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3DAnalyst Library Contents (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
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ArcObjects Library Reference (3DAnalyst)  

3DAnalyst Library Contents

The 3DAnalyst library contains objects for performing 3D analysis of data, along with the support for displaying 3D data. A control is available in this library for developers to use. A 3DAnalyst extension license is required to work with objects in this library.


Interface Description
I3DProperties Provides access to members that control three-dimensional properties.
I3DProperties2 Provides additional access to members that control three-dimensional properties.
I3DProperties3 Provides additional access to members that control three-dimensional properties.
I3DViewer Provides access to members that conrtrol the 3D viewer.
IAnimationTrack Provides access to animation tracks.
IAnimationTracks Provides access to members that control the scene animation tracks.
IAnimationType Provides access to the animation type objects.
IAVIExporter Provides access to members that are associated with the AVI exporter.
IBasicScene Provides access to basic members of the scene.
IBasicScene2 Provides access to basic members of the scene.
IBillboardDisplay Provides access to members that affect billboard display of symbols.
IBookmark3D Provides access to members than control bookmarks in 3D.
IBookmarkToKeyframe Provides access to methods to convert Bookmarks in Keyframes.
ICamera Provides access to members that manipulate the camera.
ICamera2 Provides access to members that manipulate the camera.
ICamera3 Provides access to members that manipulate the camera.
ICharacterMarker3DSymbol Provides access to members that control the 3D marker symbol.
IExportColladaFile Exports Multipatch to Collada.
IFeature3DProperties Provides access to members that control feature filtering in a scene.
IFeature3DProperties2 Provides access to members that control feature filtering in a scene.
IGeneralMultiPatchCreator Provides access to manage the creation of a GeneralMultiPatch.
IGeometryMaterial Provides access to Material properties.
IGeometryMaterialList Provides access to a list of objects implementing IGeometryMaterial.
IGraphicsContainer3D Provides access to members that manipulate the graphics container.
IGraphicsSelection Provides access to members that select 3D graphics.
IHit3D Provides access to members that control information about a hit in 3D picking.
IHit3DSet Provides access to members that control the set of Hit3D objects resulting from a 3D picking.
IImport3DApplication Provides access to an application to create 3D General Multipatches.
IImport3DFile Provides access to a file used to create 3D General Multipatches.
IImport3DFile2 Provides access to a file used to create 3D General Multipatches.
IImport3DFileRoots Provides access to a roots in a file used to create 3D General Multipatches.
IKeyframe Provides access to keyframe of animated objects.
ILayerRenderers Provides access to members that expose the renderers of a layer.
ILine3DPlacement Provides access to members that control the simple 3D line symbol origin.
IMarker3DPlacement Provides access to members that control the simple 3D marker symbol origin.
IMarker3DSymbol Provides access to members that control the 3D marker symbol.
IMessageDispatcher Provides access to members for manipulating message queue and keeping track of cancellation.
IQuickTimeExporter Provides access to members that are associated with the QuickTime exporter.
IRasterSurface Provides access to members that manipulate and analyze a raster surface.
IScene Provides access to members that control the scene.
ISceneBookmarks Provides access to members that control the scene bookmarks.
ISceneBookmarks2 Provides access to members that control the scene bookmarks.
ISceneExporter3d Provides access to members that are associated with exporting a 3D scene.
ISceneGraph Provides access to members that control and manipulate the scene graph.
ISceneGraph2 Provides access to members that control and manipulate the scene graph.
ISceneGraphEvents Provides access to events that occur when the state of the scene graph changes.
ISceneGraphEventsDisp Provides access to events that occur when state of scene graph changes.
ISceneGraphLayerEvents Provides access to events that occur when the state of the scene graph layer changes.
ISceneGraphLayerEventsDisp Provides access to events that occur when state of scene graph layer changes.
