ArcObjects Library Reference (Display) |
ISimpleFillSymbol Interface
Provides access to members that control the simple fill symbol.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.
ISimpleFillSymbol is used to create a fill symbol comprised of a predefined set of styles. The available styles are provided by the esriSimpleFillStyle enumeration. Use the IFillSymbol interface to set additional properties for ISimpleFillSymbols.
It is strongly recommended to not use any Style other than esriSFSSolid. All of the remaining style enumerations can be accomplished using other fill symbol types such as ILineFillSymbol, or by specifying IColor::NullColor for hollow symbols.
Name |
Description |
![Read/write property](bitmaps/ReadWrite.gif) |
Color |
Fill color. |
![Read/write property](bitmaps/ReadWrite.gif) |
Outline |
Line symbol of fill outline. |
![Read/write property](bitmaps/ReadWrite.gif) |
Style |
Fill style. |
Inherited Interfaces
Interfaces |
Description |
IFillSymbol |
Provides access to members that control fill symbols. |
CoClasses that implement ISimpleFillSymbol
CoClasses and Classes |
Description |
SimpleFillSymbol |
A fill symbol comprised from a predefined set of styles. |
.NET Snippets
Create Simple Fill Symbol |
Draw Polygon |
Flash Geometry |
Create Line Callout |
Add Graphic to Map
.NET Samples
3D multipatch examples (Code Files:
ElementUtilities) |
Editing using a custom form (Code Files:
MainForm) |
Custom UI elements using add-ins (Code Files:
AddGraphicsTool) |
Executing geoprocessing tools in the background (Code Files:
RunGPForm) |
Geoevents in a MapControl (Code Files:
GeoEvents) |
Creating a toolbar of globe tools (Code Files:
PolygonElement) |
Building a MapViewer application using the ArcGIS Engine controls (Code Files:
MapViewer) |
Create a custom default raster renderer (Code Files:
RasterRendererMaker_1bit_TIFF_VBNET) |
Triangle graphic element (Code Files:
TriangleElementClass TriangleElementTool) |
Create a custom tool (Code Files:
DrawGraphicLine) |
Retrieve a color ramp from the SymbologyControl (Code Files:
SymbolForm) |
Draw text on a MapControl (Code Files:
.NET Related Topics
Building a map viewing application using the ArcGIS Engine controls |
Create a custom tool |
Defining a renderer for a layer |
DisplayUI |
How to create a raster unique value renderer |
How to draw a polygon on the screen |
How to draw a rectangle on the screen |
How to make a line callout |
Implementing persistence