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I3DProperties Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > 3DAnalyst > ESRI.ArcGIS.Analyst3D > Interfaces > I3 > I3DProperties Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (3DAnalyst)  

I3DProperties Interface

Provides access to members that control three-dimensional properties. Note: the I3DProperties interface has been superseded byI3DProperties3. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires 3D Analyst Extension.


Name Description
Method Apply3DProperties Applies 3D properties.
Read/write property BaseExpressionString The base expression string.
Read-only property BaseName The name of the base surface.
Read/write property BaseOption The base option.
Read/write property BaseSurface The base surface.
Read/write property DepthPriorityValue The drawing priority to be applied to a layer when in the same location than others.
Read/write property ExtrusionExpressionString The extrusion expression string.
Read/write property ExtrusionType The extrusion type.
Read/write property FaceCulling The face culling mode.
Read/write property Illuminate Indicates if areal features are illuminated.
Read/write property MaxRasterColumns The maximum number of columns for a raster elevation grid.
Read/write property MaxRasterRows The maximum number of rows for a raster elevation grid.
Read/write property MaxTextureMemory The maximum texture memory a layer can use.
Read/write property OffsetExpressionString The offset expression string.
Read/write property RenderMode The rendering mode.
Read/write property RenderRefreshRate The rendering refresh rate.
Read/write property RenderVisibility The render visibility option.
Read/write property SmoothShading Indicates if smooth shading is enabled.
Read/write property ZFactor The z factor.

CoClasses that implement I3DProperties

CoClasses and Classes Description
Basic3DProperties Basic scene filter encapsulating three-dimensional properties.
Feature3DProperties Three-dimensional scene filter for features.
Raster3DProperties Three-dimensional scene filter for a raster.
Tin3DProperties Three-dimensional scene filter for TINs.


Use the properties and the method of this interface to manage the 3D properties of a data layer in scene. 

.NET Samples

3D multipatch examples (Code Files: GraphicsLayer3DUtilities)

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