IZAware | Indicator interface that identifies geometries that can have persistent Z values attached to their vertices. |
IZCollection | Provides access to operations on Z-aware geometries. |
private static object _missing=Type.Missing;
public static IGeometry GetPolygonGeometry()
const double RingVertexCount=9;
const double RingDegrees=360.0;
const double VectorComponentOffset=0.0000001;
const double RingRadius=5;
IPoint[] centerPointArray=new IPoint[5];
centerPointArray[0]=ConstructPoint3D(7.5, 7.5, 7.5);
centerPointArray[1]=ConstructPoint3D(-7.5, -7.5, 7.5);
centerPointArray[2]=ConstructPoint3D(0, 0, 0);
centerPointArray[3]=ConstructPoint3D(7.5, -7.5, -7.5);
centerPointArray[4]=ConstructPoint3D(-7.5, 7.5, -7.5);
IGeometryCollection geometryCollection=new PolygonClass();
for (int i=0; i < centerPointArray.Length; i++)
IPoint centerPoint=centerPointArray[i];
IPointCollection outerPointCollection=new RingClass();
IPointCollection innerPointCollection=new RingClass();
IVector3D upperAxisVector3D=ConstructVector3D(0, 0, 10);
IVector3D lowerAxisVector3D=ConstructVector3D(0, 0, -10);
lowerAxisVector3D.XComponent += VectorComponentOffset;
IVector3D normalVector3D =
upperAxisVector3D.CrossProduct(lowerAxisVector3D) as IVector3D;
double rotationAngleInRadians =
GetRadians(RingDegrees / RingVertexCount);
for (int j=0; j < RingVertexCount; j++)
-1 * rotationAngleInRadians, upperAxisVector3D
centerPoint.X + normalVector3D.XComponent,
centerPoint.Y + normalVector3D.YComponent,
ref _missing, ref _missing
centerPoint.X + 0.5 * normalVector3D.XComponent,
centerPoint.Y + 0.5 * normalVector3D.YComponent,
ref _missing, ref _missing
ref _missing, ref _missing
ref _missing, ref _missing
ICurve innerCurve=innerPointCollection as ICurve;
outerPointCollection as IGeometry,
ref _missing, ref _missing
innerPointCollection as IGeometry,
ref _missing, ref _missing
MakeZAware(geometryCollection as IGeometry);
ITopologicalOperator topologicalOperator =
geometryCollection as ITopologicalOperator;
return geometryCollection as IGeometry;
private static IPoint ConstructPoint3D(double x, double y, double z)
IPoint point=ConstructPoint2D(x, y);
return point;
private static IPoint ConstructPoint2D(double x, double y)
IPoint point = new PointClass();
point.PutCoords(x, y);
return point;
private static void MakeZAware(IGeometry geometry)
IZAware zAware=geometry as IZAware;
private static IVector3D ConstructVector3D(
double xComponent, double yComponent, double zComponent
IVector3D vector3D=new Vector3DClass();
vector3D.SetComponents(xComponent, yComponent, zComponent);
return vector3D;
private static double GetRadians(double decimalDegrees)
return decimalDegrees * (Math.PI / 180);