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IGlobeDisplayLayers Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.8 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > GlobeCore > ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore > Interfaces > IG > IGlobeDisplayLayers Interface
ArcGIS Developer Help

IGlobeDisplayLayers Interface

Provides access to members that manipulate globe display layers. Note: the IGlobeDisplayLayers interface has been superseded by IGlobeDisplayLayers2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


IGlobeDisplayLayers interface provides access to members that affect a layers property. IGlobeDisplaylayers interface has the following properties and methods:

BaseLayers � an array containing internal layers used as a source of elevation for Floating Layers, IsLayerVisible � indicats if a layer is visible, and LayerTransparency  � transparency value of the layer between 0 to 100.


ApplyHeightProperties method to apply hieght property (including offset, unit conversion and elevation expression) to a layer, FindGlobeLayerProperties a method to find GlobeLayerProperties, RefreshLayer refreshes a layer (regenerates the layer cache).


Name Description
Method AddLayer Adds a layer.
Method ApplyHeightProperties Applies changes in height properties to the layer.
Read-only property BaseLayers The internal layers created to support base surfaces for floating layers.
Method CalculateLayerExtent Calculates the extent of a layer in Globe spatial reference.
Method ConfigureBaseLayer Configures the globe properties for a possible base surface layer.
Method FindGlobeProperties Finds the globe properties of the layer.
Write-only property FloatingOrder The drawing order of floating layers.
Method GenerateTiles Generates the tiles in the specified levels of detail.
Method GetMaximumLayerLOD Gets the maximum level of detail to display the layer.
Write-only property ImageDrawingPriority The drawing priority for image layers in the base globe.
Write-only property ImageSamplingMode The resampling option for image layers.
Write-only property IsLayerVisible Indicates if the layer is visible.
Write-only property LayerTransparency Transparency percentage of a layer.
Read-only property ParentsAreVisible Indicates if all parents are visible.
Write-only property PerTileVisibility The per-tile visibility option for layers.
Method RefreshLayer Refreshes a layer, possibly including recaching.
Method RefreshLayerSelection Refreshes the display of the selection in a layer.
Method RefreshTextureObjectsLayer Deletes all the textures corresponding to a layer and to force them to reload.
Method RemoveLayer Removes a layer.
Method Reparent Re-parents the layer.
Write-only property Scale3DSymbols Indicates if the 3D symbols in a layer are scaled down with distance.
Method SetLayerDepthPriority Sets face depth priority of a layer.
Method SetLayerFaceCulling Sets face culling property of a layer.
Method SetLayerLightingOption Indicates if the layer is illuminated.
Method SetLayerShadingMode Indicates if the layer is smoothly shaded.

Classes that implement IGlobeDisplayLayers

Classes Description
GlobeDisplay The globe display object.