arcgissamples\editing\—ArcObjects 10.4 Help for Java | ArcGIS for Desktop
Buffer snap agent
/* Copyright 2015 ESRI
* All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
* and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
* You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or
* without modification, provided you include the original copyright
* notice and use restrictions.
* See the use restrictions at <your ArcGIS install location>/DeveloperKit10.4/userestrictions.txt.
 package arcgissamples.editing;


import com.esri.arcgis.carto.FeatureCache;
import com.esri.arcgis.carto.IFeatureLayer;
import com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMap;
import com.esri.arcgis.controls.EngineEditor;
import com.esri.arcgis.controls.IEngineSnapAgent;
import com.esri.arcgis.controls.IEngineSnapAgentCategory;
import com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IFeature;
import com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IFeatureClass;
import com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IGeometry;
import com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IPoint;
import com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IProximityOperator;
import com.esri.arcgis.geometry.Point;
import com.esri.arcgis.geometry.Polygon;
import com.esri.arcgis.geometry.esriGeometryType;
import com.esri.arcgis.geometry.esriSegmentExtension;
import com.esri.arcgis.interop.AutomationException;

 The Buffer Snap agent is based on a buffer
 around the points of the first editable point feature class.
 A buffer of 1000 map units is created and if the next point feature created
 is within the tolerance it is snapped to the buffer ring.
public class BufferSnapAgent implements IEngineSnapAgent,
    IEngineSnapAgentCategory {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  private EngineEditor editor;

  private IFeatureClass golfFeatureClass;

  private FeatureCache cache;

  private boolean once = true;

  public BufferSnapAgent() {
    try {
      this.editor = new EngineEditor();
    } catch (Exception e) {

  public String getName() throws IOException, AutomationException {
    return "Buffer Snap Agent";

  public boolean snap(IGeometry arg0, IPoint point, double tolerance)
      throws IOException, AutomationException {

        if (golfFeatureClass == null || editor == null)
          return false;

        if (golfFeatureClass.getShapeType() != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
          return false;

        //Check if a feature cache has been created.
        if (once)
          cache = new FeatureCache();
          once = false;

        //Fill the cache with the geometries.
        //It is up to the developer to choose an appropriate value
        //given the map units and the scale at which editing will be undertaken.
        fillCache(golfFeatureClass, point, 10000);

        IProximityOperator proximityOp = (IProximityOperator)point;
        double minDist = tolerance;

        Point cachePt = new Point();
        Point snapPt = new Point();
        Polygon outPoly = new Polygon();

        IFeature feature;
        int index = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < cache.getCount(); i++)
          feature = cache.getFeature(i);
          cachePt = (Point)feature.getShape();

          //Set the buffer distance to an appropriate value
          //given the map units and data being edited
          outPoly = (Polygon) cachePt.buffer(1000);

          double distance = proximityOp.returnDistance(outPoly);
          if (distance < minDist)
            index = i;
            minDist = distance;

        //Make sure minDist is within the search tolerance.
        if (minDist >= tolerance)
          return false;

        //Retrieve the feature and its part again.
        feature = cache.getFeature(index);
        cachePt = (Point)feature.getShape();

        //Set the buffer distance to an appropriate value
        //given the map scale and data being edited
        outPoly = (Polygon)cachePt.buffer(1000);
        snapPt = (Point)outPoly.returnNearestPoint(point,esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension);

        //Since point was passed in ByValue, we have to modify its values instead.
        //of giving it a new address.
        point.putCoords(snapPt.getX(), snapPt.getY());

        return true;


  private void fillCache(IFeatureClass FClass, IPoint pPoint, double Distance)
      throws IOException, AutomationException {
    cache.initialize(pPoint, Distance);

  private void getFeatureClass() throws IOException, AutomationException {
    IMap map = editor.getMap();
    IFeatureLayer featLayer = (IFeatureLayer) editor.getTargetLayer();

    // Search the editable layers and set the snap feature class to the
    // point layer.
    for (int i = 0; i < map.getLayerCount(); i++) {
      if (featLayer == null)

      if (featLayer.getFeatureClass().getShapeType() != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint) {
      } else {
        golfFeatureClass = featLayer.getFeatureClass();

  public String getCategory() throws IOException, AutomationException {
    return "Custom Snap Agents (Java)";