ISceneRenderer Provides access to members that control scene rendering.
ISceneRendererEvents Provides access to events that occur when a scene is rendered.
ISceneVideoExporter Provides access to members that are associated with exporting a 3D scene animation to video.
ISceneViewer Provides access to members that conrtrol the scene viewer.
ISceneViewer2 Provides access to members that conrtrol the scene viewer.
ISimpleLine3DSymbol Provides access to members that control the simple 3D line symbol.
ISimpleMarker3DSymbol Provides access to members that control the simple 3D marker symbol.
IStereoCamera Provides access to members that manipulate the stereo camera.
ISxAnimationEnvironment Provides access to members that control the Animation Environment.
ISxAnimationEnvironment2 Provides access to members that control the Animation Environment.
ITextureFillSymbol Provides access to members that control the texture fill symbol.
ITextureLineSymbol Provides access to members that control the texture line symbol.
IVideoExporterProperties Provides access to members that are associated with exporting a video.
IViewers3D Provides access to members that control 3D displays.
IVRMLExporter Provides access to members that are associated with the VRML exporter.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
AnimationTrack The Animation Track coclass.
AnimationTypeCamera The Camera Animation Type coclass.
AnimationTypeLayer The Layer Animation Type coclass.
AnimationTypeScene The Scene Animation Type coclass.
AVIExporter An exporter to AVI video format.
Basic3DProperties Basic scene filter encapsulating three-dimensional properties.
Bookmark3D The 3D bookmark coclass.
Camera The Esri camera component.
CharacterMarker3DSymbol 3D Character Marker Symbol component.
ExportColladaFile Multipatch to Collada Exporter.
Feature3DProperties Three-dimensional scene filter for features.
GeneralMultiPatchCreator The General MultiPatch Creator component.
GeometryMaterial The Geometry Material component.
GeometryMaterialList The Geometry Material List component.
GraphicsLayer3D A 3D Graphics Layer.
Hit3D A container for information regarding a hit in 3D picking.
Hit3DSet The set of hits resulting from a 3D picking operation.
Import3DFile Import 3D File component.
LayerKeyframe The Esri LayerKeyframe coclass.
Marker3DSymbol 3D Marker Symbol component.
MessageDispatcher A mechanism for manipulating message queue.
QuickTimeExporter An exporter to QuickTime video format.
Raster3DProperties Three-dimensional scene filter for a raster.
RasterSurface The Esri raster surface component.
Scene A container for the display and manipulation of data.
SceneGraph A container for recording data and events that occur in a scene.
SceneGraphEvents Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound ISceneGraphEvents interface in VB.
SceneGraphLayerEvents Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound ISceneGraphLayerEvents interface in VB.
SceneKeyframe The scene keyframe coclass.
SimpleLine3DSymbol Simple 3D Line Symbol component.
SimpleMarker3DSymbol Simple 3D Marker Symbol component.
SxAnimationEnvironment 3D Animation Manager Environment.
TextureFillSymbol Texture Fill Symbol component.
TextureLineSymbol Texture Line Symbol component.
Tin3DProperties Three-dimensional scene filter for TINs.
VRMLExporter An exporter to VRML format.


Enumeration Description
esri3DAxis The Esri transformation specification options.
esri3DFaceCulling The Esri face culling options.
esri3DMarkerType The Esri 3D marker types.
esri3DOutputImageType Output image format options.
esri3DProjectionType The Esri 3D projection modes.
esri3DServerType The Esri 3D server types.
esriBaseOption The Esri base height options.
esriCameraMovementType The Esri Camera movement directions.
esriColladaExportErrorReturnCodes Collada Export Erorr Return Codes.
esriDisplayType The Esri Display mode.
esriExtrusionType The Esri extrusion type options.
esriEyeType The Esri Eye view type.
esriRenderMode The Esri rendering mode.
esriRenderVisibility The Esri rendering visiblity options.
esriSceneGeomNodeType Scene graph geometry node type options.
esriSceneNodeType Scene graph node type options.
esriScenePickMode Scene graph picking options.
esriSceneTraversalFlag Scene graph recursive-traversal flag options.
esriSimple3DLineStyle Simple 3D line styles.
esriSimple3DMarkerStyle Simple 3D marker styles.
esriStereoViewType The Esri Stereo view types.
esriTextureFormatType Esri texture format types.