Name |
Description |
CloneGeoTransformationDefaults |
Returns a clone of the geotransformation defaults. |
ConstructHighPrecisionSpatialReference |
Constructs a high precision spatial reference based on an existing spatial reference. xy/z/mDoubler is the number of times the respective precision is to be doubled. A value of zero will find the maximum doubling for that precision. |
ConstructLowPrecisionSpatialReference |
Construct a low precision spatial reference with the same scale factor as the high precision input, but with a different domain extent. If the calculated domain extent cannot cover the specified data extent, an error is returned. |
CreateDatum |
Creates a predefined datum. |
CreateESRISpatialReference |
Creates a spatial reference system and defines it from the specified ESRISpatialReference buffer. |
CreateESRISpatialReferenceFromPRJ |
Creates a spatial reference from a PRJ string. |
CreateESRISpatialReferenceFromPRJFile |
Creates a spatial reference from a PRJ file. |
CreateESRISpatialReferenceInfo |
Creates a spatial reference system and defines it from the specified ESRISpatialReference buffer. |
CreateESRISpatialReferenceInfoFromPRJ |
Creates a spatial reference from a PRJ string. |
CreateESRISpatialReferenceInfoFromPRJFile |
Creates a spatial reference from a PRJ file. |
CreateFromAreaName |
Creates a coordinate system from the human-readable 'area name' of the coordinate system. |
CreateGeographicCoordinateSystem |
Creates a predefined geographic coordinate system. |
CreateGeoTransformation |
Creates a predefined transformation between geographic coordinate systems. |
CreateParameter |
Creates a predefined parameter. |
CreatePredefinedAngularUnits |
Creates a list of predefined angular units. |
CreatePredefinedDatums |
Creates a list of a list of predefined datums. |
CreatePredefinedGeographicTransformations |
Creates a list of predefined geographic transformations. |
CreatePredefinedLinearUnits |
Creates a list of predefined linear units. |
CreatePredefinedPrimeMeridians |
Creates a list of predefined prime meridians. |
CreatePredefinedProjections |
Creates a list of predefined projections. |
CreatePredefinedSpheroids |
Creates a list of predefined spheroids. |
CreatePredefinedVerticalCoordinateSystems |
Creates a list of predefined vertical coordinate systems. |
CreatePredefinedVerticalDatums |
Creates a list of predefined vertical datums. |
CreatePrimeMeridian |
Creates a predefined prime meridian. |
CreateProjectedCoordinateSystem |
Creates a predefined projected coordinate system. |
CreateProjection |
Creates a predefined projection. |
CreateSpatialReference |
Creates a predefined spatial reference from an srID. |
CreateSpheroid |
Creates a predefined spheroid. |
CreateUnit |
Creates a predefined unit of measure. |
CreateVerticalCoordinateSystem |
Creates a predefined vertical coordinate system from an enumeration or ID code. |
CreateVerticalCoordinateSystemFromESRISpatialReference |
Creates a vertical coordinate system from its string format. |
CreateVerticalDatum |
Creates a predefined vertical datum from an enumeration or ID code. |
ExportESRISpatialReferenceInfoToPRJFile |
Exports a spatial reference to a PRJ file. |
ExportESRISpatialReferenceToPRJFile |
Exports a spatial reference to a PRJ file. |
FindTransformation |
Returns a suitable geotransformation for a given pair of GCS. The extent is not used presently. |
FindTransformations |
Returns suitable geotransformations for a given pair of GCS. |
GeoTransformationDefaults |
Returns a list of default geographic transformations. |
GeoTransformationFallback |
Enables/disables the geographic transformations fallback mechanism. Default is False. |
GetAreaNames |
Returns a set of predefined coordinate system names, and optionally the coordinate systems themselves. |
GetPredefinedGeographicTransformations |
Returns a list of predefined geographic transformations. |
ReplaceGeoTransformationDefaults |
Replaces content of the existing list of default transformations with the content from pSource. |
UseShapePreservingProject |
Enables/disables shape preserving project. Default is False. |
UseShapePreservingProjectEx |
Enables/disables shape preserving project using the input minimum segment length and maximum deviation parameters for convergence. Default is False. |