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IViewRefresh Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Carto > ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto > Interfaces > IV > IViewRefresh Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

IViewRefresh Interface

Provides access to members that are useful for refreshing views.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Name Description
Method AnimationRefresh Use to quickly redraw a phase that has it's own cache, i.e., a tracking layer. Tradeoffs are made to ensure fast redrawing at the expense of quality.
Method AnimationRefreshShape Use to quickly redraw a phase that has it's own cache, i.e., a tracking layer. Tradeoffs are made to ensure fast redrawing at the expense of quality. See PartialRefreshShape for more info.
Read-only property Drawing Indicates whether the view is currently drawing or not.
Method PartialRefresh Draws the specified view phase. Use an envelope of zero to draw the entire phase.
Method PartialRefreshShape Refreshes the specified shape on the specified view phase. Use symbolSizePoints to indicate point and line sizes.
Read/write property ProgressiveDrawing Indicates whether the view should progressively update the window during drawing. False means just update the window once when all rendering is complete.
Method Refresh Causes the entire view to draw.
Method RefreshCaches Reallocate the display caches. Causes a full redraw. Normally caches are automatically maintained. Use this sparingly when programatically changing attributes that affect caching such as ILayer::Cached flag.
Method RefreshItem Use to redraw a specific item and the content above it. When adding items to the view (i.e., layers or graphics). Refresh can be optimized by only drawing the newly added items.

CoClasses that implement IViewRefresh

CoClasses and Classes Description
Map A container for the display and manipulation of map data.
PageLayout Page Layout class contains maps and map surrounds.

.NET Samples

Move a graphic along a path in ArcMap (Code Files: MapGraphicKeyframe)